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Old 12-03-2009, 18:44   #166
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Re: Last Nights Council Meeting

It's interesting that Peter has chosen to post on Accy Web. Before the Council Meeting we had a short discussion about Accy Web.

Now that Accy Web has got Peter's attention, somebody might want to ask him why Conservative Blackburn has come in with a lower council tax rise, than Conservative Hyndburn. I tried to ask him at full council, but I didn't get the chance
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Old 12-03-2009, 18:47   #167
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Re: Last Nights Council Meeting

Maybe that's it? One missive and no more to say. Or maybe he hasn't a pc at home?
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Old 12-03-2009, 19:30   #168
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Re: Last Nights Council Meeting

Originally Posted by TheLeadersOffice HBC View Post
In 2008/09, the Council's budget was £15,097. This year it will be £15,427. This is an increase in our spend of only 2.2%. The reason why our precept is to increase by 4.95% is because Government funding to the Council has only been increased by 1.5% and the rest of the money has to be found from the local taxpayer. If the Government had given us the amount it has claimed in the national press, it would have been possible to set a zero percent increase this year in Hyndburn.


These are the facts, you can now argue over them as much as you wish but it won't alter the figures.
its not the arguing of the facts that should concern folk, but the possible "Misleading" of em.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 12-03-2009, 19:54   #169
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Re: Last Nights Council Meeting

Originally Posted by TheLeadersOffice HBC View Post
In 2008/09, the Council's budget was £15,097. This year it will be £15,427. This is an increase in our spend of only 2.2%. The reason why our precept is to increase by 4.95% is because Government funding to the Council has only been increased by 1.5% and the rest of the money has to be found from the local taxpayer. If the Government had given us the amount it has claimed in the national press, it would have been possible to set a zero percent increase this year in Hyndburn.


These are the facts, you can now argue over them as much as you wish but it won't alter the figures.
Perhaps the debate, or argument as you put it, can continue if we knew the actual facts.

You mentioned that last year, 2008/09, H.B.C.'s budget was '£15,097.' Which to anyone able to read English, reads as fifteen thousand and ninety seven pounds, and which is why I asked if it was the running costs and/or expenses, as I'm sure the flower towers alone cost more than that.

Since my question hasn't yet been answered I did a little research, and found out the boroughs budget for that particular year was actually £15,097,845. Or in layman's terms, fifteen million and just short of a hundred grand.

If what you wrote was indeed millions, rather than thousands of pounds, don't worry too much about making a boo-boo in your first ever post, as mistakes are easily made, but it does rather muddy an already rather confusing subject, when really dealing with council tax payer's money the devil should be in the detail.

I'm just glad you never taught me mathematics at Moor End.

Mr Ryan made sure we all knew where the commas and decimal points went, when dealing with those awfully big numbers.

Still, it's only tax payers money, so what's the odd thousand or million pound between friends?

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Old 13-03-2009, 00:08   #170
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Re: Last Nights Council Meeting

its a pity our anonymous leader didn't come on with his first post,to explain n justify,why he needs higher expenses than the independent panel thought he should have, or does he think ratepayers don't really care?
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 13-03-2009, 00:38   #171
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Re: Last Nights Council Meeting

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
its a pity our anonymous leader didn't come on with his first post,to explain n justify,why he needs higher expenses than the independent panel thought he should have, or does he think ratepayers don't really care?
Perhaps he just hasn't seen that thread.

Perhaps if we helpfully add a link to this thread it might illicit a response?
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Old 13-03-2009, 07:28   #172

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Re: Last Nights Council Meeting

I see my predictions have come true. Does seeing into the future make me a prophet or something?
Anyone want to know tomorrow nights 6 numbers?
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Old 13-03-2009, 07:35   #173
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Re: Last Nights Council Meeting

I have deleted the comments and name calling and chat can we now keep to the topic thanks
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Old 13-03-2009, 10:30   #174
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Re: Last Nights Council Meeting

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Well there are at least three Labour councillors on here, and since you've confirmed it is Cllr. Britcliffe, that does add a little balance to the proceedings here on Accy Web. Him being the only known Conservative councillor to grace us with his presence.

Perhaps it was you labelling this forum as a place of 'vile and vicious insults' in the local press, that eventually attracted him.

Though of course there are penalties on here for calling someone a 'silly cow' on here, unlike council chambers, in the form of the karma system.

