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Old 23-08-2009, 12:08   #106
Beacon of light

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Re: Kerry Katona axed by Iceland

Flashy, this woman courted the effect selling her life to them.... a bit like selling your soul to the never get it back in the same condition.

And I agree that none of us are perfect, but she has made some very flawed judgements in her life....these are bound to affect her children whichever way you look at it.

She isn't a good mother...or if she were she would not put her selfish desires above the needs of her children......they should be her one primary concern, above all others.
She is bringing up impressionable children in an environment of danger.....they do not deserve that...and it may lead to irreparable emotional damage to them in later years.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 23-08-2009, 13:10   #107
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Re: Kerry Katona axed by Iceland

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
but she has made some very flawed judgements in her life....
haven't we all
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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Old 23-08-2009, 13:22   #108
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Re: Kerry Katona axed by Iceland

yes, of course we have, but don't we learn from them too?
It does not appear that this woman has learned anything from her past mistakes......she keeps on repeating them....and in front of the media who are keen to devour her.
It is almost a spectator sport....unsavoury as it may sound, she has done this to herself, and unwittingly (or perhaps not) to her children......for money.

Let me ask you a question Flashy......Who comes first in your life......You or your son?

I won't win any prizes by guessing that without hesitation you said 'My son'....and it is what motherhood rests on....the very fact that a mother would do without, so that her children can be fed /clothed/mentally/emotionally secure.

Another question.....if you thought that through an illness or an addicition, you could not fulfil your obligation to your child, what would you do?
My guess is, you would find someone you trusted to fulfil your role until you were well again.
That is what a good mother would do....or am I wrong?
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)

Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 23-08-2009 at 13:26.
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Old 23-08-2009, 13:44   #109
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Re: Kerry Katona axed by Iceland

yes of course Reece comes first, MY life is all about Reece and yes i would make sure he was looked after by someone i trusted if i felt i couldn't look after him in any way, media must do a lot to a persons mind, i'm not making excuses for her behaviour but from what i have read in her book she does have a lot of underlying problems to deal with too, she got in with the wrong person, maybe her children don't have a clue about what she's been doing (or didnt before this got out) who are we to say that they aren't safe? who are we to judge?
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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Old 23-08-2009, 13:52   #110
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Re: Kerry Katona axed by Iceland

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
But you still posted to something that you later deride us for posting to. If you don't think the subject that is posted is worthy, then the answer is very simple....don't post and the thread will die.

It seems from this post that you sit in judgement over what the rest of us do. Who died and made you King?
What are these pressing local issues you talk about?
And how will debating them make them better?
If you know so much about these pressing local issues, then why don't you post threads that you feel would make this borough better?

It is very easy to talk a place down when you don't actually live here.....OK, you may visit from time to time, but a visit gives you a different perspective than actually living here.
Now......I know this is a thread wander....and I apologise for that.
Take no notice Margaret.

One of the few threads old Teabag has started, that people bothered to post in, was called 'Sodomy, all at sea', regarding homosexuality in the British navy.

Hardly a pressing local topic, unless the canal at Church has been reclassified as an ocean.

Some people read about so called celebrities, whilst others read about randy sailors.

It takes all sorts.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 23-08-2009, 14:32   #111
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Re: Kerry Katona axed by Iceland

'We' are a society that is tainted by poor turning a blind eye to things that should be sorted.
Children are our future Flashy.......and it is obvious from your response that you are a good and caring mother, that makes you capable of spotting what makes a poor mother, an 'unable' mother......a mother who cannot fulfil her obligations to her children......and one who is likely (without some kind of intervention) to self destruct.

It is her fault that she is in the kind of predicament she is in....she has engineered her fate by not being capable of recognising that she is making the same mistakes over and over.
And in her book......I take it that she wrote it, of course she is going to say that her children know nothing of what is going is hardly something she is likely to admit to is it?
She is a needy person who has turned to the wrong people for support and help...badly advised and thrown to the wolves that make up the media.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 23-08-2009, 14:57   #112
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Re: Kerry Katona axed by Iceland

I think you just suggested Kerry Katona made mistakes in her life. Who hasn't? Kerry Katona does a bit of cocaine and that makes her an unfit mother.

I've never seen her harm those children. I've never noticed her hiding her family away from the public eye for shame of what might be discovered.

She's human. That's the appeal of Kerry Katona. She doesn't pretend she's the image of perfection. She just does her best with what she has. And her children aren't suffering because of that. There are plenty of pictures of them in magazines and on the internet of her with them out on the streets taking them to school and they're well groomed and smiling. The children reflect the quality of parenting do they not?

I could point out much worse parents in Accrington who don't give a damn about their kids or what they get up to. Parents who buy their kids alcohol to keep them out of the way. Even parents who allow their kids to take drugs.

