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Old 08-01-2011, 08:51   #1
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Jack Straw, Racist or Correct?

just read about what he has said about Pakistani men

Pakistani men see white girls as 'easy meat', claims Jack Straw - Telegraph

what do you lot think?
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Old 08-01-2011, 09:39   #2

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Re: Jack Straw, Racist or Correct?

I would not have said this is a Racial issue. Rape is rape, whatever colour you are.
"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"

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Old 08-01-2011, 09:41   #3
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Re: Jack Straw, Racist or Correct?

Hello flashy.
I think that jail is too good for them,i think you know what i think but political correctness will not allow me to WRITE what i think.but i am sure that most people on here will know what i think also....what do you think?.
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Old 08-01-2011, 09:42   #4
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Re: Jack Straw, Racist or Correct?

Well this has been going on for a long time, the reason this scum pick on young white girls is that they know if they try it on with their own race they would probable be found in an alley with parts of their anatomy removed. I think Jack Straw is absolutely spot on with his comments, but this is not a new phenomenon so why didn't he open his mouth when he was Justis Secretary
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Old 08-01-2011, 09:47   #5
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Re: Jack Straw, Racist or Correct?

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Well this has been going on for a long time, the reason this scum pick on young white girls is that they know if they try it on with their own race they would probable be found in an alley with parts of their anatomy removed. I think Jack Straw is absolutely spot on with his comments, but this is not a new phenomenon so why didn't he open his mouth when he was Justis Secretary

I agree. It's been prominent in Burnley & Blackburn for years. The Telegraph started a campaign about it at least 5 years ago and Straw kept his gob shut and did nowt.
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Old 08-01-2011, 10:00   #6
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Re: Jack Straw, Racist or Correct?

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
I agree. It's been prominent in Burnley & Blackburn for years. The Telegraph started a campaign about it at least 5 years ago and Straw kept his gob shut and did nowt.
Think that ITV actually did a program on grooming of young girls, which featured the East Lancs initiative, plus similar schemes in the West Midlands, virtually all the men concerned were of Pakistani origin
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Old 08-01-2011, 10:01   #7
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Re: Jack Straw, Racist or Correct?

They ARE easy meat,,,,,some girls dress like tarts ,and it gives out I AM EASY signals,,,::s_
Not a full brick
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Old 08-01-2011, 10:34   #8

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Re: Jack Straw, Racist or Correct?

Originally Posted by grannyclaret View Post
They ARE easy meat,,,,,some girls dress like tarts ,and it gives out I AM EASY signals,,,::s_
Sorry but that is bang out of order.

It does not matter what a girl is wearing no one has the right to touch her without her wanting to be touched.

I am very surprised at a woman saying something like that
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Old 08-01-2011, 10:50   #9
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Re: Jack Straw, Racist or Correct?

Maybe better to have said young girls are far more promiscuous than ever GC, Jack Straw is right that this does go on, and as said by others, has been going on for years, I remember a pakistani Taxi firm starting to operate in Bury some 20 odd years ago, the main complaints were ripping people off, and 'tapping up' females (of all ages), and the complaints went further in that, they came on very, very strong, as usual, a minority accepted the 'requests' and then (and this came from one of the drivers) it was suggested that white girls are easy! A pakistani girl would never dare have sex outside of marriage at that time, let alone sex outside of their own community. I know of complaints made to police, even accusing rape, that were dropped for various reasons, the main one being that they could not 'locate' the offender.
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 08-01-2011, 11:04   #10
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Re: Jack Straw, Racist or Correct?

Originally Posted by granny claret View Post
They ARE easy meat,,,,,some girls dress like tarts ,and it gives out I AM EASY signals,,,::s_
I'm a bit disappointed with that statement GC, went you hear of girls as young as 12 being plied with drink and drugs so these scumbags can have their way with them revolts me and sickens me to the stomach
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Old 08-01-2011, 12:15   #11
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Re: Jack Straw, Racist or Correct?

Originally Posted by grannyclaret View Post
They ARE easy meat,,,,,some girls dress like tarts ,and it gives out I AM EASY signals,,,::s_
Admittedly the way some young girls dress may leave little to the imagination, but who's fault is that ? Look at the role models that these lasses have (to look up to ?) today, Footie WAGS & Wannabe's anything for an easy, lavish & luxury filled celebrity lifestyle ! But that still doesn't make what has happened right !

Added to that most of these young girls are still not mature enough to understand quite how things work & they are at an age where rebellion, exploration of their sexuality & peer pressure push them to & beyond their limits of experience. Some will get away scarred but wiser, yet others will succumb to the trappings & become prisoners of the abuse only to be later thrown by the wayside when they're, addicted, ugly & broken to be replaced by another younger, prettier, gullible victim.

In this instance it was a Pakistani ring of abusers (groomers makes it sound less offensive than it really is !) who snared these young girls purely with intent to later abuse, debase & humiliate them. Since they got caught an there is also other anecdotal evidence referring to other groups of Pakistani males doing similar things it may appear to be racial/prejudiced. No it isn't these are the people who were caught & their background/ethnicity is irrelevant they have broken the laws of this land & as such have been punished.

There is a murky criminal under world operating throughout UK, that has Eastern Europeans & our "own" Home grown criminal gangs involved with drugs, prostitution, people trafficking who are just as bad if not worse the only difference here is they look a little more like us & haven't been caught ! So the bleeding hearts need to get off their pedestal, it isn't racially orientated, it's justice accept it !
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Old 08-01-2011, 14:55   #12
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Re: Jack Straw, Racist or Correct?

Originally Posted by grannyclaret View Post
They ARE easy meat,,,,,some girls dress like tarts ,and it gives out I AM EASY signals,,,::s_
so if you or any of your family wore a short skirt it gives a man the right to rape you does it?

i think not, try writing your statement when you have proper meaning
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Old 08-01-2011, 16:11   #13
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Re: Jack Straw, Racist or Correct?

Jack Straw wasn't racist. These are the facts.

In these targeted cases, the child abusers are from one race, and the victims are from another.

Only a fool would think these cases aren't racially motivated.

If a young Asian girl was abused like this, there would be revenge attacks, in her honour.

Sadly there are some who see all young white girls as 'slags', there to be used and abused.
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Old 08-01-2011, 16:15   #14
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Re: Jack Straw, Racist or Correct?

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
I agree. It's been prominent in Burnley & Blackburn for years. The Telegraph started a campaign about it at least 5 years ago and Straw kept his gob shut and did nowt.
That's the disgrace. Not that he was racist, but that he said nothing, whilst there were high profile cases in Blackburn in the past.
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Old 08-01-2011, 16:22   #15
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Re: Jack Straw, Racist or Correct?

No one dresses, or 'asks' to be raped.

That's as stupid as saying that small toddlers playing naked on the beach, are luring paedophiles to abuse them.

Like what they wear, or loath it, girls should be able to wear what the hell they want to, without them being labelled as slags, there for the taking.

For God's sake, some of these victims are twelve.

They are children.

Abused children.
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