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Old 15-08-2009, 18:37   #61
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Re: Landlords

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Well Margaret If Jones didn't come on here just to mouth off, I wouldn't need to make any comments, when he stops so will I, in the words of the Meerkat simples

Jay dont you think what you just wrote sounds a bit childish?
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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Old 15-08-2009, 19:57   #62
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Re: Landlords

Originally Posted by flashy View Post
Jay dont you think what you just wrote sounds a bit childish?
Sounds more than a bit childish to me!
"Cover up those table legs Mother, they are inflaming my sexual ardour ! "
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Old 16-08-2009, 00:56   #63
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Re: Landlords

Well to say that this thread was about housing and tenant conditions it really never ceases to amaze me how once again it can turn it into a political slanging match.

I feel sorry for you Bagpuss. I am a private tenant and have happily been so without complaints for many years. There are a few other houses on our road that are also privately rented and some of the tenants are absolute nightmares,
Mainly with bringing domestic arguments and fights on to the stret, but non the less still a pain and something Id rather not be witness too.

I agree that the local authoritiies need to take action no matter what area and strict rules put in place
But I do find it sad that grown men and women come on here and end up turning what could be a very good and important discussion into a political slanging match without giving any thought to the question in hand.
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Old 16-08-2009, 09:31   #64
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Re: Landlords

Originally Posted by flashy View Post
Jay dont you think what you just wrote sounds a bit childish?
Well when your dealing with children you have to stoop to their level
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Old 16-08-2009, 12:19   #65
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Re: Landlords

I agree with Cherokee... Why does nearly every sensible thread on this site have to turn into a political slanging match??? This has ruined a thread which was serious and affects some of us. I know that Graham has worked his btm off, in a practical way, to try and resolve some of these problems for those of us who are suffering on a daily basis and I fail to see how turning this into a tit for tat political bunfight contributes to the quality of this thread in any way.

This is actually one of the reasons that I rarely post on here any more.... It's tedious, so stop it.....

If you want constant political threads then ask Roy for a political section where you can spit dummies to your hearts' content.
Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.

The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my family, friends, employer, this site, my neighbours, hairdresser, dentist, GP, next door's dog or anyone else who knows me..
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Old 16-08-2009, 13:13   #66
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Re: Landlords

Problem is lettie that when somebody such as Councillor Jones posts about what they're doing in their neighbourhood it always ends with countless attacks on the Conservative council. A positive discussion about helping people and the borough that doesn't just come down to party political and hypocritical attacks in an attempt to get more votes would be greatly welcomed.
formerly cyfr
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Old 16-08-2009, 17:46   #67
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Re: Landlords

Originally Posted by lettie View Post
I agree with Cherokee... Why does nearly every sensible thread on this site have to turn into a political slanging match??? This has ruined a thread which was serious and affects some of us. I know that Graham has worked his btm off, in a practical way, to try and resolve some of these problems for those of us who are suffering on a daily basis and I fail to see how turning this into a tit for tat political bunfight contributes to the quality of this thread in any way.

This is actually one of the reasons that I rarely post on here any more.... It's tedious, so stop it.....

If you want constant political threads then ask Roy for a political section where you can spit dummies to your hearts' content.
Jones may work his backside of in his area but when he uses this site to slag of people like Brain Walmsley who's don't more for his community than Jones will ever do for is, both before becoming a councillor or since, just because he's a Conservative, then I'm sorry he ain't getting away with it, as I've said before if He stops so will I
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Old 16-08-2009, 22:45   #68
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Re: Landlords

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Jones may work his backside of in his area but when he uses this site to slag of people like Brain Walmsley who's don't more for his community than Jones will ever do for is, both before becoming a councillor or since, just because he's a Conservative, then I'm sorry he ain't getting away with it, as I've said before if He stops so will I
Just stick the word Corporal in front of Jones, and that reads like an old Dad's Army Script.

We all know who you'd be, Mr. Temper-Tantrum.

