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12-09-2015, 20:14
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Re: Labour Leadership Contest
When Tony Balir said dont vote for Corbyn, I knew he was the right man for the job!
12-09-2015, 21:48
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Re: Labour Leadership Contest
Originally Posted by hyndburner
I started this thread a month ago, and have watched the leadership election with interest. I was actually shocked at the cynical way the other three candidates insisted on insulting the electorate with the traditional Westminster Bubble approach of never answering the question with a straight answer. I thought they might have got it that approach belongs in the past.
It got the treatment it deserved. Complete rejection. And Cameron and Co need to take note, because they still follow that line.
Jeremy Corbyn might or might not be the answer. He might or might not have the answers. But at least he brings a fresh approach of honesty and integrity which the other politicians don't have.
The next 6 months make for fascinating viewing!
Hmmm, three words in there you don't often see together - honesty, integrity & politician?? - got to be honest, I don't know much about the ins & outs of this leadership contest but if this Corbyn has these qualities maybe the labour party could start to get back to it's roots - guess time will tell
12-09-2015, 21:49
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Re: Labour Leadership Contest
Well one things for sure the public cant use the line 'They're all the same.' anymore.
12-09-2015, 21:51
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Re: Labour Leadership Contest
He's effectively scuppered Labour's chances of winning in 2020, if he's still leading the party then. Firstly, most of the electorate aren't hard left socialists, so a lot of his views will be anathema to them. No way are they going to go for a man who wants to scrap our nuclear deterrent and leave NATO...who consistently supports terrorists (apparently, he doesn't understand why we're sending drones to kill murderous fascist traitors who wish nothing but harm to this country) and who wants to invite more refugees to our shores.
Talking of which...his first action after being voted leader was to go to a "We welcome the refugees" rally. Got his priorities right there, then. 
12-09-2015, 22:56
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Labour Leadership Contest
Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
He's effectively scuppered Labour's chances of winning in 2020, if he's still leading the party then. Firstly, most of the electorate aren't hard left socialists, so a lot of his views will be anathema to them. No way are they going to go for a man who wants to scrap our nuclear deterrent and leave NATO...who consistently supports terrorists (apparently, he doesn't understand why we're sending drones to kill murderous fascist traitors who wish nothing but harm to this country) and who wants to invite more refugees to our shores.
Talking of which...his first action after being voted leader was to go to a "We welcome the refugees" rally. Got his priorities right there, then. 
I really dont believe yeh are that brainwashed wyn?  people are already sick to the back teeth of Camerons ways, summat i hear regular in me jaunts about, Labour as it stood were NO alternative to that sleezebag, yeh should have the good sense to wait and see what develops by 2020, yeh are sounding as bad as the 7 ****es that have resigned to my mind. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
12-09-2015, 23:35
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Re: Labour Leadership Contest
Originally Posted by cashman
I really dont believe yeh are that brainwashed wyn?  people are already sick to the back teeth of Camerons ways, summat i hear regular in me jaunts about, Labour as it stood were NO alternative to that sleezebag, yeh should have the good sense to wait and see what develops by 2020, yeh are sounding as bad as the 7 ****es that have resigned to my mind. 
Brainwashed by what? Corbyn's a hard left socialist...fact. He wants to dispense with our nuclear weapons and leave NATO...fact. He's grumbling about sending drones to kill terrorist traitors...fact. He wants to admit more of the current wave of refugees ("But for now, the UK could and should be taking in many more refugees. We must coordinate UK intervention with our European partners and agree upon a proportionate and compassionate response to bring an end to the desperate suffering." - his words...not newspaper talk)...fact.
What makes me laugh is that if an Accywebber came on here and posted exactly those same views, you'd be the first one to call them a "bleeding heart, do-gooding liberal" and all sorts of other less complimentary names!
13-09-2015, 07:58
Beacon of light
Re: Labour Leadership Contest
Originally Posted by Rowlf
Well one things for sure the public cant use the line 'They're all the same.' anymore.
One swallow doesn't make a summer. 
One honest politician in a parliament of how many?
