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08-12-2010, 07:26
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by Gordon Booth
I know someone(a heavy smoker) who could say 'I want a new camera,I'm stopping smoking to save up'.It never bothered him, when he got the camera he started again.I hated him, every time I tried it drove me mad.
I think some people are vunerable to certain addictions, certain drugs-alcohol and tobacco for a start. If you make even more drugs legal, common sense and self control won't always work- you'll have more and more people addicted to more and more drugs.
As for the 'load of money'-rest assured some cynical so and so in Government or the civil service has already thought of it-'if fools will pay £6 for a bit of tobacco,how much could we raise on weed?'.
An argument I can't bring myself to accept is that making drugs legal will increase the use. The fact that certain drugs are illegal does not prevent their use. Anyone wishing to use a particular drug will do so regardless of its illegality. If one made, for example, heroin legal I do not believe that there will be a mass movement toward smashing it. Most jurisdictions in my country allow and even promote safe drug use by having needle exchange programs. This allows addicts access to clean machines and prevents the spread of AIDS etc. through the sharing of needles. Also there are methadone programs ... in my community they are operated by Street Health and several govt. funded agencies. Harsher punishments for drug users will not work. The US has tough laws against drugs ... and the worst drug problem in the developed world.
I've offered little in the way of suggesting solutions. Here are a couple of things that could be done. Education: get the kids informed early. Try some prevention, difficult, but a helluva lot easier than coming up with a cure. Programs aimed at parents: better parenting will prevent a lot of problems from developing. Funding of programs for youth: alternatives to hanging around on street corners firing up cannons. Things like this sound simple; but they could work. Problem is, it will require lots of money; and with the suppositories in power don't hold your breath ... (How long before I read "thirteen years of Labour misrule"  )
08-12-2010, 09:30
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by Mancie
Legalising heroin, mdma, cociane will never happen because these are potent drugs that have no real medical benifits.. alcohol and nicotine are the same but they have always been legal apart from the few years alcohol was banned in the USA for a few years.. in short it is a waste of time to debate wether or not these drugs should be made legal.
Opium, Heroin, Cocaine all used to be legal and used in medicine. Coca Cola used to contain cocaine as a main ingredient - which is why it's called Coca .... 
08-12-2010, 09:42
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
I don't think the way that drug use is portrayed by the media is very helpful.It is deemed to be incorrect to smoke in films and TV but It would appear that It's fine to snort white powder up your tudor.
It is also the topic of many pop songs.(still that started in the 60's)

Some people think I'm a bit of an animal, but I'm quite tender really
08-12-2010, 09:52
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by Boeing Guy
So, if the UK Government legalised Cannabis, Cocaine, LSD, Ecstasy etc.. Where would we get the raw material form.
We don't have any coca fields in the UK and as for huge amounts of Cannabis, maybe have to pop down to Morocco.
So our government would have to buy the stuff Illegally off the cartels.
If legalisation was the way forward, it would require a large amount of foreign governments to legaise it as well as us.
Think that's a great observation BG
08-12-2010, 09:54
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by Mancie
Legalising heroin, mdma, cociane will never happen because these are potent drugs that have no real medical benifits.. alcohol and nicotine are the same but they have always been legal apart from the few years alcohol was banned in the USA for a few years.. in short it is a waste of time to debate wether or not these drugs should be made legal.
Got to agree ith you on that Mancie, for a change 
08-12-2010, 10:03
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by kestrelx
Opium, Heroin, Cocaine all used to be legal and used in medicine. Coca Cola used to contain cocaine as a main ingredient - which is why it's called Coca .... 
Lots of medications contain drug derivatives, I use Dihydrocdeine,(morphine) a derivative of opium
08-12-2010, 10:09
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by Boeing Guy
So, if the UK Government legalised Cannabis, Cocaine, LSD, Ecstasy etc.. Where would we get the raw material form.
We don't have any coca fields in the UK and as for huge amounts of Cannabis, maybe have to pop down to Morocco.
So our government would have to buy the stuff Illegally off the cartels.
If legalisation was the way forward, it would require a large amount of foreign governments to legaise it as well as us.
We have enough in this country to suffice with the class A Im sure most labs could knock it up quite easy.
As for Cannabis, easy to grow infact the goverment already has a grow on the go for medical research and we as a country actual export cannabis.
Everything is OK
08-12-2010, 10:15
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by Gordon Booth
Alright, so I edited it a bit. But you know what I meant.

Originally Posted by ***Mr D***
Originally Posted by jaysay
Should of gone to spex savers. 
Everything is OK
08-12-2010, 10:34
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by ***Mr D***
08-12-2010, 19:41
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
UK can't get a grip on its current problems so opening up another can of worms in respect of legalizing the present "Illegal Drugs" has got issues all over it. (Hospitals & Police are constantly pointing out the problems of excessive Alcohol consumption, how much worse would it be with drugs thrown in there too ?)
I personally don't care what people do with their own lives, but the problem is it never is just the person taking/using these drugs. There is always some kind of knock on & the severity varies enormously leading to ever more social problems.
08-12-2010, 19:44
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Wouldn't be any knock on effect dave, if they just executed em.  but great savings.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
08-12-2010, 20:17
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Cannabis in its natural form is:
a. not addictive
b. less harmful than tobacco
c. a better pain reliever than most prescription meds
d. a hell of a lot more fun than booze
And this thread is reminding me why I really liked it.
08-12-2010, 23:06
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by setayas
Cannabis in its natural form is:
a. not addictive
b. less harmful than tobacco
c. a better pain reliever than most prescription meds
d. a hell of a lot more fun than booze
And this thread is reminding me why I really liked it.
"Liked"  You mean you quit  I'm rolling a cannon right now. Drop by, we'll spark it up; I got lots.  And a bunch of Lancaster Bomber to wash it down with. Haven't run out since '72 
08-12-2010, 23:14
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by jaysay
Lots of medications contain drug derivatives, I use Dihydrocdeine,(morphine) a derivative of opium
So what is that like? Are the effects noticable or have you built up a tolerance. A pill I am prescribed Co-codamol gives noticable effects when I take it - kind of a very mild rush. Opium dens used to be legal and pure cocaine ( it was used in dentists, still used is novacain which has some chemical similarity to cocaine) and heroine could be bought in chemists.
Last edited by kestrelx; 08-12-2010 at 23:17.
08-12-2010, 23:24
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by jaysay
Lots of medications contain drug derivatives, I use Dihydrocdeine,(morphine) a derivative of opium
That explains everything.. maybe ask the doc to lessen your dose 
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