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Old 20-08-2009, 18:51   #61
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Kerry Katona axed by Iceland

This woman is allegedly, Bi-polar, so will be on mind altering drugs for that do we know what effects the cocaine has on her, and how much it interacts with her necessary medication??

I would say that she is a poor excuse for a parent, I would not want someone with her problems( a lot of which she has made for herself) to come within a mile of a child of mine......why do I think she is a poor excuse for a parent???? Well, on becoming a parent you subjugate all your own needs for those of your do not wantonly snort a class A drug anywhere near your child...or for that matter allow your child to see you, or experience care from you while under the influence of that drug......OK, you may say that she has nannies, child-minders.....but if they are paid by you, then they take orders from you......and you are in no fit condition to determine what is right for the child.

And because a child looks well nourished does not mean that they are OK.....there is much child abuse that is not cannot be seen. But later on in life that child may go on to have problems because of the unseen, unrecognised mental/emotional cruelty.

And to Blazey....I would say come back and give your opinion when you have a child or children of your own......I think you perspective may be altered then.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 21-08-2009, 09:30   #62
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Re: Kerry Katona axed by Iceland

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
This woman is allegedly, Bi-polar, so will be on mind altering drugs for that do we know what effects the cocaine has on her, and how much it interacts with her necessary medication??

I would say that she is a poor excuse for a parent, I would not want someone with her problems( a lot of which she has made for herself) to come within a mile of a child of mine......why do I think she is a poor excuse for a parent???? Well, on becoming a parent you subjugate all your own needs for those of your do not wantonly snort a class A drug anywhere near your child...or for that matter allow your child to see you, or experience care from you while under the influence of that drug......OK, you may say that she has nannies, child-minders.....but if they are paid by you, then they take orders from you......and you are in no fit condition to determine what is right for the child.

And because a child looks well nourished does not mean that they are OK.....there is much child abuse that is not cannot be seen. But later on in life that child may go on to have problems because of the unseen, unrecognised mental/emotional cruelty.

And to Blazey....I would say come back and give your opinion when you have a child or children of your own......I think you perspective may be altered then.
Its bad enough watching out for interaction with prescribed drugs Margaret, let alone with narcotics taken just for kicks. Although I grew up in the swinging sixties when uppers and downers were the "IN" thing together with a bit of pot, I was never tempted to try anything, not even once, beer and fags were enough for me
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Old 21-08-2009, 11:36   #63
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Re: Kerry Katona axed by Iceland

I have never smoked or taken illegal drugs.......I can't see the point.
You cannot escape from reality.......if you want to blur the edges of your life then so be it, but at somepoint you have to come down from the artificial 'High' and face whatever it is you are running away from.
If there are things in your life that you don't like, then there are two options.......learn to live with the problem or change it.

These recreational drugs are all addictive......and usually lead to a downward spiral in lifestyles.

A lot of the problems experienced by the Z list celebs are of their own making......the media creates a hype that they end up believing.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 21-08-2009, 17:38   #64
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Re: Kerry Katona axed by Iceland

You don't need to be a mother to understand issues with children. The gap between me and my little brother is the same as the one between me and my mum. I was there when she gave birth to him, and I feel a massive responsibility to his growth and development when I am at home. It doesn't matter that he isn't mine, just like it makes no difference between adoptive parents and their children. Nobody wants to see a child harmed.

If you take the media to be fact then you are a mug. I hold reservation about everything I see in the newspaper, because I deal with fact. Fact is, you don't know where her children were at the time that picture was taken. In fact, you don't even know that the substance on that table is in fact cocaine. In fact, many people snort prescription drugs these days, because you can get a better hit that way from them. It's common. No law against it, it's just not following the instructions.

In fact, in 2003 a drug survey in the US found that almost twice the number of people abused prescription drugs than the number of people taking cocaine. And why is that not surprising? In the world, 40 million people were taking prozac in 2008. How many do you think are abusing it or selling it on for profit so other people can abuse it? It's easy enough to have anti-depressants dished out to you at the doctors.

Kerry Katona's business isn't any of mine, but I'll defend anyone who is having things assumed about them on such shoddy evidence. Front page of the Sun?

Nuff said.
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Old 21-08-2009, 17:53   #65
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Re: Kerry Katona axed by Iceland

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
In fact, many people snort prescription drugs these days, because you can get a better hit that way from them. It's common. No law against it, it's just not following the instructions.
They might be prescription drugs, but they will have been obtained on the blackmarket, i.e. illegally.

No doctor prescribes drugs to be snorted to get high.

Any parent stupid enough to do that, just like snorting cocaine, and which effects your mind and body long after the initial hit has worn off, deserves to have their poor children taken off them.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 21-08-2009, 17:58   #66
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Re: Kerry Katona axed by Iceland

Blazey, we will have to disagree on this do have to be a mother to really understand what many of us are getting at......the fact that you just don't get it proves this point, whatever you may say to the contrary.

And I do not care one jot about what the media says.
You deal in facts, but you don't know either, where she was or where her children were when all these events were taking place, or what measures were in place to ensure their only have the media to get your information from.

And I do know that there are prescription drugs which are nasally inhaled, but they don't have to be put down in a 'line'...they come in hygienic inhalers.

