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Old 25-12-2010, 21:00   #181
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
plonker n dumb are not personal insults, but you seem to take em as such, there just a comment of yer opinion on this subject, but as ya keep bleating they are, it leaves me wi the thought that yer a tart,who takes offence at everything that don't suit, i have been called much worse on here, but don't bleat about it, so report tart if it makes ya happy.
You know what I think Cashman, back in the 60's you took some LSD and had a bad time and this is why you are calling me a plonker and dumb and a Tart etc. Because you had a bad time on LSD and you can 't stand that fact that someone is talking sense about the issue. You have to personally insult me.
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Old 25-12-2010, 21:04   #182
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Looks like this lot are having a pretty good time on whatever drug they were given.. I persume it's the old LSD..the bloke climbing a tree to "feed the birds" is class.. but I don't fancy them fighting a war for us

Last edited by Mancie; 25-12-2010 at 21:09.
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Old 26-12-2010, 10:25   #183

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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by ***Mr D*** View Post
LSD, Coke, Speed, Weed IMO are all harmless compaired to the above list. These should be looked at and laws revamped.

As I have alwawys stated I do not agree with Legalising any drugs, I would prefair Decriminlisation (Sensible).
I can't be bothered with the ongoing LSD argument but you interest me with the above bit.

What would be the point in the decriminalisation of any drug. If it was decided 10 or 20 years ago they were bad why ignore them now just because worse ones have come along.

I guess we are too soft on those we catch with them. Maybe if those caught with even a small amount received a massive penalty by the courts (I know it is never going to happen) then it would deter taking drugs which in turn would help with all the other problems with drug taking.
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Old 26-12-2010, 10:48   #184
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
I can't be bothered with the ongoing LSD argument but you interest me with the above bit.

What would be the point in the decriminalisation of any drug. If it was decided 10 or 20 years ago they were bad why ignore them now just because worse ones have come along.

I guess we are too soft on those we catch with them. Maybe if those caught with even a small amount received a massive penalty by the courts (I know it is never going to happen) then it would deter taking drugs which in turn would help with all the other problems with drug taking.
What your proposing would just lead to more people wanting to try drugs and there would be more black-market "dangerous" cut drugs on the underground - more deaths and more crime. Surely the way forward is to be more open about drug use. Also it's a fact more people are made junkies in Prison that outside - this is a fact. Heroine is available in prisons and many people become heroine addicts in prison!

I came across this video and I wonder if perhaps it's Cashman
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Old 26-12-2010, 11:06   #185
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
You know what I think Cashman, back in the 60's you took some LSD and had a bad time and this is why you are calling me a plonker and dumb and a Tart etc. Because you had a bad time on LSD and you can 't stand that fact that someone is talking sense about the issue. You have to personally insult me.
I just realised that Cashman is responsible for knocking my Karma down from 28 to zero - now that is very childish mate - not queensby rules -dis- honourable and so on!
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Old 26-12-2010, 11:25   #186
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
I just realised that Cashman is responsible for knocking my Karma down from 28 to zero - now that is very childish mate - not queensby rules -dis- honourable and so on!
Generous to a fault is our cashy
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Old 26-12-2010, 11:37   #187
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

KX, you really aren't getting this are you ? Certain things have been said due to comments you yourself have made. You need to re-read particular posts, some made by You, Cashy, BG & Me & I mean read properly what exactly was said, then just maybe you'll see where the issues stem from. Until you can see clearly what has caused the last X pages to go in the direction they have, we'll never get any further on !

Start at Page 5 #94(Yours) #98(Cashy) Page 6 #102(Yours) #104(Cashy) #105(Mine) #106,107(Yours) #108(Cashy9 #109,110(BG) #112(Mine) then your marathon #113-116(Yours) #118(BG) Page 7 #123(Yours) #125(Mine) here I did try to explain how things got to the level they did but you wouldn't take it in. So here we are page 10 #188

May be a bit much to take in at once, but we've got time, so use it, read through & see if you find enlightenment.

