Ok .. must be the season of bad will, here is another sad tale for you:
Daughter textes me this morning ... purse stolen at work ... under her desk in her surgery. Only out of there for about 2 minutes to get stuff from fridge (probably injections or summat).
She is fairly sure took purse to work, as used Boots card to scrape ice off her car window ..

However, you do question yourself. Not in car ... goes home at lunch to check if she did leave at home. Gets 'phone call on her mobile .. 'tis Nationwide, Bradford .."have had someone in trying to draw out £300 but no identification ... so didn't give them the money" Daughter confirms was not her

so they say "OK ... will cancel this card for you at once as obviously stolen"... asks for her address and date of birth. Daughter gives to them ...
She get suspicious .. goes back to work ... rings police .. they give her crime no. Rings Nationwide branch, Leeds ... "no, no-one from Nationwide has rung you"

, "but someone has just drawn £500 from your account using your debit card"

Now the limit for drawing from a cash till at Nationwide is £500 per day .. but these buggers have gone to the desk to draw ... Nationwide ask for no pin number, no identification ... just rely on the signature ...

Lots of their cash machines outside ... would be worth a query one would think.
She is assured will get her money back in 7/10 days ...but now worried ... how did they get her mobile no ? Not in her purse, or her paper work on her desk .. mobile phone in her pocket. Will they be able to get a credit card now having her name and birth date ? ...

She has an idea of the culprit, as one patient was in a hurry to get away .. and police are looking at CCTV at the bank ... however ...

They getting clever .. giving you a false sense of security with the telephone call .....but Nationwide ...deary me !!!
There is no way my bank (NatWest) would have given me this amount of cash without a driving licence or passport !! And a bl**dy pin number.