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Old 21-04-2008, 08:22   #31
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Re: John Prescott Battles Bulimia

Originally Posted by emamum23 View Post
ve just taken this survery and apparently i also have an eating disorder

.... do you?

Psych Central - Eating Disorder Screening Quiz

btw....I dont and no i am not in denial!!!!

Some GP's recegnise comfort eating as an eating disorder, I have been told that by my GP at some point. Also they feared that I was anorexic at 16 yrs old (this wasnt true, it was just that id lost so much weight due to exercise and just didnt eat a lot) and then a few years after they said I was comfort eating due to stress and an unsettled life (my ex was to blame for this!)

I took this test and it said that I do not have an eating disorder although my dietician does say that I have and eating problem (not quite a disorder) in the fact that I dont eat enough and am being told to eat more. (This is why I am struggling to lose weight, beause of how little I actually eat my body takes everything I eat and stores it according to him?? sounds strange but is apparantly true)
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Old 21-04-2008, 08:24   #32
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Re: John Prescott Battles Bulimia

that survey says i am a none purging sure theres a joke there somewhere!

I do the opposite of comfort eating... i can only eat when i am happy.
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....

I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
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Old 21-04-2008, 09:59   #33
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Re: John Prescott Battles Bulimia

I have to say that when I first saw this on TV yesterday morning I DID think it was a wined up, now I have read more about it part of me feels sorry for the guy, yet the synic thinks he only diclosed the fact to ensure his book sells. Mind you he does say that he has beat the problem, which is to his credit. Bulimia is a very serious disorder, with long time damage being done to the bodies vital organs, lets hope that that isn't the case here. I have to say that I din't like the guy, but if by disclosing this in his book, for whatever reason, helps others to overcome this disorder, then that can only be a plus
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Old 21-04-2008, 12:10   #34
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Re: John Prescott Battles Bulimia

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
I have to say that I din't like the guy, but if by disclosing this in his book, for whatever reason, helps others to overcome this disorder, then that can only be a plus
Unfortunately Jaysay, John Prescott admitting this will have absolutely no effect on other bulimics.
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Old 21-04-2008, 12:17   #35
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Re: John Prescott Battles Bulimia

Originally Posted by katex View Post
Unfortunately Jaysay, John Prescott admitting this will have absolutely no effect on other bulimics.
How can you be so sure?

Even if this publicity means that just one person, particularly a man or an older person, such as Prescott, seeks help, surely that is a good thing?

At least his 'coming out' means that people will understand that eating disorders don't just affect the young or female.
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Old 21-04-2008, 12:21   #36
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Re: John Prescott Battles Bulimia

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
At least his 'coming out' means that people will understand that eating disorders don't just affect the young or female.
Thats very true, you generally only ever see women suffering form this, (and normally they are young) not so long back I saw something about a young fella with an eating disorder and although I knew it didnt just affect young women it was unusual to see it affected a young lad. This hopefully will highten the awareness of eating disorders and show people that it doesnt just affect a certain "group" of people but that people of all ages, different sexes and any walk of life can suffer from them
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Old 21-04-2008, 12:26   #37
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Re: John Prescott Battles Bulimia

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
How can you be so sure?

Even if this publicity means that just one person, particularly a man or an older person, such as Prescott, seeks help, surely that is a good thing?

At least his 'coming out' means that people will understand that eating disorders don't just affect the young or female.
Would love to think that I am wrong Garinda, but eating disorder sufferers tend to put their head in the sand with regard to the hope of being cured. Don't particular want to. They are enjoying the experience and have no particular admiration for anyone breaking the habit.
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Old 21-04-2008, 12:28   #38
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Re: John Prescott Battles Bulimia

Originally Posted by emzy View Post
Thats very true, you generally only ever see women suffering form this, (and normally they are young) not so long back I saw something about a young fella with an eating disorder and although I knew it didnt just affect young women it was unusual to see it affected a young lad. This hopefully will highten the awareness of eating disorders and show people that it doesnt just affect a certain "group" of people but that people of all ages, different sexes and any walk of life can suffer from them
Many people, particularly men, die each year because they either ignore symptoms of disease, or are too embarrassed to talk to a doctor about a problem.

I can't think of any other public male figure who has admitted to having had an eating disorder, and in doing so Prescott may take away some of the associated stigma, and to me that can only be a good thing.
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Old 21-04-2008, 16:48   #39
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Re: John Prescott Battles Bulimia

Originally Posted by katex View Post
Unfortunately Jaysay, John Prescott admitting this will have absolutely no effect on other bulimics.
I'm afraid I disagree with you katex, John Prescott is, or was in the spotlight, and for him to bring this problem, for what ever reason, is going to put Bulimia on the front page of newspapers and on TV news reports. Having worked for a national charity on a voluntry basis I know what kind of impact a newsworthy celebrity can have on your organisations work. It may not help sufferers to beat the disorder, but it brings out into the open which can only be a good thing
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Old 21-04-2008, 17:03   #40
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Re: John Prescott Battles Bulimia

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
I'm afraid I disagree with you katex, John Prescott is, or was in the spotlight, and for him to bring this problem, for what ever reason, is going to put Bulimia on the front page of newspapers and on TV news reports. Having worked for a national charity on a voluntry basis I know what kind of impact a newsworthy celebrity can have on your organisations work. It may not help sufferers to beat the disorder, but it brings out into the open which can only be a good thing
Wasn't disagreeing on points above Jaysay, does bring the condition to the fore, which is not a bad thing at all, but just general information re. age of sufferers/sex/how they feel, etc., and may help other people's misunderstanding of bulimia ... still don't think will help other bulimics, (as you said); which is what I was trying to say.

The condition could have not been more in the open than when Princess Di. suffered from it.
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