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Old 09-01-2011, 10:56   #46
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Re: Jack Straw, Racist or Correct?

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
perhaps with single mothers etc. .
That is one of the most crass remarks made in todays society. Many single mothers are not there by choice. I was lucky ( unlucky ? ) in that I became a single Dad. It's not until you actually get involved in that environment that you realise many single mothers are just that because of the way selfish people treat them and leave them in that position.

Yes there are the steroetype young single mum's out there, but there are also a lot of kids with both parents present who really don't give a damn on the way they bring them up.
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Old 09-01-2011, 10:58   #47
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Re: Jack Straw, Racist or Correct?

Originally Posted by BERNADETTE View Post
Why is it ok to target young girls who happen to be out at night??? Why is it ok for Asian men to groom these girls??? The fact is this is child abuse and no amount of excuses can change that fact
Quite agree.

A victim (from Blackburn) has just been interviewed on BBC 1.

She was targeted at the ice rink, and her other friends had first been approached at the cinema, or in the shopping centre.

Young girls should have the freedom to socialise with their friends.

It's these men who need taking off the streets and locking up, not their child victims.
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Old 09-01-2011, 11:03   #48
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Re: Jack Straw, Racist or Correct?

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
Spot on Bernie. I'm male, I see females dressed in all sorts of skimpy clothing, I don't go out plying them with drugs and alchohol and raping them. It's not difficult to understand whats right and wrong is it
Good to know that the majority of us can identify with the the trurh about this horrendous behaviour but it does make so angry when I read posts trying to excuse it Time to stop trying to make excuses or casting blame in any direction other than at the vile things that think it is ok to abuse young girls
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Old 09-01-2011, 11:07   #49
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Re: Jack Straw, Racist or Correct?

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
...perhaps with single mothers etc.
My own mother was brought up by her war widowed single mum.

My mum sometimes went to the pictures as a teenager, and occasionally walked home if she didn't have the bus fare back.

If she'd been raped or attacked, there'd probably been some similarly ignorant fool who'd say she'd been asking for it.

Teenagers should have freedom, and a safe society to grow up in.

It's the vile abusers who are in the wrong, not their victims.
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Last edited by garinda; 09-01-2011 at 11:11.
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Old 09-01-2011, 11:08   #50
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Re: Jack Straw, Racist or Correct?

Thanks for the information. I believe that the Police are becoming too politically correct and will often back a black/asian person against a white - for fear of being called Racist. This issue was covered on program this morning "The Big Question" that Police are becoming too politically correct when it comes to race. I know they are from experience.
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Old 09-01-2011, 11:09   #51
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Re: Jack Straw, Racist or Correct?

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
Thanks for the information. I believe that the Police are becoming too politically correct and will often back a black/asian person against a white - for fear of being called Racist. This issue was covered on program this morning "The Big Question" that Police are becoming too politically correct when it comes to race. I know they are from experience.

As soon as I knew what they were going to discuss I turned it over. I knew my blood would boil with the pathetic non-denials they would come up with
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Old 09-01-2011, 11:13   #52
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Re: Jack Straw, Racist or Correct?

Some of the posts in this thread sicken me.

It's the sort of defence the abusers use.

Labelling some children, because of their background, or attire, as being partly to blame for the attacks they suffer.
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Old 09-01-2011, 11:17   #53
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Re: Jack Straw, Racist or Correct?

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
That is one of the most crass remarks made in todays society. Many single mothers are not there by choice. I was lucky ( unlucky ? ) in that I became a single Dad. It's not until you actually get involved in that environment that you realise many single mothers are just that because of the way selfish people treat them and leave them in that position.

Yes there are the steroetype young single mum's out there, but there are also a lot of kids with both parents present who really don't give a damn on the way they bring them up.
Note I said "perhaps"! But however I have seen a gang of under aged 16 year old girls out at midnight in my own neighbourhood - and I know that least one of them had a single mother. I didn't know them, but as they passed me one of them made a comment that suggested (Yes they were joking) that "would I be interested!" While the others egged her on. So it's obvious that young people under 16 are going round acting like this. It's not just one cause - but look at the content of most of the video's made by major pop stars today! Most of them contain sexual content.

Note: I am not supporting abusers, but I am saying that modern culture - music, magazines, soaps, TV are all encouraging the sexualisation of children (meaning people under 16) - while the sexual predators are lurking in the shadows waiting to exploit it.

Last edited by kestrelx; 09-01-2011 at 11:25.
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Old 09-01-2011, 11:39   #54
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Re: Jack Straw, Racist or Correct?

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
Note I said "perhaps"! But however I have seen a gang of under aged 16 year old girls out at midnight in my own neighbourhood - and I know that least one of them had a single mother. I didn't know them, but as they passed me one of them made a comment that suggested (Yes they were joking) that "would I be interested!" While the others egged her on. So it's obvious that young people under 16 are going round acting like this. It's not just one cause - but look at the content of most of the video's made by major pop stars today! Most of them contain sexual content.

