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28-12-2010, 13:16
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by kestrelx
I just realised that Cashman is responsible for knocking my Karma down from 28 to zero - now that is very childish mate - not queensby rules -dis- honourable and so on!
Are you sure it was Cashman, there are many others that havent got the balls to put there name to the deduction of Karma.
Originally Posted by ***Mr D***
Dont worry Kes Again its a way of trying to wind you up, some seem to think that if you have 1000+ Karma then it makes you a better person.
Even though its the certain "Click" just spreading it among themselves all the time. (In other words Its Pointless). 
No names mentioned here, no need the Click Know who they are. 
Originally Posted by RHFOY
Its Quite clear to me. All you are trying to do is find an alternative solution to an out of control Pandemic drug problem... You have been a member since 06 so your not a newcomer.?.. i will now wait and see what comments come back, re: "The click" word??
Well Erm Yes, an alternate solution to the one that doesnt work at the moment.
Member since 2006, wow how time flys.
Comments re the "Click" word, I have gone through this before, its always denined, but when you are no longer a newcommer, you will see exactly what I mean.
Some people get so upset about it they even deduct Karma when you mention the word "Click" or cliques.  .
Everything is OK
28-12-2010, 15:49
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by ***Mr D***
Are you sure it was Cashman, there are many others that havent got the balls to put there name to the deduction of Karma.
No names mentioned here, no need the Click Know who they are. 
Well Erm Yes, an alternate solution to the one that doesnt work at the moment.
Member since 2006, wow how time flys.
Comments re the "Click" word, I have gone through this before, its always denined, but when you are no longer a newcommer, you will see exactly what I mean.
Some people get so upset about it they even deduct Karma when you mention the word "Click" or cliques.  .
deducting karma seems petty/spitefull to me....
28-12-2010, 18:05
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by ***Mr D***
Comments re the "Click" word, I have gone through this before, its always denined, but when you are no longer a newcommer, you will see exactly what I mean.
Some people get so upset about it they even deduct Karma when you mention the word "Click" or cliques.  .
Who are the members of this clique?...Less?...Cashy?....Jaysay?...Garinda?.... Tealeaf?...funny how these and all regular members have had right old set-to's with each other on here in the past. Hardly the sign of a cosy little clique...more the sign of people who can argue, sometimes heatedly, about this, that and the other and then just move on and get on with their lives in the real world.
The clique accusation always crops up when someone, usually a newcomer but not always, realises that theirs is the minority viewpoint. It's basically a defence mechanism.
Funny how we get other new members joining without all this fuss and bother. DaveinGermany, Gordon Booth, Alan Verrachia, JCB and many others have all joined in the last 12 months and are now busy agreeing, disagreeing, taking the mick and doing all the other things that Accywebbers do. Admittedly, JCB had a bit of a torrid initiation, but he stood his ground, hung around and sussed out the somewhat off-beat humour of the forum and now rubs along with the rest of us.
As for whining about karma, get real! The karma system is an integral part of Accyweb - you can add or subtract karma without revealing your identity and the more karma you have, the more you can add/subtract to someone else. All perfectly legitimate, as agreed by the creators of Accyweb. If you don't like it, take it up with them or ship on out!
Now, Mr D, kestrelx, RHFOY and all other clique/karma conspiracy theorists, repeat after me - "it's just words on a computer screen, it's not real life!" 
28-12-2010, 18:28
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
28-12-2010, 18:44
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by RHFOY
deducting karma seems petty/spitefull to me....
Some people get kicks from Drugs, others Karma.
Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
Who are the members of this clique?...Less?...Cashy?....Jaysay?...Garinda?.... Tealeaf?...funny how these and all regular members have had right old set-to's with each other on here in the past. Hardly the sign of a cosy little clique...more the sign of people who can argue, sometimes heatedly, about this, that and the other and then just move on and get on with their lives in the real world.
The clique accusation always crops up when someone, usually a newcomer but not always, realises that theirs is the minority viewpoint. It's basically a defence mechanism.
Funny how we get other new members joining without all this fuss and bother. DaveinGermany, Gordon Booth, Alan Verrachia, JCB and many others have all joined in the last 12 months and are now busy agreeing, disagreeing, taking the mick and doing all the other things that Accywebbers do. Admittedly, JCB had a bit of a torrid initiation, but he stood his ground, hung around and sussed out the somewhat off-beat humour of the forum and now rubs along with the rest of us.
As for whining about karma, get real! The karma system is an integral part of Accyweb - you can add or subtract karma without revealing your identity and the more karma you have, the more you can add/subtract to someone else. All perfectly legitimate, as agreed by the creators of Accyweb. If you don't like it, take it up with them or ship on out!
