05-08-2023, 07:17
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2009
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It's that time of the year....
It looks like soccer season is here again, the clue to this being the number of threads currently on Accyweb that come under that umbrella. My question is, and I ask this with the utmost respect, where do all these correspondents go to in the ‘off’ season? Again with the utmost respect (not wanting to ruffle anyone’s feathers or upset any apple carts) I am now daring to ask if all these very knowledgeable Stanley contributors to the site go into hibernation when the round ball sport is being given a rest.
While I appreciate the pleasure that the sport gives dedicated followers and supporters, and in no way am I knocking this, I am sure all you contributors to the footie threads on here also have other topics you are interested in that could be shared, discussed and debated, both during and outside the football season, thus helping to bring this site back to what it once was. That would be so good if it happened. So how about it…..