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Old 10-10-2008, 19:20   #31
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Re: ive just got my post

I know this is dragging up an old thread but I received my post at 5.30 pm today - it hardly ever arrives before dinnertime but this is the latest it has ever been delivered. Cheered my youngest son up though, he's been waiting for a parcel all week and had given up on it when he got home from school and thought we'd had no post.
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Accrington Web
Old 13-10-2008, 16:03   #32

Re: ive just got my post

is that you mr kubie or is it lukas maximus
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Old 15-10-2008, 21:25   #33
MovedtoBolton's Avatar

Re: ive just got my post

Question: Is there a genuine reason why the public decry the now common later delivery of mail? What advantage does one get form receiveing main so early as opposed to receiving mail at sometime during the working day, not to mention Saturday morning when many of us see this as part of the weekend rest period?

Once upon a time Royal Mail had an objective for each foot delivery postman to have posted the last letter in the bag by 09:30. There are many commercial reasons why they have moved to longer, later delivery spans all of which make good business sense with the apparent exception of customer satisfaction. So what is it about the early delivery that appeals. Real benefit OR traditional expectation? Over to you...
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Old 15-10-2008, 21:40   #34
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: ive just got my post

personally i prefer early cos it gives ya time to ring/ sort owt that needs to be done, if its too late n ya have my memory.......................
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 15-10-2008, 21:57   #35
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Re: ive just got my post

Originally Posted by MovedtoBolton View Post
. So what is it about the early delivery that appeals. Real benefit OR traditional expectation? Over to you...
Seem to remember in the bad owd days before post codes had ever been dreamt of that it was possible to post a letter /card (envelope marked 'Local' ) in the morning and there was a good chance it would be delivered in the afternoon post , This was in the days when the Post Office was operated for the benefit of the customers .
The sorry assed excuse that mail takes longer these days is because more mail is processed is a load of tosh, people probably still get the same amount of proper mail these days even though no one writes letters anymore , the biggest problem is junk mail being delivered every day instead of being 'bundled' and delivered once a week.
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Old 16-10-2008, 08:07   #36
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Re: ive just got my post

As recently as the 80's local first class mail was extracted from early collections and delivered on the second delivery. However increases in posted mail volumes it became impossible to get all local mails back to the local office in time to ensure that all local mails got the same level of service. The advent of new generation sorting machines and improvements in national networks meant that very little mail (an average of only 11 letters per delivery) was hitting the second delivery and these were invariably second class letters. Simple maths dictated that if you were paying the postman 2 hours wages to deliver mail with a revenue value of only a couple of quid at best - Royal Mail had to do something about it. They did initially attempt to reinstate the earlier standard of the 09:30 last letter but this would have meant reducing the vast majority of postmen to part time contracts. Of course there are many part timers there now but also many full timers were retained as a result of getting all the days mail into one longer delivery.

Source of my evidence... 20 years service as a postman then supervisor then senior manager in Accrington and across the North West.

Last edited by MovedtoBolton; 16-10-2008 at 08:13.
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