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21-01-2009, 21:05
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Re: Leeds Muslims went on July 7th reconnaissance
Originally Posted by Less
Well there you go and for about 2,000 years all the other Christians blamed the Jews for that!
Sorry Jews, you were innocent all along, it was the left footers.

Maybe not .... there is a certain episode in "The Brothers Karamazov" ...... 
21-01-2009, 21:13
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Re: Leeds Muslims went on July 7th reconnaissance
Originally Posted by emamum
i'm RC.. we killed Jesus 
Er, no, not according to the Catholic New Testament (there weren't any R Cs for another couple of hundred years after Jesus). I may be a convert to atheism but I remember my R E O Level.
Mother Mary Magdalene, late headmistress of Paddock House (c. 1950s), would have had you crawling up the path from school to the dining hall on your knees and clipping the grass on the tennis courts with nail scissors as penance for that one, Em. 
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
21-01-2009, 22:06
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Re: Leeds Muslims went on July 7th reconnaissance
Originally Posted by emamum
i'm RC.. we killed Jesus
I'm also RC, as West Ender has said the Roman Catholic religion didn't exist at the time Jesus was crucified.
Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.
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21-01-2009, 23:01
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Re: Leeds Muslims went on July 7th reconnaissance
Romans did the crucifiction then some emperor dude i think it was constintine decided to hitch his wagon to the movement hence Roman Catholics. No doubt I am wrong so will someone let me know. Anyhow Jesus is seen as a prophet in Islam its only the west the says otherwise.
As for brain washing by extremists of the isamic faith they aint doing nowt that christians aint done over the years. Even R.C's bent there own rules. We only have banks etc because it was decided that money lending and profit were best done by low and behold the Jews even though brain washing had them as satens spawn. Islam has done more for Europeans than Europeans will ever admit. While we were going to witches they had sciences that would on a like for like based on today would be far supirior. There will always be zealots in all religions. If you think back what were the Crusades about? Then compare it with what is happening today.
21-01-2009, 23:29
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Re: Leeds Muslims went on July 7th reconnaissance
Originally Posted by Eric
As the bona fide spokesperson (glad to see you use the pc term  ) maybe you could tell me what "speeking out loud" is ... Is it some arcane muslim thing that Gordie has identified, or is his spelling as inaccurate as his analyses?  And what is it about Stoke or Sunderland  are the "daughters" there real butt ugly  .
Good post bud .... 
What spelling and analyses would be inaccurate Eric
21-01-2009, 23:42
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Re: Leeds Muslims went on July 7th reconnaissance
Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J
Romans did the crucifiction then some emperor dude i think it was constintine decided to hitch his wagon to the movement hence Roman Catholics. No doubt I am wrong so will someone let me know. Anyhow Jesus is seen as a prophet in Islam its only the west the says otherwise.
As for brain washing by extremists of the isamic faith they aint doing nowt that christians aint done over the years. Even R.C's bent there own rules. We only have banks etc because it was decided that money lending and profit were best done by low and behold the Jews even though brain washing had them as satens spawn. Islam has done more for Europeans than Europeans will ever admit. While we were going to witches they had sciences that would on a like for like based on today would be far supirior. There will always be zealots in all religions. If you think back what were the Crusades about? Then compare it with what is happening today.
Are you on drugs
22-01-2009, 08:35
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Re: Leeds Muslims went on July 7th reconnaissance
Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J
Romans did the crucifiction then some emperor dude i think it was constintine decided to hitch his wagon to the movement hence Roman Catholics. No doubt I am wrong so will someone let me know. Anyhow Jesus is seen as a prophet in Islam its only the west the says otherwise.
As for brain washing by extremists of the isamic faith they aint doing nowt that christians aint done over the years. Even R.C's bent there own rules. We only have banks etc because it was decided that money lending and profit were best done by low and behold the Jews even though brain washing had them as satens spawn. Islam has done more for Europeans than Europeans will ever admit. While we were going to witches they had sciences that would on a like for like based on today would be far supirior. There will always be zealots in all religions. If you think back what were the Crusades about? Then compare it with what is happening today.
thanks spuggie, thats what i was taught (at catholic school lol) thought i'd lot my marbles completely lol
good post  karma sent
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....
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22-01-2009, 10:26
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Re: Leeds Muslims went on July 7th reconnaissance
Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J
then some emperor dude i think it was constintine decided to hitch his wagon to the movement hence Roman Catholics
The emperor dude Constantine wasn't even born until over 200 years after the crucifixion.
Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.
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22-01-2009, 17:51
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Re: Leeds Muslims went on July 7th reconnaissance
Originally Posted by yerself
The emperor dude Constantine wasn't even born until over 200 years after the crucifixion.
And the Romans who had jurisdiction over Jerusalem at the time were not Christians - so - not Roman Catholics (a term invented after the Christian church split into 2 factions, Roman and Byzantine).
There was a Christian faction after the death of Jesus, before Constantine, but to become a Christian you first had to be a Jew.
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23-01-2009, 19:14
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Re: Leeds Muslims went on July 7th reconnaissance
Originally Posted by yerself
So if pakistani's know and realise this why do they persist in associating themselves with this religion? Convert to Christianity, you know it makes sense.
*LMAO* yes of course
like the christian church is all unified and one and no one argues with anyone else and everyone agree's that homosexuality is a sin. at in islam we can all agree on that much! *L*
If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you - Ghenghis Khan
23-01-2009, 19:19
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Re: Leeds Muslims went on July 7th reconnaissance
Originally Posted by Gordie
What fictitious vacancy was the Ramadan foundation spokesman speeking for when quoting Prince Harry should now reach out and show his remorse to the Pakistani population ?
It`s ignorant to assume that people are not well aware that there are community leaders in all towns in Britain that have a Pakistani population and their influence is generally adhered to.
It`s also ignorant to assume that people are not aware that community leaders do gather around to discuss what politically correct course to take to further their agenda and speek out loud accordingly.
Nobody is saying there is one solid Pakistani community, but when issues arise and atrocities take place concerning people of these communities, there is often no condemnation from these supposedly, (your quote) fictitious leaders.
It would be interesting to hear your opinion regarding the three accused British born Muslim terrorists from Leeds
Thank you for reading,
the international streetwise spokesperson

