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Old 15-10-2015, 12:35   #181
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Labour Leadership Contest

The voting system in this country means that rarely do we get a government chosen by the majority of the electorate.
So, while this government were voted in, they may not have been the choice of the majority of the voters.
But then. It doesn't matter who is voted in, they never ever correct the things that they saw as problems when they were in opposition. For example many governments have known about the tax loopholes....have any of them dealt with these loopholes? Of course they haven't.
If large multinational companies paid their taxes like those of us on PAYE,there would be enough money to sustain the welfare system, to keep police on the streets.
So WHY Has it not been resolved?
We all know that politicians are only interested in the views of the electorate when there is an election coming up.....they treat the voters with ill concealed disdain.
We are not considered bright enough to be able to make decisions about our lives.
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Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 15-10-2015 at 12:39.
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Old 15-10-2015, 14:05   #182
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Re: Labour Leadership Contest

I agree about Tax loopholes never being addressed, Blair @ his acolytes are as bad as the tories in that respect certainly, I think maybe labour may now have a guy that will? although i certainly dont agree with some stuff he leans towards, its also a case of if the so called "Media" ever allows him to become P.M. our own M.P. certainly will not IMHO.
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Old 15-10-2015, 15:09   #183

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Re: Labour Leadership Contest

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
The voting system in this country means that rarely do we get a government chosen by the majority of the electorate.....
That isn't really true, you are playing with words. This Government was selected by the majority of those who either cared enough or could be bothered to get off their backsides and vote.

If you don't vote you lose your say in the way the country is run.
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Old 15-10-2015, 15:51   #184
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Re: Labour Leadership Contest

No, Neil, I am not playing with words as you put it.
The 'first past the post' system is not going to give the majority of electors the government of their choice.
That is proved by the number of votes polled by say, UKIP, yet they got only one seat in parliament.
The more parties there are the less chance that the majority of the electors will get a government which reflects their views as the vote is diluted by the number of parties available to vote for.
I am not sure that I am explaining myself very well.
The only way to get a true majority is to have proportional representation......but this would put many people off from voting as it is far more complicated than the first past the post system.

And there is little incentive to vote when politicians do not take heed of what the electorate the limits on immigration.....parties ignored the concerns of the electorate and the electorate responded.
A lot of people are disenchanted with politics because politicians are seen to be dishonest. Out for themselves and having lost touch with the people they are SUPPOSED to be representing.
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Old 15-10-2015, 23:50   #185
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Re: Labour Leadership Contest

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
That isn't really true, you are playing with words. This Government was selected by the majority of those who either cared enough or could be bothered to get off their backsides and vote.

If you don't vote you lose your say in the way the country is run.
Care to evidence this Mr Super moderator?

Because I can evidence that just over 11.3 million voted for this government and 20+ million 'cared enough and could be bothered to get off their backsides', voted against and were ignored.

I'm one of those 20+ million and I'm entitled to my say.

People who didn't vote did so for a variety of reasons, (on holiday, sick, out of the country, thought all the candidates were rubbish etc..) and even if they could not be bothered, they do not lose the right to have their say in a free society....

You should change your title to 'supercilious moderator' would be more apt!
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Old 16-10-2015, 12:46   #186

Re: Labour Leadership Contest

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
That isn't really true, you are playing with words. This Government was selected by the majority of those who either cared enough or could be bothered to get off their backsides and vote.

If you don't vote you lose your say in the way the country is run.

The Conservatives received 36.9% of the votes of those "who either cared enough or could be bothered to get off their backsides and vote."

Am I playing with numbers to say that means 63.1% DIDN'T vote for them?
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Old 16-10-2015, 14:37   #187
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Re: Labour Leadership Contest

Originally Posted by hyndburner View Post

The Conservatives received 36.9% of the votes of those "who either cared enough or could be bothered to get off their backsides and vote."

Am I playing with numbers to say that means 63.1% DIDN'T vote for them?
Only slightly, it was 38.3%
But then, Labour only got 31%, so 69% didn't vote for them either.
SNP got 4.9% and 56 seats, UKIP got 13% and only one seat!
Nobody said it would be fair!
It's in the interests of the two main parties to keep it this way so there's no chance of proportional representation for a while yet. With Google Page Ranking they'd be forced into coalitions and like Italy nothing would get done.

Last edited by Gordon Booth; 16-10-2015 at 14:43.
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Old 16-10-2015, 15:57   #188
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Re: Labour Leadership Contest

Where on earth did 'Google Page Ranking' come from?
Should have been 'Google Page Ranking'. Must be an age thing.

Last edited by Gordon Booth; 16-10-2015 at 16:02.
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Old 16-10-2015, 16:39   #189
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Re: Labour Leadership Contest

It's done it again! I put the first letters of Proportional Representation!
I give up.
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Old 16-10-2015, 23:29   #190
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Re: Labour Leadership Contest

Originally Posted by Gordon Booth View Post
With 'proportional representation' they'd be forced into coalitions and like Italy nothing would get done.
Italy's system has been bastardised by a corrupt government. The Germans don't seem to be doing too badly, neither do the Danes, the Fins and the Norwegians.

Government for the people, by the people etc.. as opposed to the current system so typified by the Graham Jones attitude of 'I know better than the people who voted for me so who cares what they think'!
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Old 19-10-2015, 22:06   #191

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Re: Labour Leadership Contest

I think you both proved the Tories won with the majority required by our voting system.
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Old 19-10-2015, 22:08   #192

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Re: Labour Leadership Contest

Originally Posted by Guinness View Post
....You should change your title to 'supercilious moderator' would be more apt!
Why would that be?
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Old 20-10-2015, 07:24   #193
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Re: Labour Leadership Contest

People who fell for the traitorous Cameron scare tactics will be regretting their vote now over immigration economy tax credits fiddling unemployment figures standard of living selling off assets to his mates his support of Murdoch who is trying to split the UK for his own ends the sun support the SNPin Scotland the tories in england he has a cheek to stand in front of the British flag he is the most un British pm ever.

Last edited by cmonstanley; 20-10-2015 at 07:26.
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Old 20-10-2015, 07:27   #194
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Re: Labour Leadership Contest

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
I think you both proved the Tories won with the majority required by our voting system.
Yes Neil they did.
But although they won by the majority required by our voting system, that does not mean that a majority of the electorate voted for them to govern.
For this to happen the voting system would have to be seriously overhauled and proportional representation brought in.
Now, of course that will not happen any day soon as there is no political appetite for it to be implemented. It would be like turkeys voting for Christmas.
The current system (and the boundary changes)gives the Tory party a head start.
And without putting too fine a point on it,your answer is ever so slightly pedantic.
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Old 20-10-2015, 15:38   #195
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Re: Labour Leadership Contest

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
I think you both proved the Tories won with the majority required by our voting system.
that’s NOT what you said…..

You said…

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
This Government was selected by the majority of those who either cared enough or could be bothered to get off their backsides and vote.
Which is clearly disproved by 3 people not 2

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
you are playing with words.
Ain’t you just.

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
Why would that be?
Your post was not only bereft of any facts, it was conceited, smug and disdainful of the ‘majority’ of the electorate who did not vote for the current government…. i.e.supercilious

Would you like me to define any more big words for you?
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