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Old 28-02-2009, 18:58   #106
Accy Red

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Re: Last Nights Council Meeting

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
You don't know who I'm talking about, that's very interesting indeed
If it's that interesting please name this person but do you realise you're going on about things that happened over 10 years ago again

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 28-02-2009, 19:01   #107
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Re: Last Nights Council Meeting

Originally Posted by Bagpuss View Post
If it's that interesting please name this person but do you realise you're going on about things that happened over 10 years ago again
If we're focusing on now, lets celebrate the returning to a healthy set of financial reserves. Lets celebrate that our council tax has gone up 50% less than the rest of the country while the Conservatives have been the controlling group of the borough.
formerly cyfr
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Old 28-02-2009, 19:04   #108
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Re: Last Nights Council Meeting

Originally Posted by andrewb View Post
Of course I think it was a good idea, after the shambles of a budget last year. I think its a shambles that Labour are not funding us properly by government grants. We could have had a council tax freeze if they had increased our grant in line with the national average.
I am pleased you think it was a good idea that Labour put forward a properly costed budget - maybe you should pass on your views to Peter Britcliffe as yesterday he told Graham, Miles Parkinson and myself that it had been a waste of time - apparently we should just have put forward a list of suggestions. My answer was 'Damned if we do and damned if we don't'.

Maybe Peter felt that Clare stole some his his thunder on his 'big night' when he got to make a 25 minute speech.

Incidentally NO members of the council interrupted his speech, but Peter (and some of his colleagues) made several interruptions to Clare's excellent speech. It was during Clare's speech, when I was handing out some sheets with figures about the funding of the refurbishment of Oswaldtwistle Civic Theatre that he referred to me as 'That Woman'.

Regarding the supposed underfunding in government grant - where do you think the £8.70 million for the HMR programme comes from - Father Christmas? It is money from a Labour government delivered by Elevate to fund the Housing Market Renewal programme in West Accrington. What about the LEGI funding that is helping several local businesses ? The 2 Health Centres in Accrington (one of which is in my ward) and the proposed new Health Centre in Great Harwood (which Peter tried to claim as being his scheme).

Andrew all this money comes from a Labour Government, or have you conveniently forgotten. Would a Tory government fund Hyndburn as well - considering your national leader thinks people should not live in the north of England. I think the south would get a little too heavy and fall into the English Channel if everyone moved South.
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Old 28-02-2009, 19:12   #109
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Re: Last Nights Council Meeting

Originally Posted by claytonender View Post
Incidentally NO members of the council interrupted his speech, but Peter (and some of his colleagues) made several interruptions to Clare's excellent speech. It was during Clare's speech, when I was handing out some sheets with figures about the funding of the refurbishment of Oswaldtwistle Civic Theatre that he referred to me as 'That Woman'.

Regarding the supposed underfunding in government grant - where do you think the £8.70 million for the HMR programme comes from - Father Christmas? It is money from a Labour government delivered by Elevate to fund the Housing Market Renewal programme in West Accrington. What about the LEGI funding that is helping several local businesses ? The 2 Health Centres in Accrington (one of which is in my ward) and the proposed new Health Centre in Great Harwood (which Peter tried to claim as being his scheme).

Andrew all this money comes from a Labour Government, or have you conveniently forgotten. Would a Tory government fund Hyndburn as well - considering your national leader thinks people should not live in the north of England. I think the south would get a little too heavy and fall into the English Channel if everyone moved South.
It's hard to even believe any of what you say when you're so focused on pushing your political agenda. You say things like David Cameron doesn't think anybody should live in the north, it's absolutely shameful, the lies you'll go to to try and get a hold of power.

I've been at council meetings where you've sat next to your pal Graham, who has been as rude as possible, interrupting other councillors and shouting out. For some reason you never came on AccringtonWeb to state it though. Wonder why?
formerly cyfr
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Old 28-02-2009, 19:14   #110
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Re: Last Nights Council Meeting

Originally Posted by Ossywarrior View Post
neil i dont think we get value for money so maybe some proper effeciency savings and deliver the proper services we should get.

i wont be getting a pay rise this year so why should the council workers?
I understand your frustration and anger at not getting a pay rise this year, and would feel exactly the same if it was myself. But a there are other factors as well as staffing costs that effect whether Council Tax has to rise - the cost of gas/electric and fuel for vehicles plays a large part in determining the need for a rise in Council Tax. Council Taxpayers would be very unhappy if their rubbish was not collected because the Council ran out of money to pay for the fuel in the bin wagons. Also, as you are well aware because I am sure it has had a big impact on your own household bills- gas and electric prices have increased by a large amount in the last 12 months.
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Old 28-02-2009, 19:27   #111
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Re: Last Nights Council Meeting

Originally Posted by andrewb View Post
It's hard to even believe any of what you say when you're so focused on pushing your political agenda. You say things like David Cameron doesn't think anybody should live in the north, it's absolutely shameful, the lies you'll go to to try and get a hold of power.