And mentioning the misuse of prescription drugs is just fudging the issue and sidetracking attention way from the real issues.
The safety of the children, and the fact that she was filmed doing something illegal....both of which should have been acted on by the authorities.
These children do have a father.....they could quite easily be placed with him for their ongoing care and attention......they do not need to be fostered.

I do not read The Sun or any other red top tabloid.......and you never ever make assumptions about anything do you?????.......not even that I am a 'MUG'.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 21-08-2009, 21:38   #67
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Re: Kerry Katona axed by Iceland

Snorting prescription drugs. Hmmmm. I take 4 drugs every morning (used to take 6 but I gave up the HRT and the statins). Imagine the faff of crushing them (or emptying the capsules of 2 of them) scraping them into a line - does it have to be a credit card? - and rolling up a tenner then sticking said tenner up my nostril and sniffing the stuff up. I'd be very likely to sneeze anyway, so I'd lose most of it, but it takes 10 seconds to swallow them with a glass of juice. Oh, I do inhale drugs 3 times a day - budesonide/formoterol - that's by mouth in a special casing, not up my nose.

Incidentally, it's very common on the continent to administer prescription drugs by suppository as that way they work fastest of all. We don't hear much of that in the celebrity snorting circles, do we?

Now, Blazey, you deal in facts. Do you contend that the video was tampered with to alter the facts that it showed? We clearly saw this young woman snort a line of.....something ...... and I doubt it was paracetamol. I agree there's no evidence of where her children were at the time and I'm inclined to give the benefit of the doubt, that they were safely tucked up in bed. The whole point, however, is that their mother, allegedly (I'm playing safe), uses illegal substances and is the legal guardian of those children. A teacher would lose her job on this evidence as would anyone working with children in any other capacity, simply because of concerns for the children. Those concerns apply equally to a parent.
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
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Old 21-08-2009, 22:20   #68
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Re: Kerry Katona axed by Iceland

Whatever the substance was it was lying openly in the bathroom (I am assuming) for easy access, if that doesn't mean she has a problem I don't know what does.
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Old 21-08-2009, 23:34   #69
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Re: Kerry Katona axed by Iceland

This lass has got away with far too much and kids have been taken from parents for less.

Its time Brian came and sued for custody and she was left to destroy herself if she so wishes before she drags those poor kids down with her.
She is careless and irresponsible

Just my two pennoth BTW .
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Old 21-08-2009, 23:53   #70
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Re: Kerry Katona axed by Iceland

Saint Brian..Saint Peter...both ******* ..we are all experts on the way kids should be brought up.. but some people are to quick to call for kids to be taken in care..the kids of Kerry Katona are pretty well off when finance comes into it and will be treated as such.. but what about the kids whose parents are skint?if you took kids into care for every infraction from a mother there would masses of kids in care...and it costs money.. everyone huffs n puffs but woulld you be prepared to pay by more taxes to put kids into care homes ?

Last edited by Mancie; 21-08-2009 at 23:55.
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Old 22-08-2009, 00:01   #71
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Re: Kerry Katona axed by Iceland

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
Saint Brian..Saint Peter...both ******* ..we are all experts on the way kids should be brought up.. but some people are to quick to call for kids to be taken in care..the kids of Kerry Katona are pretty well off when finance comes into it and will be treated as such.. but what about the kids whose parents are skint?if you took kids into care for every infraction from a mother there would masses of kids in care...and it costs money.. everyone huffs n puffs but woulld you be prepared to pay by more taxes to put kids into care homes ?
Looks like they are moving in already Mancie ..

Showbiz - News - Social services 'to investigate Katona' - Digital Spy

Surprised they are not investigating overfeeding her children too at the same time. This is already happening !

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Old 22-08-2009, 00:03   #72
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Re: Kerry Katona axed by Iceland

Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post
Who is jordon? Who is Peter? Who is Kerry Catona? Who gives a ****?
lmao.. this is my new signature
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Old 22-08-2009, 00:14   #73
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Re: Kerry Katona axed by Iceland

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
the kids of Kerry Katona are pretty well off when finance comes into it and will be treated as such.. but what about the kids whose parents are skint?
Money, or conversely the lack of money, has nothing to do with good parenting.

Children can have every material possession going, and still be living in emotional poverty.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 22-08-2009, 00:15   #74
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Re: Kerry Katona axed by Iceland

Originally Posted by katex View Post
Looks like they are moving in already Mancie ..

Showbiz - News - Social services 'to investigate Katona' - Digital Spy

Surprised they are not investigating overfeeding her children too at the same time. This is already happening !

Attachment 14435
Tell you what Katex ..I've only ever seen what I would call "a bad mother" and that was at Euston station when a women asked for money with a young kid in a pram...taking drugs is not ideal but I don't belive it makes a "bad" mother or parent..there are vast examples of the Lords of drug abuse such as John Lennon, Bowie, on and on.. but these bods never had the pressure of having thier kids taken away.. so why is this case different?
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Old 22-08-2009, 00:17   #75
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Re: Kerry Katona axed by Iceland

Originally Posted by Restless View Post
lmao.. this is my new signature
That's odd.

On the celebrities-r-us forum, Katie Price has 'Who is Restless?', as her signature.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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