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Old 19-01-2009, 23:01   #1
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Leeds Muslims went on July 7th reconnaissance

The trial of three Leeds Muslims took place today for a second time.
The court heard the three defendants visited London in Dec 04 with two of the 7/7 bombers.Seven months later one of these bombers killed 13 passengers on a bus and the other killed 26 people on a train.
The three defendants prosecution QC said they shared the beliefs and objectives of the London bombers and were willing to assist them with their preperation for the London bombings.
All three are believed to have attended a terrorist training camp during a six weeks trip to Pakistan.
Why are the Pakistan comunity spokesmen not speeking out loud about this brain washing, regarding radical Islam and jihad in some of their communities.
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Old 19-01-2009, 23:16   #2
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Re: Leeds Muslims went on July 7th reconnaissance

Originally Posted by Gordie View Post
Why are the Pakistan comunity spokesmen not speeking out loud about this brain washing, regarding radical Islam and jihad in some of their communities.
I've been on here just over 2 years and not seen any of the community leaders posting. May be you could mail them directly and ask. Let us know what the answer is.
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Old 19-01-2009, 23:26   #3
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Re: Leeds Muslims went on July 7th reconnaissance

Originally Posted by Gordie View Post
The court heard the three defendants visited London in Dec 04
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Old 20-01-2009, 02:49   #4
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Re: Leeds Muslims went on July 7th reconnaissance

Originally Posted by Gordie View Post
Why are the Pakistan comunity spokesmen not speeking out loud about this brain washing, regarding radical Islam and jihad in some of their communities.
because there is no such "job" "position" "person" who does that.

its a fictitious "vacancy" that exists in the media and in the minds of people who seem to think that the muslims once a month gather around to discuss what lovely politically correct court case we can submit for the readers of that lovely paper that is the daily mail.

its ignorant to even assume there's one solid pakistani community without even realising the complexities it goes into. just because our forefathers came from one country does not mean we all go giving each other the "secret" look which says sup bro? i know your a pakistani like me and i gotchya back. *wink*

there's no job as a muslim spokesmen either. islam is in so many various schools that if 1000 years of islam in the middle east cant unite everyone what hope does 50 years in the uk have?

and i would also like to take the opportunity to point out to anyone esp daily mail readers we are indeed all out to get you and your taxes and maybe your daughters though not if they're up in sunderland or stoke. your safe there.

thank you for reading

the international pakistani muslim spokesperson

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Old 20-01-2009, 07:56   #5

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Re: Leeds Muslims went on July 7th reconnaissance

Originally Posted by mani View Post
because there is no such "job" "position" "person" who does that.
Maybe he should have used the term community leader then instead of spokesperson. The leaders appear to be the voice of the community which is the same thing, isn't it?
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Old 20-01-2009, 08:29   #6
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Re: Leeds Muslims went on July 7th reconnaissance

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
Maybe he should have used the term community leader then instead of spokesperson. The leaders appear to be the voice of the community which is the same thing, isn't it?
Which 'community leader' speaks on your behalf?

Is 'community leader' the same as 'council leader'?

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Old 20-01-2009, 08:43   #7

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Re: Leeds Muslims went on July 7th reconnaissance

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Which 'community leader' speaks on your behalf?

Is 'community leader' the same as 'council leader'?

I did not say I agreed with the title of community leader. It is something that is mentioned in the news all the time.

The way the term community leader is used in the news, no it can't be the same as council leader.
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Old 20-01-2009, 22:21   #8
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Re: Leeds Muslims went on July 7th reconnaissance

Originally Posted by mani
if 1000 years of islam in the middle east cant unite everyone what hope does 50 years in the uk have?
So if pakistani's know and realise this why do they persist in associating themselves with this religion? Convert to Christianity, you know it makes sense.
Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.

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Old 21-01-2009, 00:20   #9
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Re: Leeds Muslims went on July 7th reconnaissance

Originally Posted by yerself View Post
Convert to Christianity, you know it makes sense.
For two thousand years the Christian church has been the very picture of a united religion, and not one drop of blood has ever been spilled in it's name.

