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Old 16-06-2008, 14:02   #61
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Karma Award Scheme

Originally Posted by grannyclaret View Post
NOPE YOU WONT,,EVERYONE HAS AN OPPINION ON EVERYTHING,,,it might not be my view and i might disagree in a post ,but NO bad karma
What if I was to strangle your white rabbits?
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
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Old 16-06-2008, 14:06   #62
white rabbits

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Re: Karma Award Scheme

Originally Posted by Less View Post
What if I was to strangle your white rabbits?
Then i would come and bang on your coffin lid at midday
Not a full brick
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Old 16-06-2008, 14:09   #63
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Re: Karma Award Scheme

Originally Posted by Less View Post
What if I was to strangle your white rabbits?
Spugs already tried that less ... and hes still breathing .... mind you he does have an advantage over you .... distance!!!!
<img src= border=0 alt= />

The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone
anyone want to argue
well tough!!!
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Old 16-06-2008, 14:31   #64
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Cool Re: Karma Award Scheme

Originally Posted by Tin Monkey View Post
And achieve what? A whole thread of slagging each other off? Much better to do it privately and then it keeps others out of it.
Do you really mean that you are afraid if any negative Karma had to have the awarder’s name attached it would spike your sneaky guns?
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Old 16-06-2008, 14:35   #65
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Cool Re: Karma Award Scheme

Originally Posted by ozzypostie View Post
I Never New About This Karma System
Feel My Positivity And Award Me With Some Karma.... And Dont Forget Karma Leads To Karma
I’d give you some but the system won’t let me until tomorrow. Being a senile old git (according to some) I will probably forget by then. But I will try very, very hard to remember.
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Old 16-06-2008, 14:42   #66
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Cool Re: Karma Award Scheme

Originally Posted by Tin Monkey View Post
Starting each new word with a capital letter actually deserves a whole host of negative karma.
If proof were ever needed that some people just have to post something or have a dig at someone, they think nothing of going totally off topic, then you have supplied it.

However as you have made a puerile point, (and by the way it is called Capitalising) capitalising a title is a perfectly acceptable practice. Indeed it is preferable so that it can be differentiated from the body text.

However if you are man enough to add your name to some negative karma, then go ahead. Do your worst. Show yourself in your true light.
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Old 16-06-2008, 14:46   #67
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Cool Re: Karma Award Scheme

Originally Posted by Tin Monkey View Post
True, but in JB's case it isn't possible. As soon as you disagree with him he becomes abusive.
I also don't want to see the forum filled with petty argument threads. Much better to tell the person how you're feeling privately.
Totally and utterly wrong Tin Monkey. But hey! Why let the truth get in the way of trying to make point.

I don’t START the abusive bit and never have but as I have stated many times, I reserve the right to answer in kind if I choose to.
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Old 16-06-2008, 14:51   #68
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Cool Re: Karma Award Scheme

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
ya seem to have a real "Bee In Yer Bonnet" about karma to me jim, i get good n bad probably cos of my diplomacy, and guess what- i couldn't give a rats about bad, i just say things as i see em n if people like or dislike thats up to them, its no big deal, but if it really winds some people up like this i say KEEP IT.
If you had been reading this thread it isn’t the Karma thing but the anonymous nasty, spiteful, insulting and disgusting comments that go with it.

Are you also in favour of that?
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Old 16-06-2008, 15:01   #69
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Re: Karma Award Scheme

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
If you had been reading this thread it isn’t the Karma thing but the anonymous nasty, spiteful, insulting and disgusting comments that go with it.

Are you also in favour of that?
some of mine i get occasionally are far worse IMHO, than those you posted, personally don't give a rats,makes me laugh at the sad gits, if thats the worst anyone does to me, i reckon i aint doin bad,so no it dont bother me.
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Old 16-06-2008, 15:03   #70
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Re: Karma Award Scheme

Any kind of Karma means that someone is reading what you write......I guess it is like publicity......where even the bad is good.
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It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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Old 16-06-2008, 15:09   #71
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Cool Re: Karma Award Scheme

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Put forward as many propositions as you like, Roy owns the site, Roy decides the rules, you knew the rules when you came on and accepted them, so get over it or start your own site then you can make the rules.

Perhaps if you keep getting so called 'offensive' comments you should take a long slow look at yourself and ponder the thought, do I upset people?

It won't happen you can't force usernames because it's not in the rules, by the way have I mentioned who makes the rules?

That won't happen Roy is happy with the karma system the way it is so unless you are willing to tolerate life with karma then find a site that doesn't use karma.

Yes, it keeps Roy happy and keeping Roy happy means he will continue to spend time and money supporting accyweb.

I'm sure if you are really keen to get rid of karma you could dip your hand in your pocket and make him an offer he can't refuse. Put your money were your mouth is and buy him out, show him how it should be run.

