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07-12-2010, 19:11
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by ***Mr D***
From what I have seen / done, once you start having a few jars common sense goes right out of the window.
The Evidence is broadcast on 3+ Sky Channels every night.
The Use of ALL substanses could be described as "down to plain common sence". 
From what I've seen there is the propensity for a large percentage of the people to lose common sense with any drug that causes serious change to mental state and that includes alcohol.
If recreational drugs were legalised then the quality would be higher and less accidental deaths and criminal gangs would go out of business over night. Why is it acceptable to allow people to drink alcohol and smoke tobacco legally and other drugs now illegal remain so. Surely if someone wants to take drugs then it's their body and their choice!?
07-12-2010, 19:20
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by kestrelx
Surely if someone wants to take drugs then it's their body and their choice!?
That's very simplistic to say the least kestrelx 
07-12-2010, 19:23
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by Gordon Booth
Alright, so I edited it a bit. But you know what I meant.
To lighten up a bit-we found this slightly iffy night club some time in the 80's and had such a good time we kept going back. One night, at a table with several people, the guy next to me started to roll a cigarette. I thought he was a bit tight with the tobacco and the end result was a mess. He had a couple of puffs and passed it on round the table-but everyone missed out me and my wife. After two or three 'cigarettes' they were all very happy, so happy one fell off her chair.I couldn't resist-'Don't mind me asking but is that pot you're smoking?' 'Yes' he said. I HAD to ask-'Why did you pass it round to everyone but always miss us?' 'I didn't like including you, I thought you was a policeman' he said. 'But if I was I would have nicked you all'. 'No, not in here,' he said 'this is where the police come when they want one'. And that's how acceptable it was even then!
Oh my innocence(or ignorance). I often wondered if I should try it-it made them so happy.
So perhaps, Eric, you hit on a good thing and I missed out! I'll never know, being hooked on tobacco is bad enough.
Tobacco is the bad one ... five and a half hours of surgery 4 years ago  Surgery I wouldn't have needed if I hadn't been a smoker.
Perhaps, as some have been suggesting by bringing in the "common sense" argument, it is not the drug that is so much the problem as the people involved with it. Maybe it's not so much common sense as it is self-control, and an awareness of what one is getting into, and where it could lead.
Alcohol is legal because the govt. makes a shltload of money out of it. Same with smokes. If they could come up with a sure fire way of making money off weed, they would be in there like a dirty shirt.
07-12-2010, 19:31
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by Eric
Tobacco is the bad one ... five and a half hours of surgery 4 years ago  Surgery I wouldn't have needed if I hadn't been a smoker.
Perhaps, as some have been suggesting by bringing in the "common sense" argument, it is not the drug that is so much the problem as the people involved with it. Maybe it's not so much common sense as it is self-control, and an awareness of what one is getting into, and where it could lead.
Alcohol is legal because the govt. makes a shltload of money out of it. Same with smokes. If they could come up with a sure fire way of making money off weed, they would be in there like a dirty shirt.
Well the way I see it Eric if smoking is bad for you, then taking cannabis is a double whammy smoking and taking drugs at the same time 
07-12-2010, 19:33
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by jaysay
That's very simplistic to say the least kestrelx 
It's not that simplistic is it? I don't take drugs by the way, nor do I smoke and have cut down drinking massively partly due to a medical condition. But if someone wants to take a drug in their own home why not?
07-12-2010, 19:36
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by kestrelx
It's not that simplistic is it? I don't take drugs by the way, nor do I smoke and have cut down drinking massively partly due to a medical condition. But if someone wants to take a drug in their own home why not?
Well it must be me, but I can see the point really getting your kicks out of substances that, not matter what anybody says, screw up your system
07-12-2010, 19:38
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by Eric
Tobacco is the bad one ... five and a half hours of surgery 4 years ago  Surgery I wouldn't have needed if I hadn't been a smoker.
Perhaps, as some have been suggesting by bringing in the "common sense" argument, it is not the drug that is so much the problem as the people involved with it. Maybe it's not so much common sense as it is self-control, and an awareness of what one is getting into, and where it could lead.
Alcohol is legal because the govt. makes a shltload of money out of it. Same with smokes. If they could come up with a sure fire way of making money off weed, they would be in there like a dirty shirt.
The government could make money from legalising dope, by selling packets in chemists and taxing it in the same way as they do with tobacco. Also in last 20 years the most widely available kind of dope is Skunk. This is often 10 times more powerful than naturally grown dope and therefore has psychotic properties and is known for making some people mentally ill. So government policy is responsible for this situation as it's creating a situation in which gangs in the UK are farming skunk and the naturally grown dope is no longer available!
