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Old 15-06-2008, 16:50   #16
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Re: Karma Award Scheme

I have to say I don't think I've evr had neg Karma, and I've only given it twice as I cn remember I keep forgetting about it, but if your going to insult some one put your name to it or it becomes an irrelevance, your not making any point at all
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Old 15-06-2008, 17:09   #17
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Re: Karma Award Scheme

If I get a neg and the comment accompanying it is a valid one it doesn't bother me if it's signed or not. People can agree or disagree with me and I'll still live. The only time I think it's stupid is when someone leaves a comment that has no bearing on anything just because they've got the hump. I would love to ask them what the heck they are on about sometimes but if they want to remain anonymous they aren't going to tell me are they?

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Old 15-06-2008, 18:01   #18
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Cool Re: Karma Award Scheme

We have a third option accyman.

That is to put forward a proposition for change.

It’s not the negative Karma WillowTheWhisp with constructive criticism. It is the downright nasty, spiteful, insulting and disgusting comments that need to be stopped somehow.

One way is to force usernames to be attached to them.
The other way is to return the points with interest when the forum rules are breached.
The final option is to dispense with the Karma award thing altogether.

Does it really serve a useful purpose?
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Old 15-06-2008, 18:10   #19
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Cool Re: Karma Award Scheme

Originally Posted by derekgas View Post
This 'nonsense' karma doesnt half cause a stir on here with regularity, especially as most claim to ignore the negative and not to be offended by it, the problem I can see with changing the signature of karma to a compulsory system is that, like when you change your avatar, the change would be made throughout the history of posts, therefore naming past negative senders, I feel it would be unfair to change those posts without warning, if karma were scrapped altogether, then the post additions may come down, this may make a difference to the big board status which most on here acclaimed.
Meaning that the past holier than thou “I’ve never sent any negative Karma and it wasn’t me who called you a ******” would be exposed? Good!

However as far as I know we can only view the last ten awards so the past holier than thou “I’ve never sent any negative Karma and it wasn’t me who called you a ******” would have nothing to worry about. Would they?
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Old 15-06-2008, 18:56   #20
Passed away 25-11-09
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Re: Karma Award Scheme

I still say if you're "man" enough to be nasty to someone you should be "man" enough to do it out in the open - on the forum. The trouble with those who leave nasty, anonymous comments is that they haven't the guts to be seen to do it.
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
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Old 15-06-2008, 18:59   #21
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Re: Karma Award Scheme

never get any no matter what i say or do
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Old 15-06-2008, 19:07   #22
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Re: Karma Award Scheme

Originally Posted by West Ender View Post
I still say if you're "man" enough to be nasty to someone you should be "man" enough to do it out in the open - on the forum. The trouble with those who leave nasty, anonymous comments is that they haven't the guts to be seen to do it.
And achieve what? A whole thread of slagging each other off? Much better to do it privately and then it keeps others out of it.
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Old 15-06-2008, 19:12   #23
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Re: Karma Award Scheme

I Never New About This Karma System
Feel My Positivity And Award Me With Some Karma.... And Dont Forget Karma Leads To Karma
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Old 15-06-2008, 19:19   #24
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Re: Karma Award Scheme

Starting each new word with a capital letter actually deserves a whole host of negative karma.
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Old 15-06-2008, 19:19   #25
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Re: Karma Award Scheme

Originally Posted by Tin Monkey View Post
And achieve what? A whole thread of slagging each other off? Much better to do it privately and then it keeps others out of it.

Better to do it privately? Be nasty and vindictive? Perhaps better to learn, in the first place, how to argue without resorting to petty insults.
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
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Old 15-06-2008, 19:31   #26
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Re: Karma Award Scheme

Originally Posted by West Ender View Post
Better to do it privately? Be nasty and vindictive? Perhaps better to learn, in the first place, how to argue without resorting to petty insults.
True, but in JB's case it isn't possible. As soon as you disagree with him he becomes abusive.
I also don't want to see the forum filled with petty argument threads. Much better to tell the person how you're feeling privately.
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Old 15-06-2008, 20:14   #27
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Re: Karma Award Scheme

Originally Posted by Tin Monkey View Post
True, but in JB's case it isn't possible. As soon as you disagree with him he becomes abusive.
I also don't want to see the forum filled with petty argument threads. Much better to tell the person how you're feeling privately.

I have only once felt very strongly about something a member posted, which I found offensive, some years ago. I replied to his post and told him what I thought of his rhetoric. I did it in public and I didn't enter into a slanging match; I made my point and I had no intention of continuing a stupid argument.

I could have just sent him negative Karma but it didn't occur to me because I wanted the other members to know my views on this particular subject. If I had taken that route, however, I would not have been so cowardly as to leave my comment unsigned. That's the difference I'm referring to. Keep your argument private if you will - but don't hide behind anonymity.
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
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Old 15-06-2008, 20:47   #28
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Re: Karma Award Scheme

Only just found out about this Karma and find i have 7 entries that are green and one from a Richard Cranium that is red.Must say he did sign it but i can't understand why he could not argue his bigoted case in open forum.Perhaps he thought the Hocus Pocus world was a more suitable stage.or maybe he watched to many Harry Potter films.In any event many thanks go out from me to all the members that enjoy friendly disagreements and remain friends.
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Old 15-06-2008, 21:06   #29
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Re: Karma Award Scheme

ya seem to have a real "Bee In Yer Bonnet" about karma to me jim, i get good n bad probably cos of my diplomacy, and guess what- i couldn't give a rats about bad, i just say things as i see em n if people like or dislike thats up to them, its no big deal, but if it really winds some people up like this i say KEEP IT.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 15-06-2008, 21:07   #30
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Karma Award Scheme

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
We have a third option accyman.

That is to put forward a proposition for change.
Put forward as many propositions as you like, Roy owns the site, Roy decides the rules, you knew the rules when you came on and accepted them, so get over it or start your own site then you can make the rules.

It’s not the negative Karma WillowTheWhisp with constructive criticism. It is the downright nasty, spiteful, insulting and disgusting comments that need to be stopped somehow.
Perhaps if you keep getting so called 'offensive' comments you should take a long slow look at yourself and ponder the thought, do I upset people?

One way is to force usernames to be attached to them.
The other way is to return the points with interest when the forum rules are breached.
It won't happen you can't force usernames because it's not in the rules, by the way have I mentioned who makes the rules?

The final option is to dispense with the Karma award thing altogether.
That won't happen Roy is happy with the karma system the way it is so unless you are willing to tolerate life with karma then find a site that doesn't use karma.

Does it really serve a useful purpose?
Yes, it keeps Roy happy and keeping Roy happy means he will continue to spend time and money supporting accyweb.

I'm sure if you are really keen to get rid of karma you could dip your hand in your pocket and make him an offer he can't refuse. Put your money were your mouth is and buy him out, show him how it should be run.

I don't suppose that's going to happen anytime soon though is it?
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