I've been at council meetings where you've sat next to your pal Graham, who has been as rude as possible, interrupting other councillors and shouting out. For some reason you never came on AccringtonWeb to state it though. Wonder why?
Andrew - firstly you are very sadly mistaken if you think I sit next to Graham at Full Council meetings - because I don't. Graham sits on the Front Bench - opposite to Peter, and I sit on the second row in from the back of the chamber. So you have never - I repeat - never seen me sitting next to Graham at Full Council. At Cabinet meetings - there are occasions when I have sat next to Graham, but as far as I can remember I have never seen you at a Cabinet meeting.

As regards the speech by David Cameron -he made a speech in August 2008 (if my memory is correct ) about the people living in northern cities.
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Old 28-02-2009, 19:29   #112
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Re: Last Nights Council Meeting

Originally Posted by claytonender View Post
Andrew - firstly you are very sadly mistaken if you think I sit next to Graham at Full Council meetings - because I don't. Graham sits on the Front Bench - opposite to Peter, and I sit on the second row in from the back of the chamber. So you have never - I repeat - never seen me sitting next to Graham at Full Council. At Cabinet meetings - there are occasions when I have sat next to Graham, but as far as I can remember I have never seen you at a Cabinet meeting.

As regards the speech by David Cameron -he made a speech in August 2008 (if my memory is correct ) about the people living in northern cities.
My mistake, its hard to tell the difference between all you Labour councillors on the forum. Its clare pritchard who sits next to him. Either way hes very very rude.

I'm sure he did make a speech, he didn't say what you claim though.
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Old 28-02-2009, 19:29   #113
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Re: Last Nights Council Meeting

Originally Posted by andrewb View Post
It's hard to even believe any of what you say when you're so focused on pushing your political agenda. You say things like David Cameron doesn't think anybody should live in the north, it's absolutely shameful, the lies you'll go to to try and get a hold of power.

I've been at council meetings where you've sat next to your pal Graham, who has been as rude as possible, interrupting other councillors and shouting out. For some reason you never came on AccringtonWeb to state it though. Wonder why?
In August last year the Policy Exchange, the Conservative's favourite think-tank, published a report saying that Northern Cities were beyond saving.

Cameron immediately called the report 'barmy' but it clearly shows that muck sticks and that Cameron, whether he said it or not, or whether he agrees with it or not, is tarred with the same brush because of his party's closeness to the think tank.

I can only find the article in the Liverpool Echo.

Are the chinks showing in Cameron's armour? - Liverpool

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 28-02-2009, 19:44   #114
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Re: Last Nights Council Meeting

Claytonender, can you confirm that our government grant has gone up by less than average?

Authorities get grants, the government increases this yearly, and this Labour government have chosen to raise ours by far less than the national average, which means we are short changed. If they had just given us the average, we'd have a 0% council tax rise. Shame on Labour. Wheres Garinda when you need him to criticise them.
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Old 28-02-2009, 19:51   #115
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Re: Last Nights Council Meeting

Probably at the meet.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 28-02-2009, 20:51   #116
Accy Red

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Re: Last Nights Council Meeting

Originally Posted by andrewb View Post
If they had just given us the average, we'd have a 0% council tax rise.
As you keep reminding us Hyndburn council is not an average council hense we did not recieve an average grant.

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 28-02-2009, 21:17   #117
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Re: Last Nights Council Meeting

i understand that things have risen in price but there are lots of ways to save money for energy, why havent the council purchased lpg or gas powered vehicles? this has a cost saving over the life of the vehicle and excellent residule values when selling on.

my gripe is that all businesses are facing a reduction in income and we have to make savings where as the council just take and take and id like to see savings.
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Old 28-02-2009, 21:33   #118
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Originally Posted by Ossywarrior View Post
i understand that things have risen in price but there are lots of ways to save money for energy, why havent the council purchased lpg or gas powered vehicles? this has a cost saving over the life of the vehicle and excellent residule values when selling on.

my gripe is that all businesses are facing a reduction in income and we have to make savings where as the council just take and take and id like to see savings.
I agree with you wholeheartedly but unfortunately the budget for Hyndburn borough council is set by the controlling group. The independent councillor did suggest LPG vehicles. Our group (Labour) did want to cut spending on Flower towers etc which really are an extravagance in the current situation. Also, although it has been budgeted for an increase in staff wages this year it is not written in stone that there will be a local government pay increase in 2009.

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Old 28-02-2009, 21:37   #119
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Re: Last Nights Council Meeting

If the council start a run of savings people will still not be happy at where the savings are made. Services will be hit and there will be a backlash that will just spread. There needs to be a look at all expenditure and even out the cuts across the board so that impact is lessened and fallout kept to a minimum. The govenment will have to cut grants as the economic depair bites deeper.

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Old 28-02-2009, 21:58   #120
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Re: Last Nights Council Meeting

Originally Posted by claytonender View Post
I agree with you wholeheartedly but unfortunately the budget for Hyndburn borough council is set by the controlling group. The independent councillor did suggest LPG vehicles. Our group (Labour) did want to cut spending on Flower towers etc which really are an extravagance in the current situation. Also, although it has been budgeted for an increase in staff wages this year it is not written in stone that there will be a local government pay increase in 2009.

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yep that is a good start to save money but i just wonder how much power does the council have over council tax rises ? is it just there choice? as it does seem a foolish decission since there has been a 71% increase in people claiming job seekers in hyndburn ..... or say it was reported
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