I think we can still say that most of them are a shower of Fisons.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
13-09-2015, 08:00
Beacon of light
Re: Labour Leadership Contest
Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
Brainwashed by what? Corbyn's a hard left socialist...fact. He wants to dispense with our nuclear weapons and leave NATO...fact. He's grumbling about sending drones to kill terrorist traitors...fact. He wants to admit more of the current wave of refugees ("But for now, the UK could and should be taking in many more refugees. We must coordinate UK intervention with our European partners and agree upon a proportionate and compassionate response to bring an end to the desperate suffering." - his words...not newspaper talk)...fact
And those are the very things which should be worrying us the most.....the fact that they are his words.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
13-09-2015, 10:14
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Labour Leadership Contest
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
And those are the very things which should be worrying us the most.....the fact that they are his words.
When did he say those words? that was then!! this is Now, I will be concerned if he were to say them now, until then i'm prepared to give the guy a chance, we all know times change, some of my views when younger are not valid today, i reckon most older people can say that?
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
13-09-2015, 10:26
Beacon of light
Re: Labour Leadership Contest
So you really think that because he said them in the past(and we are not talking about when the guy was in his twenties - we are talking recent past, recent events and you are just as capable as me in seeking them out if you want to).....that he no longer subscribes to those ideas?
The business about taking out the guys who had gone to syria to fight for ISIS was recently....he couldn't see the reasoning for it...despite the fact that they were planning atrocities on home soil.
Yes, I agree with you we all say things in our youth which age and experience cause us to regret, but these things that he has said are recent....of the current time and political scene.
Yes, I will wait and see, and that was a phrase i used in an earlier post...but I have not a lot of hope that this man can do one jot of good to the Labour party
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
13-09-2015, 10:34
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Labour Leadership Contest
I do not know Margaret, But i do know that oer quarter of a million people have joined the Labour party, in the past 3 months, that is incredible? and tells me that people are heartily sick of whats been on offer politically, so thats why i'm happy to see how things pan out, and those 7 that have resigned from the shadow cabinet, should in my view be drummed out of the party, as i said before its an insult to the members that voted, the are only watered down torys and not fit to hold any office in my view.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
13-09-2015, 11:02
Beacon of light
Re: Labour Leadership Contest
Yes you are right about the Labour Party having become a pale version of the Tory party.
The numbers joining the Labour Party show that sometimes hope triumphs over experience.
I have(like you) lived a long time and I know that sometimes what seems like a good plan doesn't work out well when you try to put it into practice.
It might seem like a good idea to re nationalise utilities, railways and the like.
It may seem like a good idea to tax the rich and give it to the poor and disadvantaged......it might seem like a good idea to leave NATO, to ditch Trident....To allow as many migrants into the country as the place can take...All of these ideas are just that ideas.....and useless in opposition(well, I suppose he could block the current crew from taking some actions)
I get the feeling.....and it IS only a feeling the this man does not like Britain very much....and much of what he seems to want to do will not enrich us.
But, we can only wait and see how the thing pans out.......I really don't think it will be better for the likes of us...but I DO hope I am wrong!
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
13-09-2015, 11:05
Beacon of light
Re: Labour Leadership Contest
That will be my last post to this thread...I really think I have nothing more to add anything to the discussion at the present time.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
13-09-2015, 13:11
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Re: Labour Leadership Contest
Originally Posted by cashman
When did he say those words? that was then!! this is Now, I will be concerned if he were to say them now, until then i'm prepared to give the guy a chance, we all know times change, some of my views when younger are not valid today, i reckon most older people can say that?
Then, you should be concerned, as he said them in his article in the "Independent" last week which I pasted on post 50. Similarly, his disapproval of sending drones to wipe out British passport holders who may be plotting against this country is from last week. His views on unilateral nuclear disarmament are well-known and have been the same for years.
However, you're quite right, mate, let's give the bloke a chance and only judge him on what he does after becoming leader. Here's the first thing he did...
Jeremy Corbyn addresses London refugee rally - BBC News
I'm sure you were there with him in spirit! 
13-09-2015, 16:03
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Re: Labour Leadership Contest
Just an observation......Denis Healey was once a member of the Communist Party......gave a strongly left-wing speech to the Labour Party conference in 1945.......became Secretary of State for Defence......became Chancellor of the Exchequer.......became deputy leader of the Labour Party.......in 2006 he said : " Nuclear weapons are infinitely less important in our foreign policy than they were in the days of the Cold War" and "I don't think we need nuclear weapons any longer" ...... in 2013 he said : " "I wouldn't object strongly to leaving the EU. The advantages of being members of the union are not obvious. The disadvantages are very obvious. I can see the case for leaving – the case for leaving is stronger than for staying in . "
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