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30-07-2016, 21:28
Senior Member
Re: Labour Party
For those of you without twitter, Jones does very little on there apart from retweeting (which, back in the day would be called plagiarising) other peoples thoughts. In the main these are anti-Corbyn.
When he does use his own thoughts and words he is shown to be an utter moron and soundly hammered. He talks about ‘kinder politics’ and then states that Corbyn is a ‘horrible man’ and bangs on about Corbyn supporters being thugs and rapists, and states that there has been ‘no coup’ *sigh*
Just a soupcon of responses to our own village idiot…
‘Please delete your account’
‘Please say one thing positive, go on try..just once’
‘a shining example of the labour party?..I think not’
‘this fellas timeline is all attacks on Corbyn, does he ever do anything for his constituents?’
‘no wonder so many of us support JC when we have you as an MP’
‘maybe you should put more effort into doing what you are paid to do’
‘I expect better from serving MP’s than to use playground jibes’
‘are you suffering from sunstroke?’
‘your understanding of this is painfully thin’
..and these are just a few in the last 24 hours…
Meanwhile Owen whatshisface, who Jones is giving ‘YOUR’ mandate to,..claimed an average of £25k expenses as opposed to Corbyns average £182..believes in PFI, is not averse to privatising the NHS, wants another referendum until we vote the way he wants, votes to cover up Blairs actions in Iraq, wants to hide lobbyists, goes to arms fairs instead of peace talks..jeez just do a google search on this guy.
Jones is currently accusing Cameron of being responsible for the closure of libraries in the area…I know he didn’t attend the budget meeting of LCC where this was discussed...because I watched a labour led LCC refuse a Tory plan to save these libraries in the short term in the hope that money could be raised to save them long term…..refused because of party politics, voting in line with the whip (that Jones thinks is socialism) and sod the people that need this service.
I’ll say it again…go boil your head Jones! You DO NOT represent me!
The only problem drinker is the one that doesn't stand his round
30-07-2016, 22:27
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Labour Party
To get ahead in ones chosen career a long term plan is essential, our M.P. had two choices:-
1/ Dedicate all his efforts into doing the maximum good for his constituents.
2/ Dedicate all his efforts into doing the maximum good for his career by back stabbing other members of his party in the hopes that he will be thought a good egg by the powers that be.
He seems to have failed whichever of these paths he has chosen.
He's failed in 1/ obviously, because he spends over 95% of his time chasing 2/ and he's failed in 2/ because, well the main reason is because a defrosted lettuce after a sudden summer chill would be a firmer option to use for stabbing folk in the back than he could ever be.
I would rather have him praising Corbyn if I was hoping to undermine the guy than have Jones in alliance with any of my plans.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
31-07-2016, 06:32
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Re: Labour Party
Originally Posted by Guinness
For those of you without twitter, Jones does very little on there apart from retweeting (which, back in the day would be called plagiarising) other peoples thoughts. In the main these are anti-Corbyn.
When he does use his own thoughts and words he is shown to be an utter moron and soundly hammered. He talks about ‘kinder politics’ and then states that Corbyn is a ‘horrible man’ and bangs on about Corbyn supporters being thugs and rapists, and states that there has been ‘no coup’ *sigh*
Just a soupcon of responses to our own village idiot…
‘Please delete your account’
‘Please say one thing positive, go on try..just once’
‘a shining example of the labour party?..I think not’
‘this fellas timeline is all attacks on Corbyn, does he ever do anything for his constituents?’
‘no wonder so many of us support JC when we have you as an MP’
‘maybe you should put more effort into doing what you are paid to do’
‘I expect better from serving MP’s than to use playground jibes’
‘are you suffering from sunstroke?’
‘your understanding of this is painfully thin’
..and these are just a few in the last 24 hours…
Meanwhile Owen whatshisface, who Jones is giving ‘YOUR’ mandate to,..claimed an average of £25k expenses as opposed to Corbyns average £182..believes in PFI, is not averse to privatising the NHS, wants another referendum until we vote the way he wants, votes to cover up Blairs actions in Iraq, wants to hide lobbyists, goes to arms fairs instead of peace talks..jeez just do a google search on this guy.
