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Old 22-02-2012, 06:11   #721
Senior Member

Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by tommiasfc View Post
All 40 odd pages you are saying you dont need things in your system

I keep asking you questions but you keep not answering them.

Do you drink if you do why?? Do you drink coffee if so why?? why mask what is wrong. Some people take drugs and sit at home and relax the same way people have a can of beer and relax just ones illegal ones not.
Go ask Alice.
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Old 22-02-2012, 07:44   #722

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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Yes I drink, vodka mainly and I love a good cup of fresh coffee.
However neither make me hallucinate, paranoid etc.
"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"

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Old 22-02-2012, 08:32   #723
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Recreational drugs are nothing like tea and coffee. Most of us won't do something we later regret, as a result of drinking tea or coffee.
You won't go and mug someone to get a fix of tea or coffee.
Taking painkillers is something that most of us have to do at some point in our lives.....but again we won't carry out some felony in order to get our paracetamol.

I think it is sad that some people cannot have what they consider to be an enjoyable life without the aid of recreational drugs.

Some people will go on from recreational drug use to addiction, their lives will be ruined....and what is more, they will ruin the lives of the people who love them.
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Old 22-02-2012, 09:22   #724
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Originally Posted by tommiasfc View Post
I no but i no im going to get up in morning and continue my career. Im just entertaining him because this is probably all he has left in his life. He thinks its bad to put chemicals in your body but probably drinks alcohol and coffee and takes painkiller and anyone that disagrees is dim
I wonder,

You claim to have a career, would it be a responsible job such as a care worker?


Could it be?

That you are a member of the teaching profession?

Judging from your above post such expertise in spelling, punctuation and grammar, has me thinking, you have the skills to hold down a job as head of the English department at one of our more superior Comprehensives.

Do you live in the area of the school? Amongst your pupils or do you commute to toxteth on a daily basis so that you can provide your charges with a superior quality of mind bending products at play time?


Maybe I'm being over-ambitious with my opinion of you and your career training has reached it's peak by uttering no more than the phrase,

"Do you want frys with that?...


If drugs don't attract idiots, they certainly seem to turn ordinary folk into them!

P.S. I was given the idea that drug users are members of a 'free society', therefore, above the law, so why do you need them legalised? (unless you wish to conform and join with the rest of us).
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Last edited by Less; 22-02-2012 at 09:29.
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Old 22-02-2012, 09:24   #725
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by steve2qec View Post
Not exactly true.
In fact I'm very much anti-drugs - just giving my opinion of that particular post.
The only thing I'm addicted to is ROCK n ROLL....\,,/
Well thats a great drug in itself Steve
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Old 22-02-2012, 11:16   #726
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

These illegal drugs are adulterated by all kinds of substances.......and those who sell them do not care about whether they will ultimately do you harm....they are only interested in taking your money(which incidentally, goes to fund other criminal activities)

If you are lucky, you may grow old enough to need some pharma(prescribed) drugs to keep your body ticking over nicely....and I bet you will wish that you didn't have to take anything.

All drugs have side effects......some are annoying, some are incovenient and some are scary.
Taking recreational drugs is a lifestyle choice.........(please don't insult us by equating it to drinking tea and coffee)......your life your choice.
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Old 22-02-2012, 12:02   #727
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by tommiasfc View Post
probably drinks alcohol and coffee and takes painkiller and anyone that disagrees is dim
Yes, he's a very sad case, he started at an early age when he became addicted to his mothers milk, it took her almost 15 years to wean him away from that habit, (course, she blamed herself having offered it up to him almost immediatly after the cord was cut).
We, his friends tried to help, but we knew nothing and only exacerbated the problem, we tried to control the cravings he had for the evil coffee bean by cutting it with hot water, milk & 3 sugars but he was hooked.

The next thing we knew it was his 18th birthday and he was experimenting with half of mild. This in turn led to him trying the doubles bar where he ended up craving tia marias complete with cherry & paper umbrella.

The hand wrenching, the agony of watching throw himself into the gutter with all the other legal drinkers, (it was even rumoured that he could be seen around town with other like minded weak willed people at what were known as AccyWeb meets), Oh, the shame.

We heard of a rather unconventional cure being put forward by a Professor Horlicks, but later discovered that this charleton was adding extra 'vitamins' to his products thus making, malted milk the inevitable slide back to his original addiction of breast milk.
It was feared that he couldn't be left on his own with any women of child bearing age, without her suffering the indignity of him try to force his way into her blouse!
We have almost given up on him many times, however, he is our friend and we continue to do whatever we can for him hoping that if he can't ever recover his self control, that he will at least have his teeth removed to make the experience less painful to his unfortunate victims.

Hey rindy, where you hiding the instant stuff? After this, I could really do with a quick fix to keep me going until I get to the pub.

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
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Old 22-02-2012, 13:38   #728
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Recreational drugs are nothing like tea and coffee. Most of us won't do something we later regret, as a result of drinking tea or coffee.
You won't go and mug someone to get a fix of tea or coffee.
Taking painkillers is something that most of us have to do at some point in our lives.....but again we won't carry out some felony in order to get our paracetamol.

I think it is sad that some people cannot have what they consider to be an enjoyable life without the aid of recreational drugs.

Some people will go on from recreational drug use to addiction, their lives will be ruined....and what is more, they will ruin the lives of the people who love them.
Can I ask what are you classing as recreational drugs.

