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15-03-2009, 22:14
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Re: Last Nights Council Meeting
Originally Posted by lancsdave
I've watched this thread develop and it was bugging me who wrote the script... at last I've found the culprits.
To you, to me, to you, to me 
Hyndburn matters and I would ask that you make a positive judgement rather than negative sniping or hand wringing. Sorry lancsdave but that's how I see it.
15-03-2009, 22:16
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Re: Last Nights Council Meeting
Originally Posted by g jones
It is becoming the pattern for a fag end of an administration and people are beginning to see it.
Brilliant.....I will use that when a General Election comes along to all my ex-pat friends who are still entitled to vote.
I have never read such a load of twaddle in all my life and before the big 'G' gets back on his soapbox......I think he is backing an also ran.
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15-03-2009, 22:45
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Re: Last Nights Council Meeting
Originally Posted by Royboy39
Brilliant.....I will use that when a General Election comes along to all my ex-pat friends who are still entitled to vote.
I have never read such a load of twaddle in all my life and before the big 'G' gets back on his soapbox......I think he is backing an also ran.
Same old same old, nothing useful to contribute , sniping against other members, get back to the bar Roy! Enjoy your time in the sun. 
"Cover up those table legs Mother, they are inflaming my sexual ardour ! "
15-03-2009, 23:16
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Last Nights Council Meeting
Originally Posted by lindsay ormerod
Same old same old, nothing useful to contribute , sniping against other members, get back to the bar Roy! Enjoy your time in the sun. 
perhaps he's "Barred"? 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
16-03-2009, 07:06
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Re: Last Nights Council Meeting
Originally Posted by g jones
Hyndburn matters and I would ask that you make a positive judgement rather than negative sniping or hand wringing. Sorry lancsdave but that's how I see it.
Sorry Graham but to the ordinary man in the street, of which I consider myself to be, this thread is an excellent example of why this country has such low turnouts in elections. It doesn't take long for the issues to go missing because polticians always turn things round to petty name calling and personal attacks. It happens on all sides so don't take that as a party poltical broadcast on my behalf, I'm actually a floating voter  .
Of course Hyndburn matters, I'm not from here but have chosen to live here. I've also set up a business here ( not that the council 'appear' to do much for business here, especially retail business ) so I'm hardly likely not to want it to do well.
16-03-2009, 09:44
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Re: Last Nights Council Meeting
Originally Posted by lancsdave
I've watched this thread develop and it was bugging me who wrote the script... at last I've found the culprits.
To you, to me, to you, to me 
So it is true what they sat about dingles being a little slow. 
Look at the post below, from a month ago. 
Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
16-03-2009, 09:45
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Re: Last Nights Council Meeting
I could actually go on and on and draw this thread out, but whats the point, I could list the ten years worth of abuse a the hands of Labour activist, which included having to have an official tap put on my telephone, and the nice chap (or woman) that actually sent me a card when my mother died say it should have been you, you Tory B******, but of course in the gospel according to Jones these things don't happen, but they did, every week or ten years just because I used my democratic right to have my say
16-03-2009, 09:50
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Re: Last Nights Council Meeting
Originally Posted by yerself
Not had a lot of time to be on here, but it goes to show great minds think alike, just not all at the same time  
16-03-2009, 11:52
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Re: Last Nights Council Meeting
Originally Posted by jaysay
I,...... which included having to have an official tap put on my telephone......
This is what happens when you get cheap Polish plumbers to do a job.
16-03-2009, 14:14
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Re: Last Nights Council Meeting
God, this is getting tedious. John, you know damn well that Peter is, a lot of the time, a nasty vindictive man. He is currently moving meetings and changing times of meetings just so Graham cannot be there. Its ludicrous, the times of planning meetings have been changed from 2.30 to 11am to stop Graham attending, so people who have an application in have to take the full day off work now rather than an afternoon. This is being done out of PURE SPITE. So much for a leader who cares for Hyndburn, he couldn't give a toss about people, if he did he would be making it EASIER not harder for the members of the public who need to attend the meetings. The council is a service and as such should put the public first. Neil, I can assure you that there are NO splits in the Labour Group. I work with people I trust, indeed I would count many of them as personal friends, they are loyal, hardworking and passionate councillors and I'd defend any of them to the ends of the earth because I KNOW they are honest and work hard for the people they represent
16-03-2009, 14:39
Beacon of light
Re: Last Nights Council Meeting
Well, I know who I would trust.......and his initials aren't PB.