I bet Kerry Katona wouldn't let her kids touch drugs or alcohol. She knows first hand how damaging they are and she clearly gives those children a lot of love and attention. To call her a bad mother just because some supermarket doesn't want her any more is ridiculous. Iceland will be taking advantage of the boom in its trade as people are hunting for cheaper food, and remarketing will help secure that. If you ask me, they've just took hold with an easy opportunity to replace her and everyone has latched on to the 'lets slate kerry katona' bandwagon.

If you are going to hate her, just promise that if she gets ill, god forbid, we won't turn her into another national treasure like Jade Goody. I'm fed up of this media-driven country. Glorified hearsay, that's all it is. And it's bloody ridiculous that grown adults are naive enough to base such decisions about people on 'evidence' in the media.
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Old 23-08-2009, 15:07   #113
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Re: Kerry Katona axed by Iceland

Blazey, you and I are never going to agree on the essence of this discussion.
I have never posted that I hated anyone...because I don't hate anyone.

I have already covered the aspect of 'if children look Ok then they must be Ok' and I am not going to go over that point again.

And if by some misfortune the children of this woman do take drugs later in life......well, it will be OK...they will only be doing a bit of cocaine as you put it.

As for the much worse parents in is sad if you do know such people,...maybe they are disadvantaged....they certainly won't be in the media, unless of course, their court case is reported in the Observer.....and you can bet your neck no-one will pay them for their story.
The problem(though you don't see it as such) is that this womans life is hung out for all and sundry to read about......and stupidly, some people think this is the kind of life to aspire to....and that there is nothing wrong with doing a bit of sad is that???
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 23-08-2009, 15:29   #114
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Re: Kerry Katona axed by Iceland

well i suppose at least shes going to the bathroom to take her drugs and not doing them in front of her kids.....
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Old 23-08-2009, 15:48   #115
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Re: Kerry Katona axed by Iceland

SHAMED Kerry Katona was back bingeing on MORE cocaine within minutes of discovering the News of the World was exposing her lies in our shock snorting video.

Realising her ludicrous denials would no longer wash, the reality TV star sniffed up line after line of the Class A drug and wept: "I've lost everything. I'm going to lose my kids - the lot!"

Telling how the distraught 28-year-old mum-of-four made straight for her coke stash, our inside source said: "It's unbelievable, but she was still taking cocaine to try to numb the pain, even after she was rumbled. All she wanted to do was get completely out of her mind.

"She was crying and saying she was going to lose her advert contract with Iceland and was terrified her ex, Brian McFadden, would get custody of their daughters Molly and Lilly-Sue.

"And she kept repeating how social services would take away her youngest two, Heidi and Max. But never, at any stage, did she say she was actually going to DO something about her problem and STOP taking the cocaine.
"It was the opposite, she was just wanting to get more and more drugs to get wasted. She was up all night Saturday (after the News of the World told her about the video) and couldn't string a sentence together by Sunday lunchtime, she was a total mess.

"And her husband Mark kept whining over and over, 'We've lost the ------- lot, Kez!' And he was taking cocaine, too. He's no better than her."
Yesterday Kerry admitted publicly to her fears of losing her kids and confessed: "I've let my children down. I'm so sorry and so ashamed. I know I let everyone down - my fans, my family and people I work with."

She tried to write off her latest cocaine shame as "a moment of weakness" brought on by Mark romping with strippers in Majorca. "I did it because I was very unhappy at the time and thought it might make me feel better about myself," she added.

Kerry was speaking on her return from Tenerife - where she fled after our story. She had planned the trip with two paparazzi pals to set up pictures of her romping with another man - paying Mark back for groping strippers in a Majorca nightclub.

But she quickly realised the trip would help her sidestep Cheshire drugs cops and social services who were all eager to quiz her.
Bankrupt Kerry changed her mock photo-shoot plans so her mates would take some money-spinning topless shots PLUS "happy family" good- parent snaps of her with the three eldest kids - Molly, seven, Lilly-Sue, six, and Heidi, two. Mark was invited along at the last minute.

But by the time they flew back to Manchester Airport on Friday night the "united front" plan was in tatters after a string of screaming rows.
Now cops and social workers are expected to come knocking at Kerry's door in Wilmslow, Cheshire, tomorrow. The play-acting started last Tuesday morning when Mark flew out to join Kerry with his seven-year-old daughter Keeley from a previous relationship. Youngest child Max, one, stayed home with the nanny.

Kerry had already checked into the £185-a-night Dream Gran Tacande Hotel, with a girl friend and the paparazzi in adjoining rooms. She met Mark and Keeley at the airport and carefully posed pictures of her sobbing on his knee were taken.

Our source said: "Kerry had her engagement and wedding ring back on her finger but it was clear they're not happy. They barely spoke to each other out there and. Kerry barely spent any time with the children, unless a camera was turned on her.

"For the majority of the trip to the Canaries, Kerry acted like a shocking parent. She even sent the kids to have dinner with the photographers while she sat in her room. You'd think after what she's done, and the possibility her kids could be taken from her, that she'd want to spend every precious moment she could with them."

