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Old 01-08-2006, 01:18   #1
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cherokee's Avatar

just reading tals thread

just reading tbs thread on how sick was you when you were young ,and got me thinking ...ummmm i remember when i were young , i was due to go on holiday to devon for first time with my friends and the day before, i came out in this awful measle rash and was really poorly , i was so devastated it broke my heart that i couldnt go . my friends came to pick me up at 7.30 am, as i had hung on till the very last min hoping i would feel better...( bearing in mind i was only 14 at time ) but no way , .. this was the most dissapointing time of my childhood.. what about you lot? did you ever have a time in your childhood that was really dissapointing??
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Accrington Web
Old 01-08-2006, 01:25   #2
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SPUGGIE J's Avatar

Re: just reading tals thread

In missed the street party for the Queens Siver Jubilee street party because I had chickenpocs.

Did get some of the goodies brought back though.

All comments above are nothing to do with here and therefore not the resposibility of the Accrington Web site owners admins or mods.


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Old 01-08-2006, 01:29   #3
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Re: just reading tals thread

Ive got a good one for you cherokee! When I was 14 I was diagnosed again with epilepsy the fits came back so got put back on phenobarbiton. I had another fit and so they said take these tablets as well as the phenobarb. Big mistake as we found out! All the kids from rising bridge were going ice skating the local councillor (tory) always organised it running up to the elections a trip to altrincham ice rink. Anyway id been taking these tablets as the doc had said and i went loopy! I splattered a teacher with blue ink on his lovely pink shirt the day before we were going ice skating. Ended up being banned from going on the trip by my mum & dad. The following week i got hit off a teacher - he said i told him to get lost - i said i was saying it to my mate. Got dragged off to the docs and was told I shouldnt have been on them tablets - they dont mix they send people loopy! So got banned from going ice skating and it wasnt my fault it was the docs. Mum & dad apologised and took me to Blackpool instead with a couple of mates to make up for it! lol
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Old 01-08-2006, 01:48   #4
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Re: just reading tals thread

omg jen thats awful .. that doc should have been certified. but you got a personal hol out of it so good on your mum n dad . wonder if the teacher still remembers it haha ..hope you grew out of the epilepsy though
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Old 01-08-2006, 02:02   #5
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Re: just reading tals thread

The teacher who cracked my head against the chair i had him in tears apologising to me and he was begging me not to put a complaint in because if i did he'd lose his job. I forgave him but made his life hell for the 18 months i had left at school! lol And he was my form teacher!

Another one when i was at school in the first year was my sis was engaged to one of my teachers son and we were going to their house for tea mum dad me & sis. She was teaching me in the morning and as I was leaving the class she said in front of every1 jen tell your mum & dad to come between 6.30 - 7pm tonite for tea! Can you imagine that one! Everyone was calling me teachers pet after that!
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