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Old 26-11-2009, 21:56   #16
God Member

Re: latest poll shows Tories only 6% ahead

Originally Posted by Stumped View Post
The only ones that fear a Tory win at the next election are the immigrants, the scroungers and those who are unable to draw themselves away from TV soaps, being too idle to get off their fat arses and get a job.
yeah because people who pay national insurance expect to get treatment when ill , what a bloody nerve some folk have eh, mind you it was nice to show everyone what sort of mind set a person has to have to vote tory

self self self

oh and most people who find themsleves on the dole get their money because they have worked and paid into the system which entitles them to the money/help they get while looking for work and are not scroungers
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Last edited by accyman; 26-11-2009 at 22:00.
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Old 26-11-2009, 22:56   #17
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Re: latest poll shows Tories only 6% ahead

Originally Posted by Stumped View Post
The only ones that fear a Tory win at the next election are the immigrants, the scroungers and those who are unable to draw themselves away from TV soaps, being too idle to get off their fat arses and get a job.
rubbish, certain members of our society that made a fortune out of overtime during the miners dispute, don't fear em, thats fer sure.
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Old 26-11-2009, 22:58   #18
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Re: latest poll shows Tories only 6% ahead

Originally Posted by Stumped View Post
The only ones that fear a Tory win at the next election are the immigrants, the scroungers and those who are unable to draw themselves away from TV soaps, being too idle to get off their fat arses and get a job.
Quite a few stereotypes being tossed around in this post ... and if they do get off their asses and try to get a job, will they succeed? I've read many posts on this forum which suggest that there is a shortage of jobs. With de-industrialization, out-sourcing, multi-nationals looking to set up in areas of the world where wages are low, and benefits are nil etc., this is not surprising. Also not surprising is the tory tendency to blame the poor for their poverty, and to let the fat cats off the hook. (Sorry for mixing the metaphors.) Once heard that someone "defended" Maggie T. by saying that she was not rascist; she just hated poor people whatever their color.
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Old 27-11-2009, 01:32   #19
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Re: latest poll shows Tories only 6% ahead

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Do you know, I keep seeing this title whenever I log on and for some reason get the image of someone dedicated to a party beyond normal reason trying to find the glass half full rather than the warning it should be,

'Wake up labour, except for the stalwart labour voters, you just ain't working, be you traditional or spinning in your grave New Labour'.

O.K. the Tories are just in front in the poll's that shouldn't be cause for celebration, that should hint that you have lost the initiative, please don't put my children through a Tory Britain again, get your act together and actually do something useful.

(You've probably guessed, I'm like what cannot be flushed away, I'm a 'floating', voter), so get yourselves together and use this time between now and the next election to show you deserve my,

Makes sense Less, but the post is not meant as a celebration, it's more of a spoiler for the arrogant Tories that procliamed months ago that the next general election is all done and dusted.
The Tories base thier assumption on the fact that this country has had enough of Labour...and that is all they have to offer..they rely on the electorate being so fed up they will elect a Tory Government, it's the way it has always been and looks like it will be next year.

Last edited by Mancie; 27-11-2009 at 01:38.
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Old 27-11-2009, 01:58   #20
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Re: latest poll shows Tories only 6% ahead

Originally Posted by Stumped View Post
The only ones that fear a Tory win at the next election are the immigrants, the scroungers and those who are unable to draw themselves away from TV soaps, being too idle to get off their fat arses and get a job.
when you say "scroungers" does that include the Tory landed gentry who will get massive benefits just for set aside acres of land ready for the return of fox hunting?... does it include the 20% of working people on the minimum wage that the Tories will revoke?
There's no two ways about it .. the less well off will pay the price for any Tory "recovery programme".. the Tories have never had an agenda were the rich pay more than the poor in is simply something they do not believe and never have.
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Old 27-11-2009, 02:15   #21
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Re: latest poll shows Tories only 6% ahead

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
when you say "scroungers" does that include the Tory landed gentry who will get massive benefits just for set aside acres of land ready for the return of fox hunting?... does it include the 20% of working people on the minimum wage that the Tories will revoke?
There's no two ways about it .. the less well off will pay the price for any Tory "recovery programme".. the Tories have never had an agenda were the rich pay more than the poor in is simply something they do not believe and never have.
.... and never will.
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Old 27-11-2009, 09:14   #22
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Re: latest poll shows Tories only 6% ahead

well as somone who left school under a tory govenment and was shunted onto the YTS scheme to work a full week for £28 because employers only offered YTS places because it was cheaper and then had to pay extortionate POLL TAX bills despite only been on £28 a week and also because of poor laws protecting employees and no minum wage was forced to work overtime for £1 per hour or loose my job nothing anyone ever says will convince me the torys give a damn about workers or the poor they simply screw every drop they can and throw those in jail that dare to choose buying food over paying their trumpped up taxes such as the poll tax

the last tory govenment we had sent hundreds of elderly folk some as old as their late 80's to prison for not been able to afford their polltax and it wasnt until teh polltax riots that things got changed and even then teh new council tax system was still a hell of a lot more than the rates system.