I think there is only Jaysay who has a good word for him on here.
This is a purely personal opinion by the way.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
16-03-2009, 17:25
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Re: Last Nights Council Meeting
Originally Posted by ClarePritchard
God, this is getting tedious. John, you know damn well that Peter is, a lot of the time, a nasty vindictive man. He is currently moving meetings and changing times of meetings just so Graham cannot be there. Its ludicrous, the times of planning meetings have been changed from 2.30 to 11am to stop Graham attending, so people who have an application in have to take the full day off work now rather than an afternoon. This is being done out of PURE SPITE. So much for a leader who cares for Hyndburn, he couldn't give a toss about people, if he did he would be making it EASIER not harder for the members of the public who need to attend the meetings. The council is a service and as such should put the public first. Neil, I can assure you that there are NO splits in the Labour Group. I work with people I trust, indeed I would count many of them as personal friends, they are loyal, hardworking and passionate councillors and I'd defend any of them to the ends of the earth because I KNOW they are honest and work hard for the people they represent
To be quite honest I haven't a clue whats going on at HBC Clare, I used to be kept quite up to date as I used to see Brian Walmsley every week but since both he and is wife started with health problems I don't see him very often, in fact I saw both Brian and his wife for the first time in six months when they popped into see me last Friday. As for Peter I haven't seen him since Mayday 2007, although I have spoken to him on the phone, on an odd occasion. The thing is I think the same about Graham Jones as you do about Peter only in Spades 
16-03-2009, 19:25
Re: Last Nights Council Meeting
Originally Posted by ClarePritchard
Neil, I can assure you that there are NO splits in the Labour Group. I work with people I trust, indeed I would count many of them as personal friends, they are loyal, hardworking and passionate councillors and I'd defend any of them to the ends of the earth because I KNOW they are honest and work hard for the people they represent
I am glad to hear that. It is quite a while since I heard different from a couple of people so things must be good now. Seeing as a few have said everything is happy in the camp I think I can put the other rumours to bed.
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16-03-2009, 19:30
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Re: Last Nights Council Meeting
Originally Posted by ClarePritchard
God, this is getting tedious. John, you know damn well that Peter is, a lot of the time, a nasty vindictive man. He is currently moving meetings and changing times of meetings just so Graham cannot be there. Its ludicrous, the times of planning meetings have been changed from 2.30 to 11am to stop Graham attending, so people who have an application in have to take the full day off work now rather than an afternoon. This is being done out of PURE SPITE. So much for a leader who cares for Hyndburn, he couldn't give a toss about people, if he did he would be making it EASIER not harder for the members of the public who need to attend the meetings. The council is a service and as such should put the public first. Neil, I can assure you that there are NO splits in the Labour Group. I work with people I trust, indeed I would count many of them as personal friends, they are loyal, hardworking and passionate councillors and I'd defend any of them to the ends of the earth because I KNOW they are honest and work hard for the people they represent
4 Labour Councillors post on here independently and the debate is honest. Lancsdave, you should be proud that people so honest represent you.
We may be wrong, we may get off the fence too often, none of it however is done with any other intention than including everybody in making Hyndburn great. Importantly, we are the only group of people on the Council committed to that.
16-03-2009, 19:35
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Re: Last Nights Council Meeting
Originally Posted by Neil
I am glad to hear that. It is quite a while since I heard different from a couple of people so things must be good now. Seeing as a few have said everything is happy in the camp I think I can put the other rumours to bed.
It's same old same old. Drag Labour Councillors down and it will all be much of muchness then. Then they'll win local votes simply because Gordon is unpopular.
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