I always presumed the 'W' on the helmet stood for warden, but I'm not so sure now.

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 17-08-2009, 11:05   #69
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Re: Landlords

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Jones may work his backside of in his area but when he uses this site to slag of people like Brain Walmsley who's don't more for his community than Jones will ever do for is, both before becoming a councillor or since, just because he's a Conservative, then I'm sorry he ain't getting away with it, as I've said before if He stops so will I

It is absolutely appalling to see this as Labour v Conservative. This is residents against Landlords with those elected standing up for respective viewpoints. I just happened to be determined that's all.

The idea we should all be wearing sandles, drink loads of cups of tea and eat biscuits to discuss setting up a sub committee on the matter which will set upa working group which will need a pre-meeting to determine the committee rules and that we should all (and I'll be blunt) - be 'p*ssing in the same pot' down at the Council is not why I got elected.

Jaysay. If you want me to work with you it's easy. I will. Give me the portfolio (and the authority) for Regeneration and it will be done ASAP. It's easy, we are all working together and the job gets done. Now there's an offer you can't refuse.

Landlords sorted, power sharing sorted, the end of any more squabbling... utopia!

Last edited by g jones; 17-08-2009 at 11:08.
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Old 17-08-2009, 11:17   #70
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Re: Landlords

Originally Posted by g jones View Post
It is absolutely appalling to see this as Labour v Conservative. This is residents against Landlords with those elected standing up for respective viewpoints. I just happened to be determined that's all.

The idea we should all be wearing sandles, drink loads of cups of tea and eat biscuits to discuss setting up a sub committee on the matter which will set up working group which will need a pre-meeting to determine the committee rules and that we should all (and I'll be blunt) - be 'p*ssing in the same pot' down at the Council is not why I got elected.

Jaysay. If you want me to work with you it's easy. I will. Give me the portfolio (and the authority) for Regeneration and it will be done ASAP. It's easy, we are all working together and the job gets done. Now there's an offer you can't refuse.
if its not a Labour verses Conservative thing then why do you keep making it so, its you that slags of Tory Councillors at every opportunity, for no valid reason, its not only you that works hard for their community ( and I have never said that you don't) the fact the PB has been reelected as St Andrews Ward councillor over the past 26 years speaks for itself, you don't get that support by sitting on your hands as you keep trying to say
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Old 17-08-2009, 11:58   #71
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Re: Landlords

i dont think IT IS Graham making it so Jay, i think its YOU who is making it so
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Old 17-08-2009, 11:59   #72
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Re: Landlords

stop arse licking PB and grow up Jay
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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Old 17-08-2009, 12:27   #73
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Re: Landlords

Originally Posted by flashy View Post
i dont think IT IS Graham making it so Jay, i think its YOU who is making it so

To be fair if you read Grahams posts in this very thread he writes out what he is doing for his residents, then goes on a rant about the Conservatives. Party political attacks for votes. He does this all the time because he literally hates Conservatives. Sadly I don't think they'll ever work together for this reason.
formerly cyfr
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Old 17-08-2009, 14:04   #74
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Re: Landlords

Originally Posted by andrewb View Post
To be fair if you read Grahams posts in this very thread he writes out what he is doing for his residents, then goes on a rant about the Conservatives. Party political attacks for votes. He does this all the time because he literally hates Conservatives. Sadly I don't think they'll ever work together for this reason.
now andrew graham is only playing at it........ its ME that literally HATES Conservatives.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 17-08-2009, 14:30   #75
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Re: Landlords

Originally Posted by andrewb View Post
To be fair if you read Grahams posts in this very thread he writes out what he is doing for his residents, then goes on a rant about the Conservatives. Party political attacks for votes. He does this all the time because he literally hates Conservatives. Sadly I don't think they'll ever work together for this reason.

at least Graham has the bollox to come on here and speak up for himself...where's PB?....i'll tell ya where he is, he's hiding behind jaysay, wouldnt surprise me if he uses Jay's account on here too
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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