At 11pm on Tuesday fellow guests could hear Kerry and Mark screaming at each other from their second floor bedroom. Our source said: "I heard Kerry shouting at Heidi to 'shut up' then she and Mark were rowing so loudly people in the restaurant downstairs could hear them."

On Wednesday morning Kerry and Mark didn't even surface to take the children to breakfast.

Our source added: "While Kerry posed on the beach for tacky pictures poor Molly was crying by the pool because she was getting so sunburnt."
That evening there was more shouting with Kerry bawling at the kids: "What's wrong with you? You're on holiday, you should be having a good time!" Finally on Wednesday night Kerry, Mark and the children ate together - just long enough for the photographers to take some shots.
Kerry walked out of the restaurant 20 minutes before everybody else and stormed back to the hotel. Our source said: "She looked furious. She took Molly with her. I think they stopped off at the pharmacy to finally get some cream for the poor child.

"Back at the hotel Kerry and Mark had another screaming match. About 10pm they all emerged to go to a magic show in the hotel. Kerry looked bored out of her mind, yawning and putting her head on the table. She and Mark didn't utter a word to each other.

"The only time they showed any affection was when they had their picture taken. Next morning at the pool Molly did at last have lots of cream put on her skin, and later they put Mark's big T-shirt on her to protect her.

"On Thursday night Kerry went to the hotel entertainment show with the kids again. But she and Mark kept nipping back to the room, and then she'd return sniffing and wiping her nose.

"That night they actually looked like they were genuinely having a good time, drinking pints and clapping along to the music - until Kerry went berserk because another guest took a picture of her She immediately sent over her friends to threaten the people and demand their cameras. She was desperate to carefully control what people could see of her on holiday, trying to portray a squeaky clean image with her pap photos. She didn't want to be seen drinking and looking wasted."

After flying home to Britain on Friday, Kerry's top priority was said to be finding out who gave us the video. She and Mark spent hours compiling a list of suspects.

Our source said: "It comes to something when you need to draw up lists of people in your home and could have seen you taking cocaine."

Kerry Katona: I'll lose my kids | Coke-head's world in ruins after drug video shame | News | News Of The World

You've got to feel sorry for any child having such feckless people as parents.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 23-08-2009, 16:05   #116
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Re: Kerry Katona axed by Iceland

Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post
That so much has been posted about so little is a reflection not just on the idiots who have done so but also a reflection on Accy/Hyndburn itself.
totally unfair statment. the fact that newspapers put this silly bitch on the front page is that the majority of people all over the country will be talking about her just like this thread here... is it not a reflection of human behavior in general and not that of a few people on a small town message board?
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Old 23-08-2009, 20:45   #117
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Re: Kerry Katona axed by Iceland

So, according to Tealeaf, we shouldn't be discussing this, we should all be talking about our bins and roads instead.

Actually, we do do that sometimes, don't we?

Accyweb would be a bit monotonous if every thread was a 'bin' or 'road' thread, wouldn't it? Sometimes we discuss items from the national news and debating these does not mean that we do not care about Hyndburn's roads and bins but we don't want to discuss them exclusively.

Ha! Rant over.

Back to Kerry, as I said in the first post, I feel sorry for her children.
They are not getting the mum they deserve whilst she is taking cocaine.

Yes, she has made mistakes, some of us have made mistakes but Iceland is her employer. If you or I brought our employer's name into disrepute, we too would be sacked.
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs, cackling and telling me
'You'll be next.' They stopped when I started doing the same to them at funerals.
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Old 23-08-2009, 20:55   #118
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Re: Kerry Katona axed by Iceland

Originally Posted by Lilly View Post
They are not getting the mum they deserve whilst she is taking cocaine.
this is deffo true. I used to take drugs in my teenage youth and ive seen what cocaine does to some people... I thankfully never tried it but then again some kids are losing out on the parents they deserve with alcoholic parents or parents that drink a lot and let it controll their lives.
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Old 23-08-2009, 21:25   #119
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Re: Kerry Katona axed by Iceland

Originally Posted by Lilly View Post
Sometimes we discuss items from the national news and debating these
Ha ha, you make it sound like you're entering into an informed discourse on some complex item of current affairs that has recently featured in the columns of "The Times". Instead, you're yakking about some daft bint who's shoved some Colombian marching powder up her nose and made the red tops. Away with ye, woman! You just get back to discussing wheelie bins and the like!
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Old 23-08-2009, 21:26   #120
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Re: Kerry Katona axed by Iceland

You lot really are a bunch of plonkers. A couple of monkeys let loose on a computer keyboard for an hour or two would produce a contribution making far more sense then anything I have read since my last posting. Still, if you wish to wallow in this rubbish, then continue.....I would however, like to see another section on the Accy Web, just for the terminally insane - maybe to go alongside that of Crackpot's Corner (to which some are still awaiting).

Wynonies last contribution excepted, of course.

Last edited by Tealeaf; 23-08-2009 at 21:30.
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