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Old 14-10-2009, 15:52   #1
Resting in Peace
jaysay's Avatar

I've been summoned

When Postie came this morning there was a brown envelope (government issue) behind the door, I always look at the address on the flap, but was taken aback when it sad Court Service. Opening it sheepishly it appears I have been summoned to appear on a Jury, not, seems your picked at random from the electoral roll. I filled the form in the part which says why I wouldn't be able to take up their kind invitation

Mind you the exes aren't bad

up to and including 4 hours on the first 10 days £31-56p per day
on the 11th day to 200th day for 4 hours £63-12 per day
201st day and all subsequent days 110-12 per day

More than 4 ours in the first 10 days £63-12
11th day to the 200th day more than 4 hours £126-25 per day
201st day and all subsequent days 221-63p per day

plus £5-55p a day allowance up to 10 hours
over 10 hours £11-83p a day

looks like crime does pay
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Old 14-10-2009, 15:57   #2
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Re: I've been summoned

I don't remember getting anything like that in expenses when i did mine .....mind you it was over 20 years ago ...
I did my jury service just 6months after turning 18... I loved it, but now I just wonder if at that age you have enough life experience... I sure didn't have enough.. I would jump at the chance to do it again...
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts"
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Old 14-10-2009, 16:12   #3
Passed away 25-11-09
West Ender's Avatar

Re: I've been summoned

I've always wanted to do Jury service but have never been chosen. I only want to do it because I am very, very nosey but I'd probably get something very dull anyway, to serve me right.

It's odd, though, that I and one of my brothers have not been picked but my eldest brother did it twice.
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
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Old 14-10-2009, 16:26   #4
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Re: I've been summoned

I did jury service about 17 years ago at what is now the UK Supreme Court. I did three trials, stretching into three weeks. Allowing for inflation, I don't think the money was quite as good but I do recall I spent the best part of the period chatting up this gorgeous blond wench who did two of the trials with me. All to no avail, unfortunately - one of the few who got away.
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Old 14-10-2009, 17:37   #5
I am Banned

Re: I've been summoned

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
When Postie came this morning there was a brown envelope (government issue) behind the door, I always look at the address on the flap, but was taken aback when it sad Court Service. Opening it sheepishly it appears I have been summoned to appear on a Jury, not, seems your picked at random from the electoral roll. I filled the form in the part which says why I wouldn't be able to take up their kind invitation

Mind you the exes aren't bad

up to and including 4 hours on the first 10 days £31-56p per day
on the 11th day to 200th day for 4 hours £63-12 per day
201st day and all subsequent days 110-12 per day

More than 4 ours in the first 10 days £63-12
11th day to the 200th day more than 4 hours £126-25 per day
201st day and all subsequent days 221-63p per day

plus £5-55p a day allowance up to 10 hours
over 10 hours £11-83p a day

looks like crime does pay
My expenses were nowt like that, could'nt claim loss of wages, Fire Brigade paid. 1st day is spent fiddling expenses and form filling.

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Old 14-10-2009, 18:05   #6
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Re: I've been summoned

I did Jury Service last year Jaysay. It can be boring or interesting in the extreme's. Take a good book, I'd recommend one by an old author, Fred Engles; Condition of the Working Classes it's called or something that will keep you from boredom such as The Entire Works of a chap called Marks.

You go an hour early on the Monday. You are all isolated. About 24 of you. Here will be about 4 cases. If they all plead guilty then you return Tuesday. It takes till about 1pm to resolve what is happening.

If one pleads not guilty then a jury is required. Some choose not guilty simply because the sentence is too much for themnot to contest it in hope so you get 4 days of lies and excuses. You'll be sat around for 2 hours before all the prelims are heard and a jury requested. They pick numbers, 16 from 24. Then you enter the court and they pick numbers again, 12 from 16. If your are not part of the 12 you still have to wait in the waiting room all week just in case or if another jury is required.