Well Rindi seeing you keep dragging up the "Silly Cow Gate" it may just be, that like myself Peter has a long memory. The first election count I attended when I returned from exile in Rossendale was the 1986 council elections, in those days the Ossy count was in the Civic Theatre. You may remember those election were just after the Americans Bombed Libya, using out airfields, and there was a backlash at the poles. The Tories had a councillor in Immanuel Ward called Monica Browning, who was an elderly lady ho had been an excellent ward councillor, but unfortunately she lost he seat. In those days it was traditional for candidate to shake hands after the count, Monica was try to do just that we she was accosted by a labour supporter standing next to their winning candidate, but before she could offer her congratulations to the victor, this so called supporter stepped in front of her and said, and I quote "F OFF YOU DRIED UP OLD COW. I decided there and then that I would never attend another count as I really couldn't be responsible for my actions. That is when I lost all respect for these so called politicians, who certainly should never be put in the same category as genuine Labour people such as Ken Curtis, Jack Grime, Len Dickinson, Bill Pinder and in deed Bernard Dawson and that genre
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Old 13-03-2009, 10:51   #175
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Re: Last Nights Council Meeting

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Well Rindi seeing you keep dragging up the "Silly Cow Gate" it may just be, that like myself Peter has a long memory. The first election count I attended when I returned from exile in Rossendale was the 1986 council elections, in those days the Ossy count was in the Civic Theatre. You may remember those election were just after the Americans Bombed Libya, using out airfields, and there was a backlash at the poles. The Tories had a councillor in Immanuel Ward called Monica Browning, who was an elderly lady ho had been an excellent ward councillor, but unfortunately she lost he seat. In those days it was traditional for candidate to shake hands after the count, Monica was try to do just that we she was accosted by a labour supporter standing next to their winning candidate, but before she could offer her congratulations to the victor, this so called supporter stepped in front of her and said, and I quote "F OFF YOU DRIED UP OLD COW. I decided there and then that I would never attend another count as I really couldn't be responsible for my actions. That is when I lost all respect for these so called politicians, who certainly should never be put in the same category as genuine Labour people such as Ken Curtis, Jack Grime, Len Dickinson, Bill Pinder and in deed Bernard Dawson and that genre
That of course isn't acceptable at all, but it seems like another case, of which we've seen quite a few examples of recently, of two wrongs making a right.

They don't.
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Old 13-03-2009, 18:36   #176
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Re: Last Nights Council Meeting

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Perhaps the debate, or argument as you put it, can continue if we knew the actual facts.

You mentioned that last year, 2008/09, H.B.C.'s budget was '£15,097.' Which to anyone able to read English, reads as fifteen thousand and ninety seven pounds, and which is why I asked if it was the running costs and/or expenses, as I'm sure the flower towers alone cost more than that.

Since my question hasn't yet been answered I did a little research, and found out the boroughs budget for that particular year was actually £15,097,845. Or in layman's terms, fifteen million and just short of a hundred grand.

If what you wrote was indeed millions, rather than thousands of pounds, don't worry too much about making a boo-boo in your first ever post, as mistakes are easily made, but it does rather muddy an already rather confusing subject, when really dealing with council tax payer's money the devil should be in the detail.

I'm just glad you never taught me mathematics at Moor End.

Mr Ryan made sure we all knew where the commas and decimal points went, when dealing with those awfully big numbers.

Still, it's only tax payers money, so what's the odd thousand or million pound between friends?

Sadly still no confirmation that H.B.C.'s budget for 2008/09 was actually £15,000,000. and odd, rather than £15,000. and odd.

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 13-03-2009, 19:16   #177
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Smile Re: Last Nights Council Meeting

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Sadly still no confirmation that H.B.C.'s budget for 2008/09 was actually £15,000,000. and odd, rather than £15,000. and odd.

Don't sweat about it, Rindi; I'm sure we will see alot more of the Dear Leader on here and no doubt he will clear up the numbers for you. I suspect he was just testing the water with his post, because if the Observer does go all the way down the pan then he will need somewhere else to spout his views.

Anyway, I'd better not say too much because my good friend Mick will be out with the airbrush again
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Old 13-03-2009, 19:30   #178
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Re: Last Nights Council Meeting

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Sadly still no confirmation that H.B.C.'s budget for 2008/09 was actually £15,000,000. and odd, rather than £15,000. and odd.

Does'nt take rocket science to work that out.
Whoever it was has posted once and I must say I'm not surprised that there has been no more postings.
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Old 13-03-2009, 19:32   #179
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Re: Last Nights Council Meeting

Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post
Don't sweat about it, Rindi; I'm sure we will see alot more of the Dear Leader on here and no doubt he will clear up the numbers for you. I suspect he was just testing the water with his post, because if the Observer does go all the way down the pan then he will need somewhere else to spout his views.

Anyway, I'd better not say too much because my good friend Mick will be out with the airbrush again
No Tealeaf he was just winding the natives up
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Old 13-03-2009, 19:42   #180
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Re: Last Nights Council Meeting

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
No Tealeaf he was just winding the natives up
Yea there's nothing like a mistake to wind us up.

Even such a basic one that a five year old might have made, about not knowing where a decimal point goes in a number.

Still it's good to know we have someone in charge who's so laissez faire when it comes to money, especially if it's only tax payer's money.

Hardly cutting edge debate though, is it?

Will he be back to confirm he posted in thousands rather than millions?

I can now begin to understand why the £591,000. the council was given to start a coummunity website failed so miserably.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

Last edited by garinda; 13-03-2009 at 19:45.
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