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Old 12-02-2016, 00:23   #1
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LCC budget day

Sick day today…was watching twitter and noticed that LCC was having its budget meeting so popped over to the webcast…

I was instantly thrown back to the sick days of my youth watching Crown Court.

Watched the tories (Britcliffe amongst them), complaining that the chairwoman was biased (Britcliffe was actually quite amusing), anyhoo, turned out this vote was doomed to lose because the chairwoman was biased towards the majority coalition who obviously voted against.

Our other guys today were :-

a) Bernard Dawson…spoke 3 words in the 7 hours I watched this debacle..he said ‘for’..the labour budget..’against’..the tory amendment…..and ‘abstain’…the liberal amendment…. A party man through and through who keeps getting elected without having a personal opinion on anything..who says you need a personality to be a politician!

b) Claire Pritchard…complained about central government but offered nothing to the local debate in question apart from inanely pleading with the chairwoman to be protected from nasty hecklers who quite rightly wanted her to stay on topic instead of going off on a pointless political rant.

Obviously where politicians are concerned things went on a bit…so it gets dinner time and the chairwoman says lets break for ‘half an hour’ (time for a sarnie and a brew)…..labour luvvies whine a bit and it gets extended to an hour (time for a nice meal and wine….gotta love receipts and expenses)

So finally hour or so later..the budget…..

The labour guys said that we aint got money from central government so we gotta cut libraries, museums, bus services and help for the disabled.

Tories put out an amendment…it hasn’t been handed out so it’s given to a lackey to pass around…she messes it to the press but there aint enough copies to go around…lib dem muppet feigns anger and lib dem guy next but one to him shakes his head…in fact that particular guy shook his head constantly all day every time anyone but a lib dem opened his gob.
Geoff Driver (Tory patriarch) mutters ‘silly sod’ (regarding the lackey giving the amendment to the press instead of the lib dems) forgetting he still has an open mike and then gives her a big smile, saying ‘it’s ok’ as she finally gives copies to the lib dems.

Tory amendment shows how to save libraries, museums, bus services and disabled transport but is voted down…after labour guy says.. ’hmmm, I kinda agree but we spent a lot of money looking into these cuts and it would seem a waste if we didn’t follow them through’

Lib dems put through an amendment supported by nodding man, which gets roundly hammered as ill thought, uneconomic and apparently done in crayon by an 8 year old..also voted down ( but only by the tories, the labour guys ever so kindly abstained to stay friends even though they too thought it was a dumb idea)

Eventually labour budget is passed after being supported by the independents….labour guy forgetting he has an open mike says ‘one thing we realised today, we don’t even need the lib dems’

Chairwoman constantly screws up throughout the day, before being put back on track by what I can only assume is the legal eagle to her immediate left.

We pay money for this crap…could have saved a fortune on expenses and said right at the start of the day..this is the budget…suck it up
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Old 12-02-2016, 03:52   #2

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Re: LCC budget day

So Labour ignored the Tories plans to save cutting services.
I do think that many Labour run Councils will make things as bad as possible and blame it on the Tory Government. Always bad having opposite Council to Government
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Old 12-02-2016, 08:20   #3
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Re: LCC budget day

Guinness, thank you for your interesting, insightful report on these proceedings.
It just goes to show what a set of tinpot ******* (sorry about that) we have as local politicians.
Maybe we should kick them out and use the money these no counts are paid to keep the services they want to cut, going.
I thought these people were in their jobs to ensure the best was done for their constituents.
How very silly I am!
Like all politicians of every shade they are in politics to massage their already inflated egos and fill up their bank balances, feed their faces on posh nosh......all the while telling us that they are doing all this 'work' for us.
Pull the other plays 'jingle bells'.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 12-02-2016, 10:04   #4
Senior Member+

Re: LCC budget day

We, or at least some of the population, voted our representatives in. Let us hope that we don't forget how our representatives have performed when election time comes around again.
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Old 12-02-2016, 10:35   #5
Beacon of light

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Re: LCC budget day

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Guinness, thank you for your interesting, insightful report on these proceedings.
It just goes to show what a set of tinpot ******* (sorry about that) we have as local politicians.
Maybe we should kick them out and use the money these no counts are paid to keep the services they want to cut, going.
I thought these people were in their jobs to ensure the best was done for their constituents.
How very silly I am!
Like all politicians of every shade they are in politics to massage their already inflated egos and fill up their bank balances, feed their faces on posh nosh......all the while telling us that they are doing all this 'work' for us.
Pull the other plays 'jingle bells'.
Most of those who come on here know that I dislike expletives...and may be wondering what the asterisked out bit of my post is....well, it wasn't really a very bad was to$$3r$...but bad for me, but mild in the context of what I really think of them....and yes Barrie you are right . We do need to remember what our elected representatives did during their time in office and mark our ballot papers accordingly.
I might have snow on my roof, but the boiler is still lit(I am well insulated in my roof space).
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 12-02-2016, 12:34   #6
God Member

Re: LCC budget day

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
So Labour ignored the Tories plans to save cutting services.
I do think that many Labour run Councils will make things as bad as possible and blame it on the Tory Government. Always bad having opposite Council to Government
i agree with that

last night i was in the car and had radio lancashire on and it came on the local news about this meeting and in good old traditional ways after saying all the cuts had been approved the blame was put right at the governments door who happen to be a tory government

my first thought was ok current government made the cuts but only because the previous labour lot blew all the money

thankfully though we have a new bus station which im sure the elderly , disabled and vulnerable among us will appreciate is money well spent
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.

ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 12-02-2016, 17:45   #7
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Re: LCC budget day

It was reported yesterday that one of our representatives allegedly spoke just 3 words during the whole of the debate - Yes, No, Abstain. Not sure in what order. With the possible loss of most, if not all, of our libraries and other cuts, our representative appears to approve of the actions.
A great pity that the Labour led LCC could not follow the principles of the Blair/Brown years.
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Old 12-02-2016, 18:07   #8
God Member

Re: LCC budget day

from what i understand some local councilors are also county councilors so they arnt as local councilors going to speak against things they decided as county councilors

i dont think people should be able to hold both positions there can be a real conflict of interest between the two positions when held by one person
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All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.

ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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