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Old 09-01-2007, 06:21   #1
Resting in Peace
jaysay's Avatar

Its Rubbish

Nice to see that our Government are coming up with another way of taxing us even more, It appears that all the houshold rubbish that we don't recycle may now be wieghed and we will will be charged so much per Kl for them to take it away. Every time we pick up a local news paper there are articles about fly tipping not only in Hyndburn, but every other district in East Lances. Maybe the Telegraph will start to bring out a "Fly Tipping Special" once a week, because if this government do bring this into force fly tipping will go through the roof.
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Old 09-01-2007, 07:42   #2
Resident Waffler

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Re: Its Rubbish

There was a spokesperson last night on TV who said that it won't cost us any more because the refuse charges will no longer be included in the Council Tax so our Council Tax would go down - don't hold your breath on that one.

Another thing which someone said was that in Britain we householders generate far more rubbish than in any other European country. Excuse me, who generates the rubbish? Do we sit in our front rooms manufacturing the stuff? Stuff comes with rubbish attached. Everything we buy brings its own collection of rubbish with it. Why isn't the government tackling the issue at source and insisting that manufacturer reduce the amount of packaging pn their items. Does a non-breakable item really need to have moulded polystyrene around it inside a wrapper inside a box inside another wrapper which is then wrapped again or bagged before we can even get the thing home? Do packs/bags/boxes have to be so much larger than the thing they contain and then have the extra space filled with rubbish?

We recycle as much as possible but we still end up with a awful lot of non-recyclable junk. Just at the mo we've got a lot of cardborad boxes which we've compacted and flattened and squished into other cardboard boxes but the main boxes doing the containing are held together by tape which is non-recylable.Are we going to get into trouble for putting our recyclable cardboard into something which is only partially recyclable?

It's a nightmare!!!!

Last edited by WillowTheWhisp; 09-01-2007 at 07:45.
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Old 09-01-2007, 09:00   #3
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Re: Its Rubbish

I reckon there should be bins at teh supermarkets where we can offload any surplus packaging. When teh supermarkets have to apy for it to be removed they will soon think twice about whether it really needs that box around it.

I'm also surprised there isn't more use of biodegradable 'plastic' to wrap foodstuffs in. We have washing 'tabs' whose 'plastic' dissolves in water, why can't anything currently wraped in plastic be wrapped in this stuff. when you finnished with it leave it in your water butt/toilet/old bath water. and they are gone in minutes.

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Old 09-01-2007, 09:03   #4
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Re: Its Rubbish

Donkeys years ago we had biodegradable carrier bags - whatever happened to those?

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Old 09-01-2007, 09:08   #5
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Re: Its Rubbish

YOu mean 'paper'

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Old 09-01-2007, 09:11   #6
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Re: Its Rubbish

No we had plastic looking ones that didn't disintigrate in the rain but would compost if put in the compost bin. The TSB gave a load away to customers. I had loads at one time. They didn't have the same shiny surface as a normal carrier bag.

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Old 09-01-2007, 09:12   #7
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Re: Its Rubbish

this recycleing crap is getting way out of hand infact its getting to the point where it is becoming a part time job the ammount of time you have to spend washing this and sorting that

the way things are going all that is going to happen is that peopel are going to put bags of rubbish in the car and simply throw them down the side of whinni hill

i know i will fly tip rather than pay to have it taken away infact HBC shoudl be thankfull i aint doing it right now

either PAY ME for storing their boxes, bags and the washing of tins etc or get convicts to do it at the tip

my biggest gripe is that WE are supposed to do all the work sorting and storing recycable goods and the people who own the tip/recycling plants are getting rich for doing basicly sod all

screw them, if the govenment wants to save the planet make the manufacturers use different methods for packaging or better still make companies stop putting a 2 inch item in a 3 foot box with 20 plastic ties holding it in place
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Old 09-01-2007, 11:40   #8
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Re: Its Rubbish

here here!! well said chav1
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Old 09-01-2007, 12:10   #9
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Re: Its Rubbish

Spot on Chav. Better get the monthley invoice for hours and labour ready for the council finance officer. Its easier to beat Mr n Mrs Public than Mr J Company and his cronnies.

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Old 09-01-2007, 12:35   #10
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Re: Its Rubbish

I was warned about the chips in the bins when they first appeared, they are used to weigh the amount or waste you do not recycle. In some Greater London Boroughs, charges have already been introduced for every kilo over the allowed amount of useless waste.
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Old 09-01-2007, 14:25   #11
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Re: Its Rubbish

Whoever proposed that one appears dumber than a bagfull of hammers!

While it is good to recycle, I certainly would do not want to see the proposed policy into place where I live. It would really encourage folks to use improper methods (and places) to dispose of waste.

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Old 09-01-2007, 15:14   #12
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Re: Its Rubbish

I heard a good comment about this on the radio yesterday which was...

How could they possibly charge you for the weight of your rubbish when the issue for landfill is the volume of rubbish, his example was..

a brick and a same size piece of polystyrene take up same space but the weight difference is immense!!!

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Old 09-01-2007, 15:27   #13
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Re: Its Rubbish

I think the worst offenders for fly tipping are small businesses, who have to pay to take their rubbish to the tip.

Most of the fly tipping I see dumped seems to consist of builders rubble or decorator's waste.
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Old 09-01-2007, 15:45   #14

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Re: Its Rubbish

Originally Posted by Ianto.W. View Post
I was warned about the chips in the bins when they first appeared, they are used to weigh the amount or waste you do not recycle.
No they are not. We have had this debate before. They are used solely to ID your bin as yours. Any weighing is done by the bin wagon, not the chip.

I agree Willow about the rubbish that all our goods come packed in. I was amazed at the amount of cardboard I took of the several multi packs of yoghurt's that we got from asda yesterday. Most of them were joined together anyway. I am not sure if it more eco friendly to use recyclable cardboard for the job or shrink-wrapped plastic, anyone know?

The post from Jaysay sounds remarkably like a conversation I had with Peter Britciffe a few months ago, he also thought that charging for household waste by weight would create more fly tipping. Lets hope he does not change his mind or our streets will be littered.
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Old 09-01-2007, 15:50   #15
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Re: Its Rubbish

At this rate they are going to need to employ more pest tipping = vermin.
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