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10-01-2011, 10:13
Resting in Peace
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Re: Jack Straw, Racist or Correct?
Originally Posted by Neil
Just as he wishes he lived in Ossy and so comments on it so much, I suspect also that he wishes he was a woman. AT least then he would have one instead of being one  
Presume your talking about a big mouth Neil   
10-01-2011, 11:14
Beacon of light
Re: Jack Straw, Racist or Correct?
Originally Posted by jaysay
I'm with you on this one Margaret, never have seen the humour in anybody being attacked in anyway be it a man or a woman
glad to hear I'm not in a club of one John.
Mindless violence like this saddens me....and the fact that it didn't happen here is no consolation whatsoever.
Neil, I don't think Tealeaf wants to be a woman at all, and if he hasn't got one...well, that would be no surprise would it?
I wouldn't have him gift wrapped and hanging with diamonds....I'd rather have a cat!
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10-01-2011, 11:27
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Re: Jack Straw, Racist or Correct?
One only needs to try to put oneself in the position of spouse , father , mother , son , or daughter of one of those murdered to see that it is tragedy not comedy .
10-01-2011, 11:32
Resting in Peace
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Re: Jack Straw, Racist or Correct?
Originally Posted by JCB
One only needs to try to put oneself in the position of spouse , father , mother , son , or daughter of one of those murdered to see that it is tragedy not comedy .
Think you only need to be a member of the human race to feel that JCB
10-01-2011, 12:19
Beacon of light
Re: Jack Straw, Racist or Correct?
Originally Posted by JCB
One only needs to try to put oneself in the position of spouse , father , mother , son , or daughter of one of those murdered to see that it is tragedy not comedy .
That is spot on!
As I have got older, I find I have become more sensitive about such tragedies.....maybe it is because I have experienced first hand, many of the things that life can throw at you. Empathy.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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10-01-2011, 19:54
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Re: Jack Straw, Racist or Correct?
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Eric, you may be able to see the humour in the comment( and goodness knows humour is something that we could use a little of) but to my mind (and maybe I'm on my own here) it seems that Tealeaf never misses an opportunity to take a pop at women....and frequently makes, what are, insensitive remarks.
It is not an endearing trait.
Just as a post script. I worked in the medical profession for years and understand 'black humour' and the function it has......but I find his comments just plain nasty.
I see your point .... and am sort of relieved about your comment about "black humour" ... a friend of mine whose alzheimers is getting worse and worse, told me just before Christmas that he would be buying his own surprise gifts ... he believes that the odd laugh about his condition helps keep him on an even keel and away from his shotgun.
But, I believe that one can see the humour in jokes that are racist, sexist, homophobic etc., without hating blacks, women, and gays. Jokes seem to be constructs based on eliciting reactions. If a joke makes you laugh, or feel like laughing, it works; if it doesn't, it is a flop. Your beliefs about how society should be organized, or should organize itself, do not depend on your sense of humour.
10-01-2011, 20:37
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Re: Jack Straw, Racist or Correct?
seem to remember seeing that there is a by-election coming up soon in the Oldham area , could Jack Straw's comments not be seen as a bit of 'spin' to draw back/increase the traditional Labour vote, or am I being cynical 
10-01-2011, 22:58
Beacon of light
Re: Jack Straw, Racist or Correct?
Originally Posted by Eric
I see your point .... and am sort of relieved about your comment about "black humour" ... a friend of mine whose alzheimers is getting worse and worse, told me just before Christmas that he would be buying his own surprise gifts ... he believes that the odd laugh about his condition helps keep him on an even keel and away from his shotgun.
But, I believe that one can see the humour in jokes that are racist, sexist, homophobic etc., without hating blacks, women, and gays. Jokes seem to be constructs based on eliciting reactions. If a joke makes you laugh, or feel like laughing, it works; if it doesn't, it is a flop. Your beliefs about how society should be organized, or should organize itself, do not depend on your sense of humour.
Yes Eric, Black humour has a valuable and valid use.....in that it promotes, and is promoted by a coping mechanism.... to help deal with unsavoury/scary/traumatic events.
You have to know your peers/audience pretty well before using black humour as it can be offensive to those who are not in the circle.
What Tealeaf frequently does, is try to get a rise out of people by making what could be considered, inflammatory remarks.
As I said before...not an endearing trait.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
11-01-2011, 08:27
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Should we ask the mods to change the thread title to 'Tealeaf Racist Or Correct'?
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11-01-2011, 10:15
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Re: Jack Straw, Racist or Correct?
11-01-2011, 12:40
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Re: Jack Straw, Racist or Correct?
Originally Posted by Less
Should we ask the mods to change the thread title to 'Tealeaf Racist Or Correct'?
In what respect could my previous observations be construed as Racist? Sexist - possibly. Questioning the intelligence of politicians (of all persuasions) - certainly. But ridiculing our American cousins and some of their crazy ideas cannot, I think, be in any way classed as racist.
11-01-2011, 14:14
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Re: Jack Straw, Racist or Correct?
"Sexist - possibly" Tealeaf! You must have a Master's degree in misogyny!
11-01-2011, 14:22
Beacon of light
Re: Jack Straw, Racist or Correct?
Originally Posted by Tealeaf
In what respect could my previous observations be construed as Racist? Sexist - possibly. Questioning the intelligence of politicians (of all persuasions) - certainly. But ridiculing our American cousins and some of their crazy ideas cannot, I think, be in any way classed as racist.
So aren't Americans a different race then?
When asked for their origin I have a sneaking feeling that most of them would say they were American......not caucasian.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
11-01-2011, 14:24
Beacon of light
Re: Jack Straw, Racist or Correct?
Originally Posted by ossylass
"Sexist - possibly" Tealeaf! You must have a Master's degree in misogyny!
I think it could possibly be a Doctorate...he is practised enough.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
11-01-2011, 18:51
Resting in Peace
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Re: Jack Straw, Racist or Correct?
Originally Posted by ossylass
"Sexist - possibly" Tealeaf! You must have a Master's degree in misogyny!
Keep away from semantics ossylass, especially where Tealeaf is concerned  
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