Note: I am not supporting abusers, but I am saying that modern culture - music, magazines, soaps, TV are all encouraging the sexualisation of children (meaning people under 16) - while the sexual predators are lurking in the shadows waiting to exploit it.
Maybe you should be more careful as the word perhaps, can be very offencive to some people
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Old 09-01-2011, 11:40   #55
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Originally Posted by BERNADETTE View Post
I get so very angry when I read some of the replies posted on here. Why can't people deal with the facts??? The facts as reported in the papers and in TV shows such as the one Jaysay mentioned are that gangs of monsters are targetting young girls to procure them for sex. Plying them with drugs and drink into the bargain, how the girls dress or whether they come from a broken home is irrelevant.

What is happening is wrong and if people can't see that it is their problem. Maybe if folk stopped making excuses for the scum justice might be seen to be done if/when they are apprehended.
Originally Posted by BERNADETTE View Post
Why is it ok to target young girls who happen to be out at night??? Why is it ok for Asian men to groom these girls??? The fact is this is child abuse and no amount of excuses can change that fact
Absolutely agree,
No matter what these girls are wearing, no matter where they may be, no matter what time it is AND no matter how they may be acting, there is no excuse for any man of ANY background to take advantage of or force his attentions on any of them.
Any man found to be guilty should feel the full force of the law.

We claim to have a system were people are innocent until proven guilty, yet some of out contributors to this thread would pass the guilt onto the abused rather than the abuser just because of the way they dress or because they perceive the girls are from the 'wrong background'!

How stupid, can a person be? These so called men don't care about the girls background, they just want their own perverse pleasures.
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Old 09-01-2011, 11:46   #56
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Re: Jack Straw, Racist or Correct?

Wanna know the main problem in society is the fact they can assume people thro stereotypical attitudes - that's the sickening bit. How many people that commented about rape situations know what it's like to be in that situation as those that commented about single parents etc, too many think they know but actually don't !

To put ONE major stereotype about rape is - it's not what u wear or lack of it, young girls, even just females at risk that's for starters! Mis informed information puts the danger there or overtly panics so called risky Groups and others at risk. Rape happens in many guises and situations ..... Off my soap box.

Parenting has changed, it's just not about the so selfish had kids and don't look after em, that I agree is wrong, but that parents don't have the control our parents were allowed, do gooders again stereotyped us all that try to discipline correctly as wrong with the selfish parent bracket, kids have more rights than we did. Schools are another problem they don't like pupils being themselves and only care for grades and appearance, social personal education isn't important. But then again its as always the parents fault isn't it? No matter how hard we try.

Abusers - lawless society, penalties are weak, no deterrent, defendants rights before victims etc etc


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Old 09-01-2011, 11:51   #57
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Re: Jack Straw, Racist or Correct?

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
As far as I can see it's not a frequent event, but I don't know all the statistics.
You don't know the statistics but then you go on to say its not a frequent far as you can see. So really you are not in a position to make this statement.

It may be more prevalent in areas where the demographics and social backgrounds allow it to happen......but this is not an excuse even if it only happened to one would be one too many.......and can you imagine the outcry if these were asian girls targeted by white males.

Ok, you may say it would never happen because of the cultural background of the Asian girls....that isn't the issue here. The issue is child abuse by a certain sector of the population......who target girls they know to be vulnerable, for whatever reason.

And if the girls are from dysfunctional families, that is really not their fault.
They still deserve to be protected from these roaming asian predators.
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Old 09-01-2011, 11:59   #58
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Re: Jack Straw, Racist or Correct?

On a serious note proper education is needed, for a long time I would like to see self defence lessons a major part of the PE curriculum at schools, and offered at community centres pro active way to keep safe rather than telling the public to stay in and be scared of going out because of sex pests and violent gangs.


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Old 09-01-2011, 16:43   #59
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Re: Jack Straw, Racist or Correct?

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Well this has been going on for a long time, the reason this scum pick on young white girls is that they know if they try it on with their own race they would probable be found in an alley with parts of their anatomy removed. I think Jack Straw is absolutely spot on with his comments, but this is not a new phenomenon so why didn't he open his mouth when he was Justis Secretary
I agree in principle to what Straw has said, but when white girls are portrayed by the likes of The Sun and The Star newspapers (and in many cases by themselves) as hard drinking ladettes who are up for anything, then it comes as no surprise surprise that they are looked upon as 'easy meat'.
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Old 09-01-2011, 17:13   #60
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Re: Jack Straw, Racist or Correct?

Originally Posted by Stumped View Post
I agree in principle to what Straw has said, but when white girls are portrayed by the likes of The Sun and The Star newspapers (and in many cases by themselves) as hard drinking ladettes who are up for anything, then it comes as no surprise surprise that they are looked upon as 'easy meat'.
Some, so called newspapers, portray all women, regardless of race, as 'up for anything'.

That is a terribley poor excuse for the grooming, and violent abuse of young children.

Some people on here sound like the religious fanatics who demand that females be covered head to toe, so as not to incite the ardour of any man, and those who don't are asking to be attacked.

These are victims.

Child victims.

There are no excuses.
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