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Old 11-08-2015, 19:13   #1

Labour Leadership Contest

Interesting that there is no discussion on this site about the Labour Leadership Contest.

What do we think? It strikes me that Jeremy Corbyn is scoring major bonus points with over simple, almost child like,70s retro comments about anti-austerity, tax and spend, no students fees, batter the rich, nationalise industry, get rid of Trident etc etc etc without having the remotest idea how to fund it all in a 2015 World Economy.(or is that it? Does he really care?)

The alternative? I'm sorry, but Andy who? Yvette who? And the other one who is supposedly a Blairite but I can't even recall her Christian name, never mind her surname. All totally charisma free.

What a completely sorry state for a major opposition party to find itself in!
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Old 11-08-2015, 19:23   #2
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Re: Labour Leadership Contest

That's one of the strange things about politicians, some can be remembered (and what they said) years after they died, others cannot be remembered even when they are alive(?) and in the news.
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Old 11-08-2015, 19:42   #3
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Re: Labour Leadership Contest

It will be a bad thing if the Labour Party gets pulled down and loses its attraction.
Every government needs a good, strong opposition to hold it in check, hold it to account, offer an alternative for next time.
The SNP only want one thing, the Liberals don't exist.
Without a strong Labour the extremes in the Tory Party will think they can go on the rampage.
That's not good. Extremes in any party or anything else are never good.
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Old 13-08-2015, 20:07   #4
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Re: Labour Leadership Contest

Originally Posted by hyndburner View Post
Interesting that there is no discussion on this site about the Labour Leadership Contest.
well i suppose its a bit like fighting for the job of been captain of the titanic

your gonna end up on a sinking ship

Originally Posted by Gordon Booth View Post
Every government needs a good, strong opposition to hold it in check, hold it to account, offer an alternative for next time.
the day milliband got elected as party leader was the last day government had a strong opposition

were stuck with tories for a long time regardless of what spin them red rose wearing twonks put on it

they lied to and betrayed this country too many times and it will be along time before they get forgiven by those that swung to tory
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.

ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

Last edited by accyman; 13-08-2015 at 20:11.
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Old 13-08-2015, 20:15   #5
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Re: Labour Leadership Contest

Originally Posted by hyndburner View Post
Interesting that there is no discussion on this site about the Labour Leadership Contest.
I think people are just so overwhelmed with the excitement of politics it leaves us all speechless
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Old 13-08-2015, 20:22   #6
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Re: Labour Leadership Contest

Whats really funny is the rest saying Corbyn will set Labour back years, pmsl they mean like Blair n Milliband already have, and thats exactly why the public in general want him.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 14-08-2015, 10:37   #7
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Re: Labour Leadership Contest

Do the public in general want Corbyn? It seems to me that the people who want him are leftwing socialists. The majority of the public (including me) aren't leftwing socialists, so if he does get voted in as leader, he'll have as much chance of leading Labour to victory as Michael Foot did in the 80's. Admittedly, the rest of the candidates aren't a very inspiring bunch. To my way of thinking, Alan Johnson would've made an excellent and electable Labour leader - a man who combines compassion with common sense in a way that would've caught the imagination of floating voters like me.
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Old 14-08-2015, 10:57   #8
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Re: Labour Leadership Contest

I think it's a shame Chuka Umunna backed out. A bit inexperienced but more personality than those with experience. A sharp mind to make up for it. And he'd have another five years to get a lot more experience!
Still, perhaps the fact that he backed out showed he wasn't the man for the job. Or is he just biding his time?
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Old 14-08-2015, 11:08   #9
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Re: Labour Leadership Contest

Dont know wyn, but many i speak to want him n i wouldn't class them as left wing socialists.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 14-08-2015, 11:33   #10
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Re: Labour Leadership Contest

Seems strange to me, Cashy, that people who aren't leftwing socialists would vote for a leftwing socialist leader who is going to put leftwing socialist ideas into practice. Personally I can think of lots of reasons not to vote for him, but one in particular is his refusal to condemn the atrocities of the IRA which, to my way of thinking, is an insult to the victims and their families.
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Old 14-08-2015, 14:03   #11
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Re: Labour Leadership Contest

I honestly think people are voting fer him,simply cos they are pig sick of the party Blair constructed, its that simple to me. they gave it a chance at first as everyone virtually did, but they became Tories in socialist garb. imho.
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N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 14-08-2015, 14:52   #12
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Re: Labour Leadership Contest

He has said what he would like to do.....but not where he will get the money to do it.
(nationalising the utilities , the railways and bringing back mining is not going to come cheap.......and this is not counting what he wants to spend on welfare.......If he thinks that raisng tax levels for the rich will do it he is sadly and badly mistaken - they will just take their assets elsewhere...not good for UK plc)
He is keen to jump into bed with the SNP with the aim of getting back into government(I think this will put a lot of English voters off).
There is no doubting his sincerity or his passion(and maybe that is what makes him seem an attractive proposition), but if he does become leader of the Labour party then I feel that this will condemn the Labour party to a long time in opposition......having said that the other candidates have all the allure of a dead hedgehog.
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Old 14-08-2015, 17:33   #13
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Re: Labour Leadership Contest

Dont matter what hes said, my point is simple, the arrogance of the other candidates is immense, they are saying "ALL" the Labour members are knobheads and have NO idea at all. instead of concentrating on what they are gonna do, they call the guy. I am not a member of the Labour Party these days, and NEVER would be again, after seeing the arrogance of these clowns that have lost the last 2 elections, and have the cheek to criticize someone who wants to do different, they may treat labour members as knobheads, but not this kid.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 14-08-2015, 17:53   #14
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Re: Labour Leadership Contest

Jeremy Corbyn can talk all he likes.....he may be a horse of a different colour, but none of his words are worth much, none of his ideas about policies are worth anything at all because in opposition they cannot be put into action.......Cashy it is about what he says....because what he says is how he will be judged.
If what he says doesn't add up then his credibility is shot to pieces.

Yes, there is a lot of arrogance in politics. The fact that the politicians think the electorate haven't got the brains to bless themselves with.
For far too long the electorate has been treated shabbily.....the politicians seem to think they know what is good for us....without actually listening to what we want.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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Old 14-08-2015, 18:02   #15
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Re: Labour Leadership Contest

Seems like from what I read that Corbyn is the only one who can lead a party offering something really different from the tories ... New Labor only offers the same make and model of crappy car, only theirs comes in red rather than blue. Cashy is right on about this.

By the way, we have an election coming up. The slimebucket tory PM called the longest campaign in history. His party has the biggest war chest. He thinks he can spend his way to victory, probably hoping if he throws out a bunch of expensive attack ads folks won't notice that his expertise in managing the economy was a mirage ... tory "prosperity" is tied to the world price of oil, and we all know in which direction that's going.
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