I don't suppose that's going to happen anytime soon though is it?
Any member of any club or organisation is perfectly entitled to make a suggestion on how the club or organisation is run.

And yes I did know the rules before I joined and refreshed my memory on numerous occasions since. In particular:
Abusing Other Members
Abusing other members of this website is not allowed. Debates are welcome but must not become personal or target another member.

Insulting & Nasty Posts
Posts that are just insulting or nasty are not allowed on this website.

I accept that the rules do not specifically include Karma comments but the implication is there nonetheless.

Do I upset people? Probably but that is no excuse to get abusive etc. If people want to get upset because my counter points in a debate are more valid than theirs or my points clearly establish that their contribution is a load of cobblers, then that is their problem not mine.

If you actually read and understood the opening post you would have realised that I am not trying to force anything, just making a suggestion. But then as I have stated many times, why let the truth get in the way.

I am comforted to know that you can speak for Roy. I wonder if he is?
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Old 16-06-2008, 15:23   #72
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Karma Award Scheme

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post

I am comforted to know that you can speak for Roy. I wonder if he is?

Not only comforted by the fact, he is over the moon about it, in fact he would be upset if I didn't speak for him when he is away, it's known as loyalty.

By the way I know the truth,

You started this thread so you have an easy way to do 5 posts to get into the arcade quicker!
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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Old 16-06-2008, 15:55   #73
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Cool Re: Karma Award Scheme

Why not Lilly. Are you so keen to sweep the whole issue under the carpet?

My point about nasty, spiteful, abusive and disgusting anonymous comments accompanying negative Karma is perfectly valid in a family orientated forum. They are water off a duck’s back to me but there could be some people who are much more sensitive.

With over 14,000 registered members, as a general rule it is the same three or four dozen people posting. Has no one ever wondered why so few? Could it possibly be that after reading the abuse many of the ‘missing’ members don’t fancy getting a dose of abuse and just don’t bother posting but prefer to just read.

Thanks for the character assessment Margaret Pilkington or should that be assassination, but you’ve got it totally wrong. An observation it may be but of fact – NEVER!

Yes! Let’s be adult lindsay ormerod and stop all this nastiness that abounds.

Much obliged for your contribution Royboy39 but this issue doesn’t upset me personally. I’m far too thick skinned for that. My concern is for those whom it might upset and they don’t fancy speaking up for fear of getting some more. If this happened in a school it would be called bullying.

My most recent light-hearted topic Margaret Pilkington was entitled Crop Circles. The one before that was about my back garden. However serious issues deserve serious responses and not just dismissed with a flippancy or facetious remarks that often prevail on this forum because the poster doesn’t have the knowledge to make a meaningful contribution to the thread. I have stated before that more often than not a perfectly serious issue is spoiled by facetious remarks and being dragged off topic.

If my memory serves me correctly Less (and I accept that I could be mistaken) I have only ever started one other thread about Karma. Now then Less, you are making the accusation so it is up to you to present the evidence.

Royboy39 – I’m surprised at you. Merging like topic threads is what I do as mod on the GoldenTalk forum, but then binning it. Are you advocating censorship? Surely not!

Less in his post #30
That won't happen Roy is happy with the karma system the way it is so unless you are willing to tolerate life with karma then find a site that doesn't use karma.

Less Post #54
Ignore Neil and stay, (At least until we get these teething problems with karma sorted out).

On the one hand your are trying to tell me go elsewhere and then less than 24 hours later you are suggesting that I stay.

Do make your mind up!

Finally the latest two awards are:
Karma Award Scheme - Shut up (anon)

Karma Award Scheme - You seem to get a bit of stick on here but you`re posts are quite interesting. (anon)

To the first my answer is a simple NO!

To the second I would say, what a pity that you didn’t sign it. Or maybe you were feared of being tarred with the same brush as me and the ‘clique’ would target you.
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Last edited by jambutty; 16-06-2008 at 16:01.
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Old 16-06-2008, 16:16   #74
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Karma Award Scheme

if people object or are offended by posts, as far as i'm aware they report them to the mods, who then deal with it, whats wrong with that? yer taking everything on board like its your forum to me. well its not n aint mine either, n i am perfectly happy for it to carry on as it is. many give good karma n dont sign it, some of em just forget to. you are jumping to yer own conclusions, as usual,n using the old clique chestnut, which is pathetic n thats the end of me in this thread. there is no clique n never has been, something you would yerself realise if ya had got to know more people, thats not meant as critisim its just fact.
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Old 16-06-2008, 16:45   #75
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Cool Re: Karma Award Scheme

Originally Posted by Less View Post
You started this thread so you have an easy way to do 5 posts to get into the arcade quicker!

Oh! I get it! It’s supposed to be a witty remark. Sheeeesh!

Just to set the record straight, I have been in the arcade no more than a handful of times. But I’m no good at those games and in any case I prefer to waste my time watching my plants grow and flower.
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