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Old 13-11-2008, 17:36   #46
God Member
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Re: Jesus Christ Prince of Peace?

Originally Posted by Meccy View Post
This thread has turn surreal.

This is actually what I was referring to.

So not real cheesemakers then?

Ho hum, ya live and learn

Last edited by AccyLass; 13-11-2008 at 17:38.
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Old 13-11-2008, 18:37   #47
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Re: Jesus Christ Prince of Peace?

Originally Posted by AccyLass28 View Post
So not real cheesemakers then?

Ho hum, ya live and learn
Better than real cheese makers, Life Of Brian style cheesemakers !
"Cover up those table legs Mother, they are inflaming my sexual ardour ! "
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Old 13-11-2008, 18:40   #48
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Re: Jesus Christ Prince of Peace?

Originally Posted by lindsay ormerod View Post
Better than real cheese makers, Life Of Brian style cheesemakers !

Yeah..... but..... do they make a mean cheddar?

And do they gotta squish it? lol
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Old 13-11-2008, 19:23   #49
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Re: Jesus Christ Prince of Peace?

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
An Atheist's view - and I am not suggesting that you should agree with it

Most people behave humanely towards their fellow men/women
because it is the way to ensure successful survival in any society.
This is a basic instinct amongst any animal that lives in social groups.

There is a conflict with another basic instinct for selfishness.
The two are in conflict, and societies adopted religion as a means to supress
that selfishness. It provides them with a reason to conform to a society's rules.
(for those who need a reason)

It is dangerous to attempt to persuade people to abandon their religion as long as
some people need a religion in order to behave in a civilised way.
I can't ever see a time when that won't be neccessary.

In the interest of peaceful co-existance, it is wisest to leave people with the beliefs that they have,
even though you may not agree with them.

Live and let live ---- an essential strategy for a peaceful existance
Sounds a lot like the "Nicomachean Ethics" to me .... this stuff could be termed subversive
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Old 13-11-2008, 19:41   #50
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Re: Jesus Christ Prince of Peace?

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
At the end of the day people that are getting angry about this don't know the facts and don't want to know the facts. If you study mythology it is a fact that several religions that pre-date Christianty by 100's of years used the same ideas - you people that are getting angry do not want to know the facts. Dionysus was also put on a cross 100's of years before so called Jesus - so the claim that the foundation of Christianity are unique to it are not true! Any one who dismisses this is not being reasonable or rational because a little bit of study will prove it to be true! Also my views arn't religous they are historical - I am looking at similar ideas that were used a long time before Christianity but are claimed by Christianiy to be unique to it when they arn't!
This is a bs argument, if it is an argument at all. Studying mythology to get to the "facts"! You gotta be joking. And there are significant problems identifying a "historical" Jesus, let alone a "historical" Dionysius. And Christianity is not based on Christ's crucifiction, rather, on his return from the dead. I don't belive this personally; to believe it is an act of faith, which is the basis of any religion, and I don't have that faith. One can argue that Easter coincides with spring in general, rather than on a particular day, because Christ's rising from the dead is a metaphor for the "rebirth" or "resurrection" of the Earth following the "death" of winter. Older symbols such as rabbits and eggs are still common; more people eat easter eggs than attended mass at Easter. In order to propose the "historically accurate argument" one has to use a form of history that is current today .... history has not always been a matter of factual accuracy; one has only to read Gibbon's "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire", or, better still, Bede's "History", to recognize this. What lessons history had for the common man, was a much more important consideration than addiction to fact. Therefore it is not surprising that the Bible is more replete with metaphor than with facts and figures.
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