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
These illegal drugs are adulterated by all kinds of substances.......and those who sell them do not care about whether they will ultimately do you harm....they are only interested in taking your money(which incidentally, goes to fund other criminal activities)
Cannabis is naturally grown.

The same could be said for Tobacco.
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Old 22-02-2012, 14:10   #729

Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Just heard a story today about a guy who took a "legal" drug (can't remember the name, it's some sort of plant feeder. Why anyone would want to put that into their bodies is beyond me :S same with ketamine :O )

They had to go to A&E because they had a severe reaction to it and basically made them have a heart attack. This was the 1st time they tried it.

They have decided to go back onto the illegal cannabis............

There are tonnes of "legal/herbal" drugs that are causing more harm than illegal drugs at the moment....... So would making illegal drugs legal, which we know the effects of more than these newer legal drugs, be safer?

Drugs are only sometimes classified as illegal after the effects have be analysed, so all these new legal drugs are only legal because they probably haven't been tested yet. When they are they will probably be found to be illegal aswell. Which means that people will start looking for another legal drug...untill that is make illegal, and so on..

I am personally anti-drugs, and don't think any of them are safe, but if someone wants to spark up, or take a pill, then it's their choice, who are we to stop them.
Although I do think that the only thing that making them illegal will do, is making people think "ow, actually, this may be more risky than I thought".
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Old 22-02-2012, 15:15   #730
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by ***Mr D*** View Post
Can I ask what are you classing as recreational drugs.

Cannabis is naturally grown.

The same could be said for Tobacco.
Never having taken drugs, I don't class any drug as recreational.

The dictionary definition of this is :- any drug which is taken voluntarily for pleasure.

While cannabis is natural....and therefore less likely to be adulterated, it still has it's dangers. It can be the trigger for lifelong mental illness.
The other angle is that some people will start on something which they see as fairly harmless(cannabis) but then move on to stronger drugs in search of a better 'high'.
As I have said in a previous post, those selling drugs of any description are not interested in you or your safety, they are only interested in making money,this money may go to fund further criminal activity.

If you want to take drugs then that is your lifestyle choice. You pays your money and you takes your chance.

I worked in the NHS for 30 years and saw first-hand the harm that drug dependency has on people and their families.
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Old 22-02-2012, 15:19   #731
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by Sonnart View Post
Just heard a story today about a guy who took a "legal" drug (can't remember the name, it's some sort of plant feeder. Why anyone would want to put that into their bodies is beyond me :S same with ketamine :O )

They had to go to A&E because they had a severe reaction to it and basically made them have a heart attack. This was the 1st time they tried it.

They have decided to go back onto the illegal cannabis............

There are tonnes of "legal/herbal" drugs that are causing more harm than illegal drugs at the moment....... So would making illegal drugs legal, which we know the effects of more than these newer legal drugs, be safer?

Drugs are only sometimes classified as illegal after the effects have be analysed, so all these new legal drugs are only legal because they probably haven't been tested yet. When they are they will probably be found to be illegal aswell. Which means that people will start looking for another legal drug...untill that is make illegal, and so on..

I am personally anti-drugs, and don't think any of them are safe, but if someone wants to spark up, or take a pill, then it's their choice, who are we to stop them.
Although I do think that the only thing that making them illegal will do, is making people think "ow, actually, this may be more risky than I thought".
The drug that this guy took was Mephedrone.......also known as 'Bubble'...and you are right it is a common type of plant feed.

The only upside to making illegal drugs legal, is that they can be made to proper pharma standards....the government could exert some kind of safety control in the manufacture...this would not necessarily make drug taking safer, as they could impose a tax on drug use, which would then make a black market in drugs just as lucrative as ever.
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Old 22-02-2012, 16:21   #732
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

I last used a drug 3 or 4 years ago - on prescription.

It was a 'blue pill inhaler'. I took it for 5 weeks until I found out that it increased the risk of heart disease and stroke by 50%

Many prescribed drugs just let you choose a different way to die

Last edited by MargaretR; 22-02-2012 at 16:23.
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Old 22-02-2012, 18:48   #733
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by ***Mr D*** View Post
Can I ask what are you classing as recreational drugs.

Cannabis is naturally grown.

The same could be said for Tobacco.
I never saw anybodies eyes spin and left them with a stupid grim on their face smoking wild willie woodbine
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Old 22-02-2012, 18:53   #734
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post

Many prescribed drugs just let you choose a different way to die
And we are all going to do that sooner or later Margaret, in my case I would probably have been dead long before Accyweb was born, but for prescription drugs, they have only ever help me in my struggle with this bloody horrible disorder which inflicts me
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Old 22-02-2012, 20:40   #735
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
I last used a drug 3 or 4 years ago - on prescription.

It was a 'blue pill inhaler'. I took it for 5 weeks until I found out that it increased the risk of heart disease and stroke by 50%

Many prescribed drugs just let you choose a different way to die
I suspect this was Tiotropium (one trade name of Spiriva).
Usually taken by patients with COPD for breathing problems. Obviously, a wise decision by the doctor as you appear to have this type of problem.

I cannot find any side effects as you describe on the internet... most reactions are mild with, of course, the usual, very rare ones.

It's your decision of course ....we have discussed many times ...always the risk value here.

Just keep well anyway ... x
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