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Old 13-07-2016, 21:18   #166
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Labour Party

Yes, you are right Cashy...I think the swell of public opinion has surprised...nay shocked the politicians. I don't think they believed for one moment that the British people felt as let down, as duped and misused.
We have been ignored for far too long......the politicians have taken us for numpties(our own representative said that he didn't think we had the intellect to decide what was the right way to go over the EU)...but at last people have decided that they have had enough of getting what the politicians thought was best for us....what they wanted to give us(crumbs mainly)

There is a long way to go yet, but we have to step out with Hope.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 13-07-2016, 21:22   #167
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Re: Labour Party

To be honest Margaret, i NEVER thought i'd ever say that about a Tory P.M. but so far she gets credit from me, hope she dont destroy it.
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Old 14-07-2016, 06:32   #168
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Re: Labour Party

She spoke well yesterday, I'll give her that but then goes & puts Boris the Buffoon in office as Foreign Secretary??? Hmmmm!
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Old 14-07-2016, 07:05   #169
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Re: Labour Party

I think there is more to Boris than meets the eye(the buffoonery might be a facade).......although he is prone to put his foot in it from time to time, but then lots of politicians put their foot in it. Some of them have the ability to wipe it off their shoe and then get on with it.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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Old 14-07-2016, 07:14   #170
Beacon of light

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Re: Labour Party

Now let's see if the new PM will close tax loopholes, restructure HMRC, make corporate giants pay their share.
I would also like to see her drop the HS2 project which is going to cost 42.6 billion massively over budget and will benefit very few.
Put that money into the I frastructure of rolling stock,better conditions for commuters, lower rail fares.
I can think of many other things that she could do with this money.....and many other ways she could get the country up and running.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 14-07-2016, 07:50   #171
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Re: Labour Party

Originally Posted by AccyMad View Post
She spoke well yesterday, I'll give her that but then goes & puts Boris the Buffoon in office as Foreign Secretary??? Hmmmm!
In fairness, she dont seem a dummy to me, what worries me more, is people who cant read between the lines.
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N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 15-07-2016, 10:29   #172
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Re: Labour Party

Not that this has anything to do with the thread topic but, delighted as I am about the referendum result, I reserve my judgement about May.
Good that some Brexiteers have got what seems to be the job of getting out of the EU but I'm wary that an arch-remainer like Hammond, who was one of the worst offenders when it came to spouting Project Fear, is at the Treasury. Hammond reckons it will take six years to get free!
The Treasury has a long history of thwarting any change or reform and, if he and his Whitehall mandarins can stall any decision for four years (you can predict the doom-mongering predictions from so-called Treasury forecasters, and cries for more time, whenever a deal looks close) the next general election could end up being, in effect, a second referendum, but with all mainstream parties wanting to remain.
Hope I'm wrong but "Brexit means Brexit" from the mouth of a seasoned politician may not be quite the same as "Leave means Leave".
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Old 15-07-2016, 22:06   #173
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Re: Labour Party

So..candidate Angela Eagles polls at 2%, her own constituency disavows her..but hey brownnoser Jones continues on his merry way..

For the past 2 weeks he has retweeted saving labour..join the party and get shut of Corbyn for £2..the unions get involved and say join the party for £2 and vote Corbyn…Jones then has the temerity to infer that the union is attempting to fix the vote…(seriously I did not make that up). Then the ‘party of the people’ in response to realising that they are screwed again…puts up membership fees to £25..thats a 1500% rise….about a third of the weekly benefit paid to the unemployed industry workers of the north that the Blairites (and by extension Jones) forgot and continue to forget.

Jones is also banging on about abuse being given by supporters of Corbyn, whilst conveniently ignoring the fact that Corbyns constituency office was attacked.

But hey…there is another challenger..Owen whatisface….who??? yup..I can’t even remember his name either..

What mainstream media fail to do is be unbiased…

And by the way.....when did Jones say anything as profound as this in parliament…

‘I find it deeply distasteful that the British Prime Minister can use the medieval powers of royal prerogative to send young men and women to die, to kill civilians and for young Iraqis to die. It will set off a spiral of conflict, misery, hate and desperation that will fuel wars, terrorism, depression and misery of future generations’..

and Corbyn said this in 2003..he didn’t jump on the Milliband/Eagle/whatshisface bandwagon to further his political career at the expense of his principles and his constituents.

Hang your head in shame Jones, and please God when Corbyn is resolutely reselected you fall on the blade you used to backstab your constituents from xxx and fade into the obscurity you deserve..

p.s. remember the days when local labor mp's used to talk about the quality of b&b's in Blackpool..Jones has recently been espousing the beauty of patagonia #partyofthepeople
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Old 16-07-2016, 07:35   #174
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Re: Labour Party

Owen is another complete knob,saying yesterday he wants a 2nd referendum if elected, these useless people must think democracy is "Best Of 3" or summat, just wish they would "ALL" depart, form their own party, leave Labour to rebuild, back to socialism.
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N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 16-07-2016, 14:08   #175
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Re: Labour Party

Whenever the Labour party gets a left leaning leader everybody starts kicking off, it's all very strange
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Old 16-07-2016, 14:14   #176
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Re: Labour Party

Originally Posted by wadey View Post
Whenever the Labour party gets a left leaning leader everybody starts kicking off, it's all very strange
Not really wadey, Blair turned many to Torys in Labour clothing.
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N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 17-07-2016, 10:42   #177
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Re: Labour Party

A bloke from Hull has tweeted:
Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
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Old 17-07-2016, 12:44   #178

Re: Labour Party

Graham Jones is conducting a poll on Trident and his performance. If anyone wants to take part here is the link
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Old 17-07-2016, 13:31   #179
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Re: Labour Party

have to laugh at labour supporters crying about how we now have an unelected prime minister

it didnt bother them when brown took over and they were prepared to jump in to bed with the lib dems to keep power but the lib dems chose to go with Cameron

mind you these are the same people saying the referendum wanst fair lol
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Old 17-07-2016, 16:27   #180
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Re: Labour Party

Originally Posted by Laatab View Post
Graham Jones is conducting a poll on Trident and his performance. If anyone wants to take part here is the link
The lazy bar steward should get off his rear end and get out around town, or knock on doors and ask people to their face - he may even take notice of what they say, but unfortunately he believes that 95% of us don't know what we are talking about anyway.
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