Now, Mr D, kestrelx, RHFOY and all other clique/karma conspiracy theorists, repeat after me - "it's just words on a computer screen, it's not real life!" 
I have never got to the bottom of the clicks members, its like a Secret Society, bit like the illuminati.
I cant remember whining about Karma? I like the Karma Facility, its adds a little spice. 
Everything is OK
28-12-2010, 18:50
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
When I became a student I was put through an initiation which was viscious, sadistic and downright degrading- a few couldn't take it, the rest of us survived and were gradually accepted. The next year it was OUR turn!
Don't know about a 'clique' but you do put some new members through a 'baptism of fire' which perhaps not everyone can handle. I wonder if some people join and are frightened off from joining in or staying in-as they say on the films 'be gentle with me'.
Last edited by Gordon Booth; 28-12-2010 at 18:53.
28-12-2010, 18:54
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
If there is a clique on Accyweb can I join please, I'm sure Cashy Less and Garinda will be interested too  
28-12-2010, 18:54
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by ***Mr D***
Some people get kicks from Drugs, others Karma.
I have never got to the bottom of the clicks members, its like a Secret Society, bit like the illuminati.
I cant remember whining about Karma? I like the Karma Facility, its adds a little spice. 
Maybe you can't get to the bottom of the clique, because it doesn't exist?
No, you weren't whinging about the karma system, that accolade must go your fellow clique theorists, kestrelx and RHFOY!
28-12-2010, 19:03
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
Who are the members of this clique?...Less?...Cashy?....Jaysay?...Garinda?.... Tealeaf?...funny how these and all regular members have had right old set-to's with each other on here in the past. Hardly the sign of a cosy little clique...more the sign of people who can argue, sometimes heatedly, about this, that and the other and then just move on and get on with their lives in the real world.
The clique accusation always crops up when someone, usually a newcomer but not always, realises that theirs is the minority viewpoint. It's basically a defence mechanism.
Funny how we get other new members joining without all this fuss and bother. DaveinGermany, Gordon Booth, Alan Verrachia, JCB and many others have all joined in the last 12 months and are now busy agreeing, disagreeing, taking the mick and doing all the other things that Accywebbers do. Admittedly, JCB had a bit of a torrid initiation, but he stood his ground, hung around and sussed out the somewhat off-beat humour of the forum and now rubs along with the rest of us.
As for whining about karma, get real! The karma system is an integral part of Accyweb - you can add or subtract karma without revealing your identity and the more karma you have, the more you can add/subtract to someone else. All perfectly legitimate, as agreed by the creators of Accyweb. If you don't like it, take it up with them or ship on out!
Now, Mr D, kestrelx, RHFOY and all other clique/karma conspiracy theorists, repeat after me - "it's just words on a computer screen, it's not real life!" 
I can verify what you say from experience , as you have pointed out .
There is no clique .
Once I strongly thought there was .
Now I know how wrong I was .
28-12-2010, 19:05
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by JCB
I can verify what you say from experience , as you have pointed out .
There is no clique .
Once I strongly thought there was .
Now I know how wrong I was .
Welcome to our clique JCB   
28-12-2010, 19:12
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by jaysay
28-12-2010, 19:45
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Originally Posted by jaysay
Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
to paraphrase old Groucho, " I wouldn't want to join a clique that would have me as a member!"
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
28-12-2010, 19:52
Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by JCB
There is no clique
I think there is, maybe more than one even  
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28-12-2010, 20:17
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Things seem to click /clique with some folk quicker than others though thats the problem  
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28-12-2010, 20:18
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by ***Mr D***
I have never got to the bottom of the clicks members, its like a Secret Society, bit like the illuminati. 
Would that be this Illuminati ? Or perhaps a different one ?
Columbia Encyclopedia: Illuminati
Home > Library > Miscellaneous > Columbia Encyclopedia
Illuminati (ĭlū'mĭnā'tī, -nä'tē) [Lat.,=enlightened], rationalistic society founded in Germany soon after 1776 by Adam Weishaupt, a professor at Ingolstadt, having close affinities with the Freemasons and seemingly organized on a Masonic plan. While briefly very popular among German rationalists, it had limited influence. The Roman Catholic Church, which Weishaupt left in his youth and rejoined before his death, condemned the Illuminati; in 1785 the Bavarian government dissolved the organization. It did not long survive. In Spain and Italy in the 15th and 16th cents. the term Illuminati, or Alumbrado, referred to persons claiming direct communion with the Holy Spirit, so asserting that outward forms of religious life are unnecessary. Their claims led to persecution by the Inquisition. Other groups using the name have included the Rosicrucians, and certain followers of Jakob Boehme and Emmanuel Swedenborg.
Read more: illuminati: Definition from Answers.com
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