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Old 07-12-2010, 10:35   #31
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Disagree alcohol is legal= common sense, drugs are illegal use of = stupidity.criminal.

Ok then if you say so.
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Old 07-12-2010, 10:37   #32
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Spot on cashy they only have to look at thee and me
Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Some forums I frequent would class this as spam.
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Old 07-12-2010, 10:46   #33
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by ***Mr D*** View Post
Some forums I frequent would class this as spam.
some forums would class you as divvy.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 07-12-2010, 10:52   #34
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by ***Mr D*** View Post
Some forums I frequent would class this as spam.
Thank **** there not on my list then
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Old 07-12-2010, 16:04   #35
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Does anybody know why cannabis is illegal? I used to get into far more trouble when I got drunk than when I got stoned. The argument that cannabis use leads to other drug use and then addiction is an old and tired one. People who go out and have a few pints and those who stay in and have a bottle of wine, don't automatically become alcoholics, the same argument applies to people who have a few tokes now and again.
There are no eternal facts, as there are no absolute truths..
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Old 07-12-2010, 16:05   #36
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by ***Mr D*** View Post

What would some forums class that as?
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Old 07-12-2010, 16:25   #37
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by ***Mr D*** View Post
The Evidence is broadcast on 3+ Sky Channels every night.
That isn't evidence, it's cleverly edited video footage which ALWAYS shows how the streets of Great Britain are awash with drunkards. I'm happy to say that I haven't witnessed scenes like that on the nightly basis that they are purported to happen. Rishton (and even Great Harwood which has a truly impressive array of pubs) doesn't play host to such scenes very often, in fact I can't remember the last fracas that I saw.

Bamber Bridge didn't have a problem when I lived there, neither did Lostock Hall, and in the eight years I spent clubbing in Preston and other cities I think I saw three fights, all of which were dealt with in seconds by the bouncers. Certain people are going to be less tolerant of drink than others but punishing the many for the sake of a few idiots is another case of using a hammer to crack a nut.

There are laws for drink driving, an activity which is bad enough in itself and slows down reactions, but how would someone who flouted the drug driving laws react if they suddenly had a bad trip at the wheel? I wouldn't fancy being cut out of my mangled car because someone saw an imaginary monster on the M65.

Legalising drugs and making them freely available in shops is a surefire way of gettng more people to try them, there's no two ways about it. The occasional iffy beer has far less severe implications than a bad trip - however awful the beer has been I've never died off a dodgy pint.
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Last edited by Ken Moss; 07-12-2010 at 16:28.
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Old 07-12-2010, 16:30   #38
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by Benipete View Post
Of course you are quite right in saying that Britain did not "invent" opium but then I never said they did,They exported it in very large amounts via the British East India Company in fact it was almost a Monopoly.

Heroin however was "invented in England in1874 by a Mr Wright (ironic eh).

Further more 1930 was not 170 years ago.

So to conclude: If you don't want my opinion don't ask and If you do then go to Specsavers before you reply

English Comprehension - You could not do worse.
Your right, I really have to agree 1930 wasn't 170 years ago.However-
First Opium war-1839 to 1842
Second Opium war-1856 to 1860. The current year is 2010 so I'll leave you to work it out.
History comprehension-You could not do worse.
Maths-surely not as bad?
Yes I would have liked your opinion, do you have one?

Last edited by Gordon Booth; 07-12-2010 at 16:38.
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Old 07-12-2010, 16:42   #39
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by Ken Moss View Post
That isn't evidence, it's cleverly edited video footage which ALWAYS shows how the streets of Great Britain are awash with drunkards. I'm happy to say that I haven't witnessed scenes like that on the nightly basis that they are purported to happen. Rishton (and even Great Harwood which has a truly impressive array of pubs) doesn't play host to such scenes very often, in fact I can't remember the last fracas that I saw.

Bamber Bridge didn't have a problem when I lived there, neither did Lostock Hall, and in the eight years I spent clubbing in Preston and other cities I think I saw three fights, all of which were dealt with in seconds by the bouncers. Certain people are going to be less tolerant of drink than others but punishing the many for the sake of a few idiots is another case of using a hammer to crack a nut.

There are laws for drink driving, an activity which is bad enough in itself and slows down reactions, but how would someone who flouted the drug driving laws react if they suddenly had a bad trip at the wheel? I wouldn't fancy being cut out of my mangled car because someone saw an imaginary monster on the M65.