the "spokesman" is somoemne who's given his/her number to the press and is convieniently phoned.
and there is no condemnation as there are no leaders, no spokespeople no one. nada zip. keeping looking for that condemnation yeah?
as for the leeds guys
if they're guilty they're guilty. what are you expecting a justification from me? some lovely post where you can say oooh look this is proof muslims dont integrate within british society or some long posting sayin otherwise?
sorry mate i'm no spokesperson. i'm not paid to do that on accyweb!
sorry mick! *L*
If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you - Ghenghis Khan
23-01-2009, 20:46
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Re: Leeds Muslims went on July 7th reconnaissance
Originally Posted by Gordie
No I have an open minded on a lot of subjects. When it comes to any religion you will find through history that a lot of stoking up is done by religious bodies. When religions mix with polotics we find the whole thing can end up in a shooting match quiet literally. I look at it all in context of what it is no drugs needed.
24-01-2009, 22:21
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Re: Leeds Muslims went on July 7th reconnaissance
Originally Posted by mani
keeping looking for that condemnation yeah?
Let's look toward you mani. Do you support them or condemn them? Your own personal view, not as a local muslim community leader or representative of Accyweb. Just you, mani, your average member of the pakistani population.
Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
25-01-2009, 15:01
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Re: Leeds Muslims went on July 7th reconnaissance
Originally Posted by yerself
Let's look toward you mani. Do you support them or condemn them? Your own personal view, not as a local muslim community leader or representative of Accyweb. Just you, mani, your average member of the pakistani population.
I agree, a truthful opinion from a local muslim on this issue would be interesting.
25-01-2009, 15:13
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Leeds Muslims went on July 7th reconnaissance
Originally Posted by Gordie
I agree, a truthful opinion from a local muslim on this issue would be interesting.
You have had a truthful opinion from a local Muslim,
Originally Posted by mani
if they're guilty they're guilty. what are you expecting a justification from me? some lovely post where you can say oooh look this is proof muslims dont integrate within british society or some long posting sayin otherwise?
sorry mate i'm no spokesperson. i'm not paid to do that on accyweb!
sorry mick! *L*

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