Well, not unless you count the Spanish Inquisition, or the troubles in Ireland, or having to kill the Fuzzy Wuzzies who wouldn't worship Jesus, or the Reformation, or....okay, there may have been a little disunity, but it was over an awful long time frame.
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Old 21-01-2009, 10:58   #10
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Re: Leeds Muslims went on July 7th reconnaissance

I find it totally mind blowing that people can kill each other over religion, irrespective of which religion and for what reason. when you think about it for somebody to say I'm going to kill you because you don't worship my god, is well bloody crazy to say the least
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Old 21-01-2009, 11:07   #11
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Re: Leeds Muslims went on July 7th reconnaissance

Originally Posted by yerself View Post
So if pakistani's know and realise this why do they persist in associating themselves with this religion? Convert to Christianity, you know it makes sense.
i'm RC.. we killed Jesus
maybe i should convert to Islam so i dont associate myself with that.
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Old 21-01-2009, 11:32   #12
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Re: Leeds Muslims went on July 7th reconnaissance

Most religions have a murky past, and some a murky present.
The only exception I can think of is Buddhism - did consider it, but it is a rather extreme way of living.
If you can come to terms with living without a religion it does free you from being associated with all those horrendous crimes against humanity.

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Old 21-01-2009, 19:43   #13
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Re: Leeds Muslims went on July 7th reconnaissance

Originally Posted by mani View Post
because there is no such "job" "position" "person" who does that.

its a fictitious "vacancy" that exists in the media and in the minds of people who seem to think that the muslims once a month gather around to discuss what lovely politically correct court case we can submit for the readers of that lovely paper that is the daily mail.

its ignorant to even assume there's one solid pakistani community without even realising the complexities it goes into. just because our forefathers came from one country does not mean we all go giving each other the "secret" look which says sup bro? i know your a pakistani like me and i gotchya back. *wink*

there's no job as a muslim spokesmen either. islam is in so many various schools that if 1000 years of islam in the middle east cant unite everyone what hope does 50 years in the uk have?

and i would also like to take the opportunity to point out to anyone esp daily mail readers we are indeed all out to get you and your taxes and maybe your daughters though not if they're up in sunderland or stoke. your safe there.

thank you for reading

the international pakistani muslim spokesperson

What fictitious vacancy was the Ramadan foundation spokesman speeking for when quoting Prince Harry should now reach out and show his remorse to the Pakistani population ?
It`s ignorant to assume that people are not well aware that there are community leaders in all towns in Britain that have a Pakistani population and their influence is generally adhered to.
It`s also ignorant to assume that people are not aware that community leaders do gather around to discuss what politically correct course to take to further their agenda and speek out loud accordingly.
Nobody is saying there is one solid Pakistani community, but when issues arise and atrocities take place concerning people of these communities, there is often no condemnation from these supposedly, (your quote) fictitious leaders.
It would be interesting to hear your opinion regarding the three accused British born Muslim terrorists from Leeds

Thank you for reading,
the international streetwise spokesperson
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Old 21-01-2009, 20:03   #14
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Re: Leeds Muslims went on July 7th reconnaissance

Originally Posted by mani View Post
because there is no such "job" "position" "person" who does that.

its a fictitious "vacancy" that exists in the media and in the minds of people who seem to think that the muslims once a month gather around to discuss what lovely politically correct court case we can submit for the readers of that lovely paper that is the daily mail.

its ignorant to even assume there's one solid pakistani community without even realising the complexities it goes into. just because our forefathers came from one country does not mean we all go giving each other the "secret" look which says sup bro? i know your a pakistani like me and i gotchya back. *wink*

there's no job as a muslim spokesmen either. islam is in so many various schools that if 1000 years of islam in the middle east cant unite everyone what hope does 50 years in the uk have?

and i would also like to take the opportunity to point out to anyone esp daily mail readers we are indeed all out to get you and your taxes and maybe your daughters though not if they're up in sunderland or stoke. your safe there.

thank you for reading

the international pakistani muslim spokesperson

As the bona fide spokesperson (glad to see you use the pc term) maybe you could tell me what "speeking out loud" is ... Is it some arcane muslim thing that Gordie has identified, or is his spelling as inaccurate as his analyses? And what is it about Stoke or Sunderland are the "daughters" there real butt ugly.

Good post bud ....
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Old 21-01-2009, 20:53   #15
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Re: Leeds Muslims went on July 7th reconnaissance

Originally Posted by emamum View Post
i'm RC.. we killed Jesus
Well there you go and for about 2,000 years all the other Christians blamed the Jews for that!

Sorry Jews, you were innocent all along, it was the left footers.

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