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Old 02-01-2008, 00:15   #16
Resident Waffler

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Originally Posted by blazey View Post
Charity doesn't necessarily have to be via organisations either. I think that often goes overlooked. I think my favourite 'charity' has to be the 'shoe-box' one at xmas where you make up boxes of little presents for children in africa. Doesn't cost you anything really but you know it makes a big difference to a child somewhere to have that gift.
But the shoe box one is an organisation too. It has to be organised by somebody. One year my late husband and I collected the Christmas Pressies for the NSPCC which had been taken in to various places and delivered them the the NSPCC offices. Somebody had to organise it all.

We did a charity food and pressies Christmas thing at church but somebody had to organise rounding stuff up and taking it to where it was going.

I do lots of little things and this Kiva is another little thing that I think will be worthwhile. It helps people to help themselves and the money comes back to you so you can loan it out again and help someone else.

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