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Old 12-04-2005, 23:35   #1
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karma fraud

sorry if this conflicts with any beliefs about karma or raises already talked about subjects but i realised a flaw today with the karma system

i watched my partner who is also an accy webber deduct karma from somone today and been the decent person she is she sighned it

now heres the interesting bit..

as i watched this process i said to her " hey you better not stick my name on there " jokingly but then it dawned on me that there were no measures to ensure that she didnt

i have heard well i mean i have read others mention that it would be a good idea to have the persons identity shown when both giving and deducting karma which would eliminate this from happening

yes i know sometimes i think too much lol but its my nature to notice things like that lol

please feel free to delete if inappropiate

i guess even when sighned we dont know for sure who did it lol

i would like to add ime not trying to tell people how things should be run ime just pointing out my observation as i have read a few topics about karma and people not sighning it but at the end of teh day it dosnt realy matter if they sighn it or not because of the reason above

Last edited by chav1; 12-04-2005 at 23:45.
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Old 13-04-2005, 06:49   #2

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Re: karma fraud

We have already banned 1 member for falsely signing karma. If anyone does falsely sign it then they risk being banned.
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Old 13-04-2005, 08:56   #3
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Re: karma fraud

Can we not have a vote on the whole anonymity issue? I really think if you decide to deduct karma from someone you should big enough[and mature enough!] to have your name next to it.
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Old 13-04-2005, 09:20   #4

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Re: karma fraud

The mods find it too much fun to change the karma system. Roy stated that here
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Old 13-04-2005, 11:32   #5
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Re: karma fraud

Originally Posted by lindsay ormerod
Can we not have a vote on the whole anonymity issue? I really think if you decide to deduct karma from someone you should big enough[and mature enough!] to have your name next to it.
I have to agree with you lindsay. I had karma taken the other day, fine, that really doesn't bother me, people are entitled to there own opinion but, I would like to know who gave or deducted karma off me. At least then you can put your point across.
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Old 13-04-2005, 11:56   #6
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Re: karma fraud

I'm sure if the mods wished to do so they could tweek the system so it automatically showed who had given, or deducted, Karma. However, my own observations are that Karma is seldom deducted for sensible reasons ie. someone being insulting or coming out with racist remarks etc. Usually, it is deducted because someone does not agree with the point of view put forward. I have had them deducted for "Having a dig at Liverpool F.C." also someone deducted karma because I had ventured that a point of view I was putting forward may mean that I could lose some. "Only because you told us to" was the inane narrative. So, really, having access to the 'deductors' would probably only promote a tit for tat situation with the victim then going in and deducting some in return. All a waste of time really. Personally, I have never deducted Karma from anyone.
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Last edited by JohnW; 13-04-2005 at 11:59.
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Old 13-04-2005, 12:03   #7
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Re: karma fraud

yeah but if the name is added with the karma it may make people think twice about deducting karma for childish reasons etc

anyway i didnt start the thread to say how things should be run i was just pointing out what i noticed lol

Last edited by chav1; 13-04-2005 at 12:05.
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Old 13-04-2005, 12:04   #8
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Re: karma fraud

Originally Posted by JohnW
So, really, having access to the 'deductors' would probably only promote a tit for tat situation with the victim then going in and deducting some in return.
They try to do that already thinking they have worked out who deducted theirs. I got titted once when I'd never even tatted!!

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Old 13-04-2005, 12:06   #9
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Re: karma fraud

And it would stop people from pretending it was from someone else.

Maybe a poll should be set up to get peoples' feelings on this
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Old 13-04-2005, 12:08   #10
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Re: karma fraud

the tit for tat game would have to be played verry carefully lol

if i was to start a tit for tat with willow i would be up crap creek because i could deduct 2 but she could hit back by deducting 8 from me lol

nice lady btw
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Old 13-04-2005, 12:09   #11
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Re: karma fraud

i had 3 karma taken just once (anon of course )for saying what i thought about spam ,i would have had more respect for that person if they had signed their name ,,now if that person reads this they will take it off again ... but who cares ,,,,,.
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Old 13-04-2005, 12:59   #12
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Re: karma fraud

I'd like to give you some karma Chav because you have a partner! lf l find out who she is[ l might already as l recently had karma deducted signed by a lady,] l'll give her some as well, as l think she really is more entitled to a gold medal for putting up with you.
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Old 13-04-2005, 13:56   #13
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Re: karma fraud

I just had another thought about Karma.

Some people have the power to award more karma than others, so I thought it would be a good idea to be able to award up to your maximum.

So, for example, Willow (sorry to pick on you!) could award anything from 1 to 8 points inclusive, depending on how worthy she felt the post was, instead of a blanket 8 points each time.

I don't know how feasible this is, but as I said, it's only a suggestion
"The Hour of Scampering is usually around teatime, according to the Vorlon/Human Translation Dictionary."

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Old 13-04-2005, 15:08   #14

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Re: karma fraud

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Waiting for sarcastic reply by Roy
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Old 13-04-2005, 16:18   #15

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Re: karma fraud

hohum, here we go again! Karma - without a doubt my absolute total favourite feature of accyweb. I've said it before and I'll keep on saying it - It is staying as it is. I love these threads, I love karma, it gives you all something to get at each other about and it gives the people who realise it isn't anything to be taken serious a chance to sit behind there screen and grin. The world has religion, and we will always argue about that, but we don't have religion here, we have something even better - The Evil/Good Karma System.
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