You will be group 1 on week 1. Another group of 24 will be on their week 2 and will form a 2nd jury.

I was picked in the 12 on both weeks. One was a pedophile. Simple case. He did it and played on her admission of promiscuity and her sexual demands. Guilty, under age. The 4 day case was tiring as his arguments went on and on and on with the barristers calling for this adjournment and that adjournment. Felt like like musical chairs.

The other was violence by a lad in Ossy who had his lies and mates lies to back him up. More interesting as it needed to be unravelled. Drug dealer, violent thug on Thwaites Road. We found him guilty and suspected more to it. They read out his previous and it was a long list. We were all pleased we had found him guilty.

The day finished about 4.30 every day.

For those unlucky not to get selected it was 6 hours locked in a room in which the chairs are uncomfy and there is a portable TV with 5 channels.
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Old 14-10-2009, 18:09   #7
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Re: I've been summoned

Originally Posted by g jones View Post
and there is a portable TV with 5 channels.

Hope they have remembered to attach a freeview box or it won't have any channels
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Old 14-10-2009, 19:11   #8
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Re: I've been summoned

Is it the same for pensioners
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Old 14-10-2009, 19:15   #9
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Re: I've been summoned

My mates just done a fortnight at Burnley Crown Court wasn't used once, one bit of good news Burnley pay parking charges a lot don't
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Old 14-10-2009, 19:21   #10
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Re: I've been summoned

Got called twice, both times couldn't do it. First a letter from doctor, second time a letter from my employers stating i was needed. I hope i don't get called a third time, as i don't fancy it.

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Old 14-10-2009, 21:09   #11
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Re: I've been summoned

I got a pittance for my stint which was in the last ten years, i was glad when it finished two weeks later but enjoyed the experiance.
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Old 14-10-2009, 21:38   #12
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Re: I've been summoned

Originally Posted by West Ender View Post
I've always wanted to do Jury service
So had I, Westender and was delighted when I received my summons last year.

Originally Posted by g jones View Post
I did Jury Service last year Jaysay. It can be boring or interesting in the extreme.

For those unlucky not to get selected it was 6 hours locked in a room in which the chairs are uncomfy and there is a portable TV with 5 channels.
Sadly, this was my experience. I did not get to sit on a case but was holed up in a room, the likes of which poor Anne Frank and her family were incarcerated in, for a fortnight.
I was in there with 12 others from 10am until 12. We were then allowed 2 hours off (to do what???) and then had to return from 2pm-4.30 when we were dismissed. Hideous.
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs, cackling and telling me
'You'll be next.' They stopped when I started doing the same to them at funerals.
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Old 15-10-2009, 00:22   #13
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Less's Avatar
Re: I've been summoned

Originally Posted by g jones View Post
Take a good book,
I do hope you're joking here, no wonder so many crooks get away with it!

I'd love to do Jury Service, (just for the experience), but they never seem to get to the double U's, when they send these thing's out.
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Old 15-10-2009, 01:44   #14
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Re: I've been summoned

Originally Posted by g jones View Post
Take a good book,
Good advice , one time I took a biography of General Franco , kept it with the dustjacket face-up during jury selection questioning , got the impression that it was no problem with the DA , but the Public Defender waived me .
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Old 15-10-2009, 04:41   #15
Resting in Peace

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Re: I've been summoned

I have done Jury service 6 times upto now 2 in Preston and 4 in Burnley i was jury foreman on 3 occasions
Believe it or not one of the cases that came up was the theft of 1 can of larger
have done a murder trial and a child rape case the guy in the dock was the spitting image of Jim Bowen
The others where burglary in colne and fight in the street at Nelson
was called onto another murder case at Preston but it was then adjourned for 2 months so was not on that.
Just one point if you happen to get on a big case be prepared to be there for weeks my father did jury service at Lancaster castle and the case lasted 6 weeks

Last edited by Mick; 15-10-2009 at 07:04.
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