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14-08-2016, 14:45
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Re: Labour Party
Sorry, got truncated somehow.
When I started work my dad said " a working man is his own worst enemy" but I didn't understand at the time.
Then came the.........
Don't know how to stitch it back together.
14-08-2016, 15:19
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Re: Labour Party
Originally Posted by umpire
Sorry, got truncated somehow.
When I started work my dad said " a working man is his own worst enemy" but I didn't understand at the time.
Then came the.........
Don't know how to stitch it back together.
Try a cut and paste
14-08-2016, 22:13
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Re: Labour Party
i didn't think Labour could put up a worse candidate than Angela Eagle and then I heard Owen Smith.
Do they really think people will vote for this Smith bloke?
He is totally clueless and has never had a proper job in his life
15-08-2016, 08:55
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: Labour Party
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
The only solution to that thorny question is Proportional representation. This was put forward a few years ago and was tossed out as being too hard for the electorate to understand.
It was felt that too many folk would be confused by this process.
By the same, self serving numpties who decide we're to stupid to understand the ways of the world & the bigger political picture?
And don't we just know how spot on those views turned out to be!
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
15-08-2016, 09:43
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Labour Party
Originally Posted by DaveinGermany
By the same, self serving numpties who decide we're to stupid to understand the ways of the world & the bigger political picture?
And don't we just know how spot on those views turned out to be!
I can't understand why they should think we are thick and ill informed, after all most of us attended the state schools that they so lovingly arranged for us.
With such a state of the art education system one imagines they would be proud to prove we are set for life to tackle any problem or decision they may care to put our way.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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15-08-2016, 09:47
Beacon of light
Re: Labour Party
Yes, you are right son.
The truth is they(the political parties) really do not want proportional representation.
It is not in their interests to have the electorate exercise democratic control....or have their views and concerns taken notice of.
Politicians seem to think that they know far better than us what we want.....and certainly what is good for us.
And that is being treated like mushrooms - fed manure and kept in the dark.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
15-08-2016, 09:49
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Labour Party
Sorry cashy, I forgot to finish with a sarky smiley, so here it is:-
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
17-08-2016, 11:10
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Labour Party
Just been watching the news and it seems this Welsh Pillock who our own MP thinks is wonderful, has suggested we should negotiate with I.S. on Syria, I will leave you to make yer own minds up about this."!
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
22-08-2016, 11:07
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: Labour Party
Once more, the "Swipe" known as Blair shows his arrogance & contempt for the people of UK!
Tony Blair Praises Sharia State UAE As Model Nation
The man should truly be swinging from a lamp post.
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
22-08-2016, 12:47
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Labour Party
Originally Posted by DaveinGermany
So yet another arrogant and selfish Britain blames Brexit on lack of education, how long was he in power? How many radical changes did HE make to the education system during his time to ensure voters of the future would be educated to a standard that makes them capable to vote?
Let's drag private schools into the compehensive system, see how their kids fare with a similar lack of education?
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
22-08-2016, 12:58
Beacon of light
Re: Labour Party
One of his sound bites was 'Education, Education, Education'.
Maybe he thought that if he said it three times it would come to pass......a bit like an islamic divorce.
Another one was 'tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime'...that worked didn't it?
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
22-08-2016, 15:25
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Labour Party
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
One of his sound bites was 'Education, Education, Education'.
Maybe he thought that if he said it three times it would come to pass......a bit like an islamic divorce.
Another one was 'tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime'...that worked didn't it?
Yes tough on crime, but not tough on his type of crime.
He was supposedly a Labour prime minister, how many politicians like him still pretend to be under that banner robbing and insulting the people of Britain?
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
22-08-2016, 15:30
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Labour Party
Oh, to answer my own question, do I need to look further than our local elected?
Educated to the same low standard as the rest of us, but so much more superior now he's got his arse on a seat and a decent pension.
Labour? Wouldn't want to talk labour anymore, at least when the tories rip me off, I know they don't pretend to like me.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
22-08-2016, 15:43
Beacon of light
Re: Labour Party
Tony Blair was not labour....He was a Tory masquerading as Labour.....the shameful thing is that lots of people believed him......and by the time they had sussed him out he damaged this country beyond repair......and he is still damaging it, but that doesn't matter to him because it made him rich beyond any of our dreams......champagne socialists not interested in what they can do to further the cause of the worker. The ordinary Joe......only interested in how it will put money into their own pocket.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 22-08-2016 at 15:45.
22-08-2016, 15:49
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Labour Party
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Tony Blair was not labour....He was a Tory masquerading as Labour.....the shameful thing is that lots of people believed him......and by the time they had sussed him out he damaged this country beyond repair......and he is still damaging it, but that doesn't matter to him because it made him rich beyond any of our dreams......champagne socialists not interested in what they can do to further the cause of the worker. The ordinary Joe......only interested in how it will put money into their own pocket.
Which proves what he said, we, the uneducated masses don't deserve a vote, (he and his kind would rather bring back serfdom, we the masses should be grateful for the black death it brought social reform, or am I acting too educated?).
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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