Also most Heroine abuse is with people who come from socially dysfunctional backgrounds. So the whole illegal Heroine/Smack/Methadone scene is based largely on social dysfunction. 
07-12-2010, 19:49
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
So, if the UK Government legalised Cannabis, Cocaine, LSD, Ecstasy etc.. Where would we get the raw material form.
We don't have any coca fields in the UK and as for huge amounts of Cannabis, maybe have to pop down to Morocco.
So our government would have to buy the stuff Illegally off the cartels.
If legalisation was the way forward, it would require a large amount of foreign governments to legaise it as well as us.
"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"
Steve Hogarth, lead singer Marillion
07-12-2010, 19:51
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by Eric
Tobacco is the bad one ... five and a half hours of surgery 4 years ago  Surgery I wouldn't have needed if I hadn't been a smoker.
Perhaps, as some have been suggesting by bringing in the "common sense" argument, it is not the drug that is so much the problem as the people involved with it. Maybe it's not so much common sense as it is self-control, and an awareness of what one is getting into, and where it could lead.
Alcohol is legal because the govt. makes a shltload of money out of it. Same with smokes. If they could come up with a sure fire way of making money off weed, they would be in there like a dirty shirt.
I know someone(a heavy smoker) who could say 'I want a new camera,I'm stopping smoking to save up'.It never bothered him, when he got the camera he started again.I hated him, every time I tried it drove me mad.
I think some people are vunerable to certain addictions, certain drugs-alcohol and tobacco for a start. If you make even more drugs legal, common sense and self control won't always work- you'll have more and more people addicted to more and more drugs.
As for the 'load of money'-rest assured some cynical so and so in Government or the civil service has already thought of it-'if fools will pay £6 for a bit of tobacco,how much could we raise on weed?'.
07-12-2010, 19:53
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
And seeing that a Heroin addiction can cost £100 per day, a Gram of Cocaine £50.00, Cannabis resin at £50.00 per ounce, you have to become a thief to afford it.
"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"
Steve Hogarth, lead singer Marillion
07-12-2010, 21:40
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by gordon booth
your right, i really have to agree 1930 wasn't 170 years ago.however-
first opium war-1839 to 1842
second opium war-1856 to 1860. The current year is 2010 so i'll leave you to work it out.
History comprehension-you could not do worse.
Maths-surely not as bad?
Yes i would have liked your opinion, do you have one?

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07-12-2010, 21:44
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Someone tell me again why British, US and other Nato troops are dying on a daily basis protecting the opium poppy fields in Afghanistan, production has risen over 500% since the occupation and most of the refined product ends up in the 'west' . Seems to me if our Govts. were serious about the 'drug problem' the poppy fields would have been napalmed and replanted to grow food .
If anyone thinks hard drugs are just a pleasant way of passing a few hours suggest you visit the city near to where I live (Oakland Ca.) and see how the effects of Cocaine/crack has devastated the place.
07-12-2010, 22:23
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by steeljack
Someone tell me again why British, US and other Nato troops are dying on a daily basis protecting the opium poppy fields in Afghanistan, production has risen over 500% since the occupation and most of the refined product ends up in the 'west' . Seems to me if our Govts. were serious about the 'drug problem' the poppy fields would have been napalmed and replanted to grow food .
If anyone thinks hard drugs are just a pleasant way of passing a few hours suggest you visit the city near to where I live (Oakland Ca.) and see how the effects of Cocaine/crack has devastated the place.
No oil at least not yet.But that's what the west is good at,the next thing you know some "historian" will be trying to tell us that slavery was abolished in 1833 when we all know it was alive and kicking in the 1950's and probably still is. 

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07-12-2010, 22:39
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Thought Oakland was OK when I went there. Maybe I went to the wrong part...or the right part, depending on your point of view!
08-12-2010, 00:16
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by kestrelx
It's not that simplistic is it? I don't take drugs by the way, nor do I smoke and have cut down drinking massively partly due to a medical condition. But if someone wants to take a drug in their own home why not?
Legalising heroin, mdma, cociane will never happen because these are potent drugs that have no real medical benifits.. alcohol and nicotine are the same but they have always been legal apart from the few years alcohol was banned in the USA for a few years.. in short it is a waste of time to debate wether or not these drugs should be made legal.
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