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06-02-2012, 18:57
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Originally Posted by tommiasfc
If alcohol was inveted in the modern day like meow meow was and a few 18 / 25 went out drank in excess and died do you believe alcohol would still be legal. I dont think it would be people can buy 50ml of vodka with red bull for £1 in some places plus alcohol people drink it effects them and they start fighting. One advantage with canibis is people take it and cant be botherd to do naff all. 
You could put forward an argument against the potato, if that had been introduced now, the toxins would make it illegal.
As it is, however way back into the past we have used that particular stimulant/depressant (alcohol), to aid the majority through life.
Someone mentioned X number of deaths from drunk drivers were they drunk? Or maybe the police couldn't detect the narcotics and had to blame it on booze?
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06-02-2012, 19:00
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by tommiasfc
Had them people also come in contact with alcohol maybe that first buz of feeling different led them onto cannabis??? As I have said its the easiest drug to get hold of so thats the reason the link is there.
My point has always been its bad enough when you have to take prescribed drugs to keep you alive, never mind taking something that is toxic just for kicks, I grew up in the swinging 60s when uppers and downs were flying about as well as pot, but I was never tempted to even bother trying, I didn't need anything that screws with your brain to have a good time, doing that just shows lack of imagination and self confidence on top of utter stupidity
06-02-2012, 19:24
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by jaysay
My point has always been its bad enough when you have to take prescribed drugs to keep you alive, never mind taking something that is toxic just for kicks, I grew up in the swinging 60s when uppers and downs were flying about as well as pot, but I was never tempted to even bother trying, I didn't need anything that screws with your brain to have a good time, doing that just shows lack of imagination and self confidence on top of utter stupidity
I respect your view i went to amsterdam were it was controlled and took the weaker of the shrooms that was to make you like and colours come up bright it was an expierience just like it stated on the box. I would never buy some over here off someone in the street as they are not controlled and they could do anything. Yet people do buy it and people die. Some drugs are very bad im not argueing for all drugs but some can be taken by some people and they dont get addicted if we saved money of policing and earnt money from taxing.
At the moment nobody can say the war on drugs is being won
Proud to be ASFC
06-02-2012, 19:28
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by tommiasfc
I respect your view i went to amsterdam were it was controlled and took the weaker of the shrooms that was to make you like and colours come up bright it was an expierience just like it stated on the box. I would never buy some over here off someone in the street as they are not controlled and they could do anything. Yet people do buy it and people die. Some drugs are very bad im not argueing for all drugs but some can be taken by some people and they dont get addicted if we saved money of policing and earnt money from taxing.
At the moment nobody can say the war on drugs is being won
The war on drugs will never be won.!! society always produces knob heads, i speak from being one,of the first order in the 60s. Everyones aware not "All" get addicted,same wi ale, But drugs are more of a lottery,Fact.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
06-02-2012, 19:42
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by tommiasfc
I respect your view i went to amsterdam were it was controlled and took the weaker of the shrooms that was to make you like and colours come up bright it was an expierience just like it stated on the box. I would never buy some over here off someone in the street as they are not controlled and they could do anything. Yet people do buy it and people die. Some drugs are very bad im not argueing for all drugs but some can be taken by some people and they dont get addicted if we saved money of policing and earn money from taxing.
At the moment nobody can say the war on drugs is being won
And it certainly won't be won by legalising them either
07-02-2012, 00:46
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by garinda
I worked with charities trying to help street sex workers.
Most of whom were forced into that work to feed drug addictions.
Wouldn't describe their drug intake as being particularly 'recreational'.
I hope you had success.
In the sex industry from what I have seen on TV a lot will be trafficked and forced to take dependant drugs to create that addiction/dependency, maybe having never touched drugs ever.
Originally Posted by garinda
Prople take recreational drugs for a high.
Soon the body gets used to what you take.
The high is lessened.
Some people, in order to recreate that initial euphoria, will increase the amount of drug dose, or move on to other, stronger drugs.
This is a fact.
People who become addicted to alcohol just drink more.
There's no 'harder' alcohol to move on to, for a better high.
There is hand gel, and meths.
But they're normally used by the desperate.
Not because they'll make you more drunk.
Some people, commit murder and other nasty crimes, most things can be said as some people.
The high inst always lessened and you need to take more for some people.
Some people become very nasty when drunk.
Originally Posted by garinda
I've known alcoholics, and those addicted to caffeine, or tobacco, hold down full time jobs, and more or lesss carry on as a fuctioning member of society.
I've yet to meet a smack head, capable of pulling it off.
I would agree, I have also known people who smoke cannabis regular old down full time jobs, and more or lesss carry on as a fuctioning member of society.
Originally Posted by Less
You could put forward an argument against the potato, if that had been introduced now, the toxins would make it illegal.
As it is, however way back into the past we have used that particular stimulant/depressant (alcohol), to aid the majority through life.
Someone mentioned X number of deaths from drunk drivers were they drunk? Or maybe the police couldn't detect the narcotics and had to blame it on booze?