people who fear a tory govenment fear a tory govenment because they have seen what happened the last time they got into power, hospitals shut down or so under funded tehy couldnt operate and had patients lined up on trollys in teh hallways because there was no beds for them, extortionate taxes on the poor, digracefull wages allowed to be paid by empoyers

say what you want about labour but under them in my area alone i have seen new improved hospitals been built , medical centers built and most importantly of all the minimum wage was brought in which would never have happened under a tory govenment.I work for minimum wage and it isnt great but its hell of a lot better than what i would be getting paid if the torys had stayed in power thats for sure
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Old 27-11-2009, 09:24   #23

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Re: latest poll shows Tories only 6% ahead

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
................even then the new council tax system was still a hell of a lot more than the rates system.
Which Labour must agree with as they have not changed it in how many years?

I am not convinced we have a party in this Country fit to run the place.

The current lot appear to want to split Britain back up into 4 separate Countries with different taxation and benefits etc for each Country

Show me a Party that will pull us out of the EU, sort out immigration so we have jobs for the unemployed and shut the Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly and whatever is going on in Northern Ireland and I might vote for them.

On that topic why is there no English Government??
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Old 27-11-2009, 09:57   #24
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Re: latest poll shows Tories only 6% ahead

i agree labour could have altered teh council tax system but lets not forget its not really labour its new labour which was created to entice tory voters away by been somewhere inbetween old labour and the torys.Soon after tony blair got in he soon started getting rid of the traditional labour mps but even so this new labour still has done a lot more for the working class that any tory govenment will ever do.Labuor could have changed a lot of things but like i have said before its not a matter of voting for who you can trust but a matter of voting for who you think will screw you over teh least because they are all crooks no matter what party they are under

until the torys get rid of their bad image which they have tried to do by pushing cameron forward as a new type of tory many people wont trust them and its only this latest cock up with the recession that has even given the torys a chance of getting back in power but sadly its enough so its probably just a matter of lets wait and see what happens under a tory govenment but i dont expect it to be good
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 27-11-2009, 09:59   #25
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Re: latest poll shows Tories only 6% ahead

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
i agree labour could have altered teh council tax system but lets not forget its not really labour its new labour which was created to entice tory voters away by been somewhere inbetween old labour and the torys.Soon after tony blair got in he soon started getting rid of the traditional labour mps but even so this new labour still has done a lot more for the working class that any tory govenment will ever do.
that is a classsic example of hitting the nail on the head. IMHO.
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Old 27-11-2009, 11:37   #26
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Re: latest poll shows Tories only 6% ahead

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
Makes sense Less, but the post is not meant as a celebration, it's more of a spoiler for the arrogant Tories that procliamed months ago that the next general election is all done and dusted.
The Tories base thier assumption on the fact that this country has had enough of Labour...and that is all they have to offer..they rely on the electorate being so fed up they will elect a Tory Government, it's the way it has always been and looks like it will be next year.
Wow! Mancie, that is almost like praise coming from you, however when we have stereo-typical Tories like this posting:-

Originally Posted by Stumped View Post
The only ones that fear a Tory win at the next election are the immigrants, the scroungers and those who are unable to draw themselves away from TV soaps, being too idle to get off their fat arses and get a job.
I don't think labour will have to work very hard to get my vote, just to keep people like him away from power of any kind needs us all to, as he says,

get off their fat arses
and just make sure we put an X anywhere but next to his party, (I think with an attitude like his working for the Tories I would even vote BNP rather than have them come to power, (only kidding folks the BNP would still be a very strange choice of party for me to waste my vote on)).

Wake me up when it's time to vote
I'll try to take my arse off
the settee to get to the polling station.

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Old 27-11-2009, 12:05   #27
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Re: latest poll shows Tories only 6% ahead

I think the biggest thing at the next election will be getting people actually out to the polling stations. Any party that can actually mobilise their supporters might stand a chance. Lib Dems might pick up a few extra seats because of it and of course, it opens the way for parties like BNP and UKIP to pick up some seats. Fighting apathy will be the hardest battle.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 27-11-2009, 12:58   #28
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Re: latest poll shows Tories only 6% ahead

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
.... and never will.
At least you're honest enough to admit that you don't really care what policies they hold, you just don't believe they work for the poor.

I profoundly disagree with you, but you're being honest and we can just agree to disagree.
formerly cyfr
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Old 27-11-2009, 13:03   #29
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Re: latest poll shows Tories only 6% ahead

Originally Posted by Gayle View Post
it opens the way for parties like BNP and UKIP to pick up some seats. Fighting apathy will be the hardest battle.
Would not like to see the BNP pick up any seats under any circumstances. However, I would definitely like to see UKIP gain some seats, even though I don't agree with all their policies. It would hopefully give a massive kick up the backside to the major parties about people's feelings on the EU.
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Old 27-11-2009, 14:02   #30
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Re: latest poll shows Tories only 6% ahead

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
It would hopefully give a massive kick up the backside to the major parties about people's feelings on the EU. know, that subject that Accyweb politicos don't want to talk about.
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