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Old 17-09-2014, 13:25   #91
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: It's not so smart to have a 'smart meter'

Margaret P, I am not saying anything like the above which I suspect you already know.
I'm all for freedom of choice based on facts. Have a smart meter, don't have a smart meter your choice, what I can't stand however are the ones (of which I know you aren't one) that come on site and spread unproven conspiracy in some strange attempt to dissuade/frighten others from using them.
I realise you were trying to spread oil on stormy water, my water doesn't need it there isn't a ripple on my little pond caused by these rumour mongers. I will continue to use and work with what I know to be safe no matter how desperate they are to be proved right.
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Old 17-09-2014, 14:05   #92
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Re: It's not so smart to have a 'smart meter'

oh dash......'sussed' again.
Yes you are right......and I know there will be no qualms for you as you work in the field of electronics and understand it far better than many of us.....however, as time goes by we learn things about humans and how things affect us......we still know pretty little about how the human brain works(!).......and what i was trying to put over(and seemingly failing) was that some things which cause no harm to some humans, may have the potentiall to affect spite of what 'experts' tell us.

We have to let others make a choice about what they believe...and in essence you are agreeing with that.......but a healthy dose of scepticism does no harm.
Whatever others say, I think that most of us make our own minds up about things.
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Old 17-09-2014, 14:22   #93
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Re: It's not so smart to have a 'smart meter'

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
oh dash......'sussed' again.
Yes you are right......and I know there will be no qualms for you as you work in the field of electronics and understand it far better than many of us.....however, as time goes by we learn things about humans and how things affect us......we still know pretty little about how the human brain works(!).......and what i was trying to put over(and seemingly failing) was that some things which cause no harm to some humans, may have the potentiall to affect spite of what 'experts' tell us.

We have to let others make a choice about what they believe...and in essence you are agreeing with that.......but a healthy dose of scepticism does no harm.
Whatever others say, I think that most of us make our own minds up about things.
Yes Margaret, I do understand SOME THINGS can have a detrimental effect on one person and not another, there are places when electricity is being used no human being should be present, we aren't talking domestic situations we are talking industrial, unfortunately those that gain a little knowledge exaggerate a combination of the two to cause misrest and misinformation for the gullible.

A smart meter is just that, similar devices doing different tasks are in use in just about every working environment in the world, people aren't dying because of it because the dangerous stuff is kept well away from unqualified people because they don't need it.

I'm not in need of a smart meter, I think it's over use of the technology, but if someone calls to fit one I won't give a monkies, however I see no need to spread stupid rumours about it being bad for my health, because it isn't.
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Old 17-09-2014, 18:07   #94
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Re: It's not so smart to have a 'smart meter'

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Yes Margaret, I do understand SOME THINGS can have a detrimental effect on one person and not another, there are places when electricity is being used no human being should be present, we aren't talking domestic situations we are talking industrial, unfortunately those that gain a little knowledge exaggerate a combination of the two to cause misrest and misinformation for the gullible.

A smart meter is just that, similar devices doing different tasks are in use in just about every working environment in the world, people aren't dying because of it because the dangerous stuff is kept well away from unqualified people because they don't need it.

I'm not in need of a smart meter, I think it's over use of the technology, but if someone calls to fit one I won't give a monkies, however I see no need to spread stupid rumours about it being bad for my health, because it isn't.
I have worked on high power radar and other systems for the major portion of my adult life. Yes, there is a danger to human life if safety rules/equipment are not used correctly. There is radiation from all electronic equipment and one must not forget the magnetic fields that are created around every cable/wire carrying electricity - even the kettle or hairdryer causes a magnetic field to be created.
The only way to escape these "threats to health/life" is to remain inside a Faraday Cage and have no electricity whatsoever inside that cage. What a life that would be
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Old 17-09-2014, 18:13   #95
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Re: It's not so smart to have a 'smart meter'

Originally Posted by Barrie Yates View Post
The only way to escape these "threats to health/life" is to remain inside a Faraday Cage and have no electricity whatsoever inside that cage. What a life that would be
Canaries and budgies seem happy enough.
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Old 17-09-2014, 18:14   #96
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Re: It's not so smart to have a 'smart meter'

Originally Posted by Barrie Yates View Post
I have worked on high power radar and other systems for the major portion of my adult life. Yes, there is a danger to human life if safety rules/equipment are not used correctly. There is radiation from all electronic equipment and one must not forget the magnetic fields that are created around every cable/wire carrying electricity - even the kettle or hairdryer causes a magnetic field to be created.
The only way to escape these "threats to health/life" is to remain inside a Faraday Cage and have no electricity whatsoever inside that cage. What a life that would be
Well no it wouldn't be a life, but if they can encourage others to suffer alongside them...
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Old 17-09-2014, 19:16   #97
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Re: It's not so smart to have a 'smart meter'