Last edited by DaveinGermany; 26-12-2010 at 11:40.
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Old 26-12-2010, 11:40   #188
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by ***Mr D*** View Post
I see the usual few are bullying again.

Dont worry Kes this is how some are on here.

I feel you lot dont really understand Todays drug culture. If LSD is your concern.
Cheers Mr D it is bullying - Cashman started calling me a plonker because I disputed his claim about LSD or Acid! I don't think it is used much these days is it? As I don't take any of these type of drugs these days I wouldn't know if it's available on the street anymore?

LSD is pretty harmless as a addictive drug, not that common and not a use daily type. I agree that you could end up dead, but you could end up dead going to the shop, or having a night out on the booze.
Any drug in abnormally high dose can kill you. But LSD in normal dose will not nor is it addictive. It can be psychologically addictive, if you have good trips on it. But not so if you don't - as you won't want to take it again.

Smack, Crack, Met, Rock are the drugs that are BAD for not only the user but also the community, these are the ones that should be locked down, harsher penatlies for possession, dealing Ect. These are the addictive drugs that ruin lives.
Agreed! Because these are drugs that are highly addictive and are basically run by criminals - to create more crime in the lives of addicts and victims of addicts!

LSD, Coke, Speed, Weed IMO are all harmless compaired to the above list. These should be looked at and laws revamped.

As I have alwawys stated I do not agree with Legalising any drugs, I would prefair Decriminlisation (Sensible).

In fact thinking on I could walk into a few shops in accrington and buy LEGAL HIGHS. that would be more harmfull that smoking a joint.
EXPLAIN that one.

Keeping recrational use drugs 100% Illegal has open a flood gate for new legal drugs (NOT FIT FOR HUMAN CONSUMTION) to be sold.

There is no easy sollution but it needs to be reviewed.
I reckon that decriminilisation is the safest way to deal with drug abuse. Because it's the criminal gangs that are making money out of selling crack, metamphetimine, rocks etc etc - which are the drugs people need and commit crime to get the drugs! Not LSD!

Last edited by kestrelx; 26-12-2010 at 11:42.
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Old 26-12-2010, 11:58   #189
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
KX, you really aren't getting this are you ? Certain things have been said due to comments you yourself have made. You need to re-read particular posts, some made by You, Cashy, BG & Me & I mean read properly what exactly was said, then just maybe you'll see where the issues stem from. Until you can see clearly what has caused the last X pages to go in the direction they have, we'll never get any further on !

Start at Page 5 #94(Yours) #98(Cashy) Page 6 #102(Yours) #104(Cashy) #105(Mine) #106,107(Yours) #108(Cashy9 #109,110(BG) #112(Mine) then your marathon #113-116(Yours) #118(BG) Page 7 #123(Yours) #125(Mine) here I did try to explain how things got to the level they did but you wouldn't take it in. So here we are page 10 #188

May be a bit much to take in at once, but we've got time, so use it, read through & see if you find enlightenment.
I have just looked at page 5 and page 6 and my posts don't say anything untoward!

The problem is when Cashman called me a Plonker and I complained then yourself and Boeing Guy started backing up Cashman! The crux of this argument is that Cashman said that LSD can kill on a normal dose - which is not right. Any drug can kill you in a too high dose. So then because he couldn't take the fact he wasn't right he then started giving me bad karma and so on - which is basically intimidation because he can't take someone else's point of view. This is the issue.

Alcohol is more dangerous than LSD in a normal dose. The problems come with a lot of these drugs when kids take them without knowing the full consequences etc. I am not purporting anyone taking LSD. What I am doing is getting the facts right in an adult manner - it's Cashman that is being childish.
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Old 26-12-2010, 12:20   #190
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
I can't be bothered with the ongoing LSD argument but you interest me with the above bit.

What would be the point in the decriminalisation of any drug. If it was decided 10 or 20 years ago they were bad why ignore them now just because worse ones have come along.