Legalising drugs and making them freely available in shops is a surefire way of gettng more people to try them, there's no two ways about it. The occasional iffy beer has far less severe implications than a bad trip - however awful the beer has been I've never died off a dodgy pint.
Firstly I agree it is cleaverly edited footage, IMO to condition the public on how bad it is to be a police officer and this is why they have to be so heavy handed. The amount of wrong policing I see on them programs when people do not know there rights is shocking.

The street are that bad in alot of places, see booze britain and many many more as real life examples. I have seen it first hand myself quite a few times.

Alchol = Violence a lot of the time. FACT

As for the drink driving same applies to drug driving. Just Dont do it.

I also have not know anyone die from a iffy joint.

Just to clarify my point I would not legalise drugs I would decrimanalise them to some degree. Class A still needs some thought on as this needs a better aproach to deal with the addicts and not just the drugs.
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Old 07-12-2010, 16:44   #40
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by ***Mr D*** View Post

Ok then if you say so.
Originally Posted by Gordon Booth View Post
What would some forums class that as?
A reply with words.
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Old 07-12-2010, 18:15   #41
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by setayas View Post
Does anybody know why cannabis is illegal? I used to get into far more trouble when I got drunk than when I got stoned. The argument that cannabis use leads to other drug use and then addiction is an old and tired one. People who go out and have a few pints and those who stay in and have a bottle of wine, don't automatically become alcoholics, the same argument applies to people who have a few tokes now and again.
There you go ... right on the money. Cannabis is not an entry level drug; alcohol is. And is it true that booze is legal? Or is it just legal in certain controlled circumstances? I can buy a bottle of liquor at the liquor store .... legal. If I buy from a bootlegger .... illegal. If I make it myself (simple: pressure cooker, copper tubing, and a tap.) ... more illegal.
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Old 07-12-2010, 18:26   #42
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by ***Mr D*** View Post
A reply with words.
Alright, so I edited it a bit. But you know what I meant.
To lighten up a bit-we found this slightly iffy night club some time in the 80's and had such a good time we kept going back. One night, at a table with several people, the guy next to me started to roll a cigarette. I thought he was a bit tight with the tobacco and the end result was a mess. He had a couple of puffs and passed it on round the table-but everyone missed out me and my wife. After two or three 'cigarettes' they were all very happy, so happy one fell off her chair.I couldn't resist-'Don't mind me asking but is that pot you're smoking?' 'Yes' he said. I HAD to ask-'Why did you pass it round to everyone but always miss us?' 'I didn't like including you, I thought you was a policeman' he said. 'But if I was I would have nicked you all'. 'No, not in here,' he said 'this is where the police come when they want one'. And that's how acceptable it was even then!
Oh my innocence(or ignorance). I often wondered if I should try it-it made them so happy.
So perhaps, Eric, you hit on a good thing and I missed out! I'll never know, being hooked on tobacco is bad enough.
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Old 07-12-2010, 18:42   #43
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by Ken Moss View Post
That isn't evidence, it's cleverly edited video footage which ALWAYS shows how the streets of Great Britain are awash with drunkards. I'm happy to say that I haven't witnessed scenes like that on the nightly basis that they are purported to happen. Rishton (and even Great Harwood which has a truly impressive array of pubs) doesn't play host to such scenes very often, in fact I can't remember the last fracas that I saw.

Bamber Bridge didn't have a problem when I lived there, neither did Lostock Hall, and in the eight years I spent clubbing in Preston and other cities I think I saw three fights, all of which were dealt with in seconds by the bouncers. Certain people are going to be less tolerant of drink than others but punishing the many for the sake of a few idiots is another case of using a hammer to crack a nut.

There are laws for drink driving, an activity which is bad enough in itself and slows down reactions, but how would someone who flouted the drug driving laws react if they suddenly had a bad trip at the wheel? I wouldn't fancy being cut out of my mangled car because someone saw an imaginary monster on the M65.

Legalising drugs and making them freely available in shops is a surefire way of gettng more people to try them, there's no two ways about it. The occasional iffy beer has far less severe implications than a bad trip - however awful the beer has been I've never died off a dodgy pint.
I think your basically right Ken, as an ex bouncer of many years standing the trouble makers are usually those who've had two sniffs of the barmaid apron and usually go home quitely when you tell them very politely, that if they don't you'll rip their head of and place it gently in their pocket, worked for me
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Old 07-12-2010, 18:43   #44
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by Gordon Booth View Post
What would some forums class that as?
Nice one Gordon
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Old 07-12-2010, 18:44   #45
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by ***Mr D*** View Post
A reply with words.
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