A good point, but if there is a death would they not carry out a blood test.
My main point is drugs can get tarred with the same brush, IMO cannabis is the only drug I would wish to be decriminalised, I don't agree with legalisation.
Sensible laws/acts to save police time & money and many other benefits to the user and society if sense was applied.
All other substances, I feel a free check service should be in force (not sure if there is already one?) and laws again looked at per drug type and its impact to society. Not just labelled by class
You will never win taking on the users, this is just revenue generation.
Truth is drugs will never go away as there is to much high end money at stake. The war will never be over, some one somewhere will find something to alter the way you feel. (example plant food).
Everything is OK
08-02-2012, 16:24
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
An oblique comment, if I may.
I read a few financial blogs, mainly to try to get my head around what is going on in the euro crisis. Many of the commentators on one are frighteningly clued up about how the market works and what it all means, I don't understand half of it. But I soldier on making what I can of it. Then, a day or so ago the bloke who writes the blog posted a piece about his youth in the early seventies, going to concerts and smoking dope. I read the comments afterwards. All of them, to a man, were fans of James Taylor, Lou Reed and Bowie, and ALL OF THEM were smoking every type of dope you could name. 'Rope', 'Afghan', 'Red Leb' etc. etc.
These are now men and women in their early fifties, with their fingers on the financial levers. I am not sure whether this discovery fills me with despair or a strange kind of hope.
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
08-02-2012, 18:28
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by Acrylic-bob
All of them, to a man, were fans of James Taylor, Lou Reed and Bowie, and ALL OF THEM were smoking every type of dope you could name. 'Rope', 'Afghan', 'Red Leb' etc. etc.
I suppose technically Candy Darling, and Holly Woodlawn, are men, but I didn't know they were bloggers.
Off to try and read Take a Walk on the Wild Side for myself.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
09-02-2012, 11:34
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Just make sure you stay out of that backroom.
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
09-02-2012, 22:29
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by jaysay
You'd have even more strength if you didn't take it in the first place 
Why shouldn't I have taken it - I'm glad I did take it - at least I know what I'm talking about.
09-02-2012, 22:38
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by Acrylic-bob
An oblique comment, if I may.
I read a few financial blogs, mainly to try to get my head around what is going on in the euro crisis. Many of the commentators on one are frighteningly clued up about how the market works and what it all means, I don't understand half of it. But I soldier on making what I can of it. Then, a day or so ago the bloke who writes the blog posted a piece about his youth in the early seventies, going to concerts and smoking dope. I read the comments afterwards. All of them, to a man, were fans of James Taylor, Lou Reed and Bowie, and ALL OF THEM were smoking every type of dope you could name. 'Rope', 'Afghan', 'Red Leb' etc. etc.
These are now men and women in their early fifties, with their fingers on the financial levers. I am not sure whether this discovery fills me with despair or a strange kind of hope.
Steve Jobs the creator of the Apple Computer Empire said that LSD was , "one of the two or three most important things he had done in his life".
Steve Jobs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Francis Crick one of the blokes who discovered DNA - says he got the idea while on LSD! The Human Race have been taking drugs for Millenia and there are many theories that natural drugs found in plants were used by early religions and so on! Drugs were given to soldiers in the wars to help them stay awake and fight, drugs of all kinds are used all day every day for all sorts of purposes!
Last edited by kestrelx; 09-02-2012 at 22:44.
09-02-2012, 22:51
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by kestrelx
Steve Jobs the creator of the Apple Computer Empire said that LSD was , "one of the two or three most important things he had done in his life".
Steve Jobs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Francis Crick one of the blokes who discovered DNA - says he got the idea while on LSD! The Human Race have been taking drugs for Millenia and there are many theories that natural drugs found in plants were used by early religions and so on! Drugs were given to soldiers in the wars to help them stay awake and fight, drugs of all kinds are used all day every day for all sorts of purposes!
Whilst I'm not condoning the use of drugs - there have been some great songs produced (allegedly) thanks to LSD.....Purple Haze, White Room, Strawberry Fields etc....classics!!
09-02-2012, 22:57
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by steve2qec
Whilst I'm not condoning the use of drugs - there have been some great songs produced (allegedly) thanks to LSD.....Purple Haze, White Room, Strawberry Fields etc....classics!!
And quite a number of musicians have been screwed up by LSD, e.g. Peter Green, Brian Wilson and Syd Barrett.
09-02-2012, 23:10
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by Michael1954
And quite a number of musicians have been screwed up by LSD, e.g. Peter Green, Brian Wilson and Syd Barrett.
Yeah, watched a documentary about Peter Green and he'd gone completely off the rails and living as a recluse, couldn't play guitar cos his fingernails were REALLY long....!
09-02-2012, 23:13
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by kestrelx
Why shouldn't I have taken it - I'm glad I did take it - at least I know what I'm talking about.
Yeh what? Yer brains scrambled. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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