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Old 14-09-2008, 11:22   #1
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Lancashire Mafia

suprised nobody has mentioned this today, even our local MP gets a mention. although he doesn't appear in one of the mobs in the Independent

‘Beginning of the end for Brown’ as rebels line up to knife him | Mail Online

Leadership challenge: Labour's Mafia Wars - UK Politics, UK - The Independent
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Old 14-09-2008, 15:25   #2
God Member

Re: Lancashire Mafia

too little too late but would be nice to see gregg help get the man out of number 10

let someone else have a go they cant make things worse

just been shopping and aint happy about how much it costs , if this carrys on i will no longer be able to afford been a carnavore and may end up been an involantary vegitarian which is inhumane to say the least
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

Last edited by Mick; 14-09-2008 at 15:29.
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Old 14-09-2008, 17:11   #3
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Re: Lancashire Mafia

this is what happens when the infrastructure and manufactoring industry got destroyed by the tories .the pound couldnt have lasted forever at the strength it was.with the energy companies and large manufacturing base we had .we could have been self sufficiant ,but now we have to rely on imports that now cost more because of the weak pound..thatchers policies have now came back to haunt us.all for a quick buck..
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Old 15-09-2008, 01:39   #4
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Re: Lancashire Mafia

brown should've seen this coming back when he became pm there was murmurings that he should have a leadership challenge back then

if it'd happened then this wouldnt had the challenge happened back then.
If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you - Ghenghis Khan
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Old 15-09-2008, 07:39   #5

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Re: Lancashire Mafia

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
this is what happens when the infrastructure and manufactoring industry got destroyed by the tories .the pound couldnt have lasted forever at the strength it was.with the energy companies and large manufacturing base we had .we could have been self sufficiant ,but now we have to rely on imports that now cost more because of the weak pound..thatchers policies have now came back to haunt us.all for a quick buck..
Exactly right about the destruction of our manufacturing industry. How many years have Labour been in power though and done nothing to correct the evil Thatcher ways?

Labour continued to destroy what was left or our heavy industry with so called enviromental taxation. Why have the energy companies/railways/busses/BT ect not been re-nationalised?

If the Thatcher policies were that bad surely Labour would have made the correction by now. Maybe Greg can explain why all the errors of the Torys are still in place today.
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Old 15-09-2008, 09:53   #6
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Re: Lancashire Mafia

Originally Posted by Neil View Post

Labour continued to destroy what was left or our heavy industry with so called enviromental taxation. Why have the energy companies/railways/busses/BT ect not been re-nationalised?
Because we haven't got a Labour party in power. We have got 'New Labour' which is barely distinguishable from 'Old Tory'.

More power to the Mafia's elbow.

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Old 15-09-2008, 15:08   #7

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Re: Lancashire Mafia

No Tony and his cronies were and are much worse than maggie ever was... PFI has sold all our hospitals down the river, thanks Gordon, Less and less police around, cop shops closing at 10 pm, Political Correctness, ID Cards, god I could go on.....
"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"

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Old 15-09-2008, 18:40   #8
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Re: Lancashire Mafia

Well, here we go - you cannot say that you were not warned: Brown and co are even more of a liability to the country and the economy and our democratic freedoms than Blair ever was. Blaming the current downturn on international events just does not wash, nor does blaming previous tory administrations.

"Tax and Spend" is the only tune that the Labour party knows. But harping on the same song is not only boring but is unsustainable over 11 long years - something, in the end, has got to give.

Things have come to a pretty pass when even Greg-Yes Gordon-Pope has turned to bite the hand that feeds. This is all like watching a car crash in slow motion. The sad thing though is that this particular car crash will take a hell of a lot of clearing up and the longer it drags on the worse it will be.

One thing that we can take some comfort from though is that after the dust has settled we will find that Labour will be finished for a generation.

I wonder if Greg has got another job lined up yet? I shouldn't think that there is much sympathy for "rights for goldfish" in the real world though.
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Old 16-09-2008, 08:32   #9

Re: Lancashire Mafia

Some of these posts speak more eloquently of the people posting than they do of the current political situation.

Sometimes in politics the simplest answers are the truest ones. I asked for the leadership nomination papers to be sent out not out of self-interest (trust me, it's a lot easier to keep your head down in these circumstances), but because I thought it was the right thing to do.
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Old 16-09-2008, 09:02   #10
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Re: Lancashire Mafia

Originally Posted by Greg Pope View Post
Some of these posts speak more eloquently of the people posting than they do of the current political situation.

Sometimes in politics the simplest answers are the truest ones. I asked for the leadership nomination papers to be sent out not out of self-interest (trust me, it's a lot easier to keep your head down in these circumstances), but because I thought it was the right thing to do.
I know that we could never see eye to eye politically Greg, but I have always seen you as a man of principal, and actually do believe your the statement you've made. The only thing is that by changing leader now is tantermout to change the deckchairs on the Titanic, the ship is on the rocks and sinking very fast, and no amout of cosmetic surgery will help
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Old 16-09-2008, 16:44   #11
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Re: Lancashire Mafia

The only thing Greg is concerned about is his job (not that unusual in today's climate). Come election time,the only way he can avoid picking up his P45 (albeit it with a fat cat pension) is for him and his back bench mates to stick the knife in Gordon's back now.

I wonder how long it will be before we see car stickers with the message "Come on back, Tony, all is forgiven"?
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Old 17-09-2008, 03:39   #12
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Re: Lancashire Mafia

Originally Posted by Greg Pope View Post
Some of these posts speak more eloquently of the people posting than they do of the current political situation.

Sometimes in politics the simplest answers are the truest ones. I asked for the leadership nomination papers to be sent out not out of self-interest (trust me, it's a lot easier to keep your head down in these circumstances), but because I thought it was the right thing to do.
It's not easy to oust a sitting Labour leader, (they're not so free market with them as the Tories ) so It can only be a good thing that more and more MP's are requesting nomination papers. There may be no immediate shift with a change, but I believe if Brown remains at the helm and takes Labour all the way to 2010, Labour could end up cast into the electoral wilderness like the Tories were in 97.
formerly cyfr
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