Originally Posted by Barrie Yates View Post
I have worked on high power radar and other systems for the major portion of my adult life.
Just out of curiosity, has it managed to kill you yet?
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Old 17-09-2014, 22:51   #98
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Re: It's not so smart to have a 'smart meter'

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Just out of curiosity, has it managed to kill you yet?
Not quite but as it is just over 50 years since I worked on my first radar transmitter - that particular one did in fact kill one chap, cooked him from inside too out, it has been said that I do occasionally glow in the dark - usually after 4 or 5 doses of GlenMorange
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Old 18-09-2014, 00:31   #99
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Re: It's not so smart to have a 'smart meter'

i cant get my head around these smart meters im way too busy trying to get my soul back out of the camera that stole it
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 18-09-2014, 08:14   #100
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Re: It's not so smart to have a 'smart meter'

Originally Posted by Barrie Yates View Post has been said that I do occasionally glow in the dark - usually after 4 or 5 doses of GlenMorange
My favourite

As regards hacking a wireless signal to assess occupancy, it would never work in my house. The only time consumption is low is when I'm home alone, and I've turned off the lights, TVs and computer gear off that the kids left on when they exited the house.

As regards the health hazards of wireless links, once you accept that wireless data comms are there for convenience, all arguments (for and against) get diluted. We do a lot of stuff that generates unnecessary risk to our health, but we put up with it for convenience. We drive* instead of walking. We microwave processed food instead of cooking it fresh. We use insecticide instead of cultivating bug predators. Almost everything we do has a risk factor involved, and we consciously or subconsciously calculate the "return" on that risk.

I'd suggest to the people that are getting upset about the health effects of the miniscule radiation from smart meters should probably consider the health benefits to vulnerable people who no longer have to allow meter readers access to their home, specifically the fake ones with ulterior motives.

* You can't win with this one: I sometimes walk instead of driving, as it's inconvenient to get the car out, and just walking to Tesco generates risk.
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Old 18-09-2014, 09:09   #101
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Re: It's not so smart to have a 'smart meter'

A interesting read for anyone who is interested in the exposure to wireless radiation.

Telecom Company?s Patent Admits: Non-Thermal Exposures To Wireless Radiation Is ?Genotoxic?, Causes ?Clear Damage to Hereditary Material? « Stop Smart Meters! (UK)
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Old 18-09-2014, 09:22   #102
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: It's not so smart to have a 'smart meter'

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer View Post
You went for an unbiased opinion? Not one where the propaganda would suit the websites wishes?

Of course you did.
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Old 18-09-2014, 09:57   #103
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Re: It's not so smart to have a 'smart meter'

Originally Posted by Less View Post
You went for an unbiased opinion? Not one where the propaganda would suit the websites wishes?

Of course you did.
I doubt that you ever read the unbiased opinion in the link I provided

- a medical practitioner with no vested interest other than the health of his patients

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Old 18-09-2014, 10:08   #104
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Re: It's not so smart to have a 'smart meter'

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
I doubt that you ever read the unbiased opinion in the link I provided

- a medical practitioner with no vested interest other than the health of his patients
Of course he won't m

Based upon our nation’s experience with other industries like "tobacco and asbestos", the Wireless Industry will likely delay taking action to reduce harm until it is faced with product liability settlements. Unfortunately, it may take a while before such cases are successful since the Industry has co-opted many scientists, and the scientific literature has mixed findings that enable industry experts to confuse the courts
Taking pics of some of the places you see is DANGEROUS . I do not condone or encourage breaking the law or unsafe behavior.

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Old 18-09-2014, 13:21   #105
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Re: It's not so smart to have a 'smart meter'

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer View Post
Of course he won't m

Based upon our nation’s experience with other industries like "tobacco and asbestos", the Wireless Industry will likely delay taking action to reduce harm until it is faced with product liability settlements. Unfortunately, it may take a while before such cases are successful since the Industry has co-opted many scientists, and the scientific literature has mixed findings that enable industry experts to confuse the courts
I stopped opening her links when she put absolute proof that microwave ovens could kill. Some fancy professor she claimed that knew everything.
The only death reported in the link was after a nurse mistakenly heated blood for a transfusion in the oven. Hardly the microwaves fault if it's used incorrectly is it?
All electronic devices can be used incorrectly and if repaired incorrectly by a non competent person can become lethal.
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Last edited by Less; 18-09-2014 at 13:25.
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