I guess we are too soft on those we catch with them. Maybe if those caught with even a small amount received a massive penalty by the courts (I know it is never going to happen) then it would deter taking drugs which in turn would help with all the other problems with drug taking.
I would regualte the decrimialisation, As in you can have a certain (low) amount on your person and not get done for it, you could have a larger stash at home and again not get done for it.

My first drug for this would be Cannabis. (As say a Trial).

This would free up some time for the police who have to waste time for minor possession (can take hours for the paperwork).

Then I would crack down more on the hard drugs, harsher penatlies inc more concentration on rehabilitation.

I cant say it would work and it would need at lot more thought than above, but the current system doesnt work, and Decrim IMO is the half way point of both arguments.

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
I just realised that Cashman is responsible for knocking my Karma down from 28 to zero - now that is very childish mate - not queensby rules -dis- honourable and so on!
Dont worry Kes Again its a way of trying to wind you up, some seem to think that if you have 1000+ Karma then it makes you a better person.
Even though its the certain "Click" just spreading it among themselves all the time. (In other words Its Pointless).
Everything is OK
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Old 26-12-2010, 12:33   #191
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
I have just looked at page 5 and page 6 and my posts don't say anything untoward! (Really ? So taking illegal drugs is Okay ?)

The crux of this argument is that Cashman said that LSD can kill on a normal dose - which is not right.
For the last time, here is Cashys statement (Page 5 #98) in its entirety !

what a load of balls LSD has
always been very dodgy, ya only need 1 bad trip n can screw yer fer life as i have witnessed, can also cause ya to think ya can fly, ending in death, n the LSD i'm talking about was manufactured under scientific means microdot tablets cut wi nowt. everyones aware much is cut wi other crap, dunno what you been reading, but its as bad as the Sun. plonker.

So Where exactly ! Does it say as you put it Cashman said that LSD can kill on a normal dose, bearing in mind this is the disputed statement that has brought us to the repetitive here & now !

The pertinent points in this paragraph are:- "Always been very Dodgy" "Only need 1 bad trip n can screw yer fer life" & finally "Can also cause ya to think ya can fly, ending in Death" So Again where exactly does he state LSD all by itself on a normal dose can kill you ??? As I've said before, read properly & you'll be enlightened ! You know I sometimes think I'm banging my head against a brick wall
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Old 26-12-2010, 14:22   #192
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by ***Mr D*** View Post
I would regualte the decrimialisation, As in you can have a certain (low) amount on your person and not get done for it, you could have a larger stash at home and again not get done for it.

My first drug for this would be Cannabis. (As say a Trial).

This would free up some time for the police who have to waste time for minor possession (can take hours for the paperwork).

Then I would crack down more on the hard drugs, harsher penatlies inc more concentration on rehabilitation.

I cant say it would work and it would need at lot more thought than above, but the current system doesnt work, and Decrim IMO is the half way point of both arguments.

Dont worry Kes Again its a way of trying to wind you up, some seem to think that if you have 1000+ Karma then it makes you a better person.
Even though its the certain "Click" just spreading it among themselves all the time. (In other words Its Pointless).
Its Quite clear to me. All you are trying to do is find an alternative solution to an out of control Pandemic drug problem... You have been a member since 06 so your not a newcomer.?.. i will now wait and see what comments come back, re: "The click" word??
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Old 26-12-2010, 15:44   #193

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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by ***Mr D*** View Post
I would regualte the decrimialisation, As in you can have a certain (low) amount on your person and not get done for it, you could have a larger stash at home and again not get done for it.
Is that not why they use runners to carry the small amounts from home to place of sale to get around that?

IMHO there is no need for it to be legal. Stopping booze would not be a problem for me but it is far too easy to make at home so would never work.
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Old 26-12-2010, 15:54   #194
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Wow, you should all read this stuff while your high, what a trip!
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Old 26-12-2010, 17:26   #195
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Just for reference about the pages : I state page 5 as I have my settings on 20 posts per side but regardless, the post number is correct. So there may be a page variance either side depending on your format.
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