Jones is currently accusing Cameron of being responsible for the closure of libraries in the area…I know he didn’t attend the budget meeting of LCC where this was discussed...because I watched a labour led LCC refuse a Tory plan to save these libraries in the short term in the hope that money could be raised to save them long term…..refused because of party politics, voting in line with the whip (that Jones thinks is socialism) and sod the people that need this service.
I’ll say it again…go boil your head Jones! You DO NOT represent me!
Mr Jones is a politician not to be taken seriously .
He has no depth in his thinking , and displays a total lack of political wisdom as he parades around with his local cronies bragging that he is "working class".
The only trouble is , he's probably my MP for the next four years . 
31-07-2016, 09:03
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Labour Party
The penny will never drop i fear with Graham Jones,All the people on here that are posting, i do not know or have encountered a couple but still hardly know them, in fact i have encountered Graham far more than any other member thats posting, All seem to be saying the virtual same, "I will not vote Labour again" at least whilst he is representing them? Having worked as a peoples Rep,most of me working life, i would certainly be asking meself questions,??if i was him, yet he seems to have abandoned life on accyweb, perhaps cos the truth is too painful?  I honestly think,come next election Graham Jones will be consigned to oblivion.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
Last edited by cashman; 31-07-2016 at 09:06.
31-07-2016, 09:12
Beacon of light
Re: Labour Party
Originally Posted by cashman
I honestly think,come next election Graham Jones will be consigned to oblivion.
Cashy, isn't that the best palce for him?
Can he do any harm there? Will he have to go back to getting his hands dirty for a living?(probably not he will have made lucrative contacts while he has been down in the POW...but maybe even they will see him for what he is....'not fit for purpose')
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
31-07-2016, 12:49
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Re: Labour Party
An interesting situation could develop after the election of the Labour Party leader, followed next year (I think), by the Boundary changes.
If JC gets re-elected and GJ has been so virulent in his opposition to him, all that GJ can hope for is a breakaway party. If that is the case would the Hyndburn electorate support him or the official Labour Party candidate?
31-07-2016, 12:51
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Labour Party
If that was the case Barrie, i would return to Labour instantly, and say Good Riddance.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
31-07-2016, 13:04
Beacon of light
Re: Labour Party
I think it would very much depend on the proposed candidate......I do not follow any party political ideology...and only voted for GJ because he was local and knew the needs of his constituency.
Little did I think that he would completely abandon the needs of the area for his own career aspirations.
I mistook him for a more honest man than that.
Anyway won't make that mistake again.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
31-07-2016, 13:17
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Labour Party
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
I think it would very much depend on the proposed candidate.....
Well yes i suppose it would depend if it was another snake. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
31-07-2016, 16:45
Beacon of light
Re: Labour Party
How would you be able to tell Cashy...It seems they tell US what they think we want to hear and then they change and do what THEY think is best for us..because you know well enough we seem not to be considered wise enough to decide for ourselves what our destiny should be.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
31-07-2016, 16:52
Beacon of light
Re: Labour Party
Originally Posted by Guinness
Jones is currently accusing Cameron of being responsible for the closure of libraries in the area…I know he didn’t attend the budget meeting of LCC where this was discussed...because I watched a labour led LCC refuse a Tory plan to save these libraries in the short term in the hope that money could be raised to save them long term…..refused because of party politics, voting in line with the whip (that Jones thinks is socialism) and sod the people that need this service.
I’ll say it again…go boil your head Jones! You DO NOT represent me!
That was an appalling situation. Which is why party politics should be removed from local government.
But that GJ can point the finger at the Tory party when they tried to find a short term solution to this situation.....a solution that would benefit the community that G j is supposed to be supporting just shows how politically inept he is.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
31-07-2016, 17:15
God Member
Join Date: Feb 2004
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Re: Labour Party
Originally Posted by cashman
Well yes i suppose it would depend if it was another snake. 
Are you trying to tell us Paul Cook is going to be Hyndburn's next parliamentary candidate for the Labour Party? 
Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
31-07-2016, 17:36
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Labour Party
Originally Posted by yerself
Are you trying to tell us Paul Cook is going to be Hyndburn's next parliamentary candidate for the Labour Party? 
Nah even the snake aint that bad. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
05-08-2016, 13:01
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Labour Party
if anyone is interested, i will be amazed, they shot there bolt wi me at least.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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