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Old 23-02-2012, 18:37   #766
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
I don't understand the need to 'get high'.

Exactly Margaret
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Old 23-02-2012, 18:39   #767
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by Boeing Guy View Post
Funny that, Pablo Escobar, the Coumbian drug lord. Purveyor of only the finest in cocaine etc once said the same Marg. He did not use drugs, he found better ways to enjoy life, but he certainly helped the users in Coke etc...
Pablo Escobar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He might have been a drug pusher BG but he had enough sense not to use the product he supplied, far to dangerous and brain scrambling
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Old 23-02-2012, 19:36   #768
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by annesingleton View Post

I have to correct a misconception about mephedrone, it never was, and is not a plant feed. It was labeled as such in order to import and distribute the substance when it was classed as a "legal high" the label has stuck. It is still marketed as a plant food but is also on the same website as marijuana and hemp seeds so you can understand the association has been made. I think saying it is a plant feed somehow makes it sound safe, how can something that feeds plant cause harm, but it does.
If you talk to the people who deal with mephedrone consumption and addiction(and I have)they will tell you that what I say is correct.
I completely agree, Mephedrone was introduced as plant food but never was. I have been working with a young man this week who has been using Mephedrone. His life has since spiralled out of control as a result.
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Old 23-02-2012, 19:55   #769
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Do the people who advocate legalisation have any idea of the effects of currently illegal drugs on peoples lives? I'm not just talking about the immediate effects, I'm talking about the chaotic lifestyles, the inability to function, the aggression, the paranoia, the crime they have to commit to get the money to finance their habit and caused as a result of taking drugs, the trauma they put their families and loved ones through, their loss of looks, their selfishness, their costs to society via the NHS, the benefits system and the criminal justice system? And on the plus side the user will get a 'high' or a 'kick' for a while until they need their next fix.
And yes I know that legal activities such as alcohol can cause the same problems, but we are talking about drugs which are currently illegal - I do not think there can be any excuse for legalising them and I would like anyone to justify realistically why they should be legalised without mentioning the right to do what you want with your body - but please at the same time tell me where you would draw the line?
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Old 23-02-2012, 20:01   #770
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by annesingleton View Post
...the inability to function, the aggression, the paranoia
We've already seen enough evidence of those things, exhibited in this thread, by the pro-recreational drug users.

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Old 23-02-2012, 21:02   #771
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
I don't understand the need to 'get high'.
I admit to having 'inhaled' natural 'grass' occasionally in the past.

If you do, it is a temporary escape only, followed by an extreme low.
If you feel the need to escape, change your life.

I prefer to be calm - it costs nowt and Zen buddhism techniques show you how to get it.

I personally don't see the point in following a football team! Seriously - I like the world cup and european cup - but when I try and follow English football league I just can't get excited about it!

So people want and enjoy different things. I might ban football if I was in power! I just don't see the problem for a responsible person to be able to smoke cannabis? Out of principle!
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Old 23-02-2012, 21:08   #772
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
I just don't see the problem for a responsible person to be able to smoke cannabis? Out of principle!
oxymoron? Responsible cannabis user?
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Old 23-02-2012, 21:08   #773
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by davemac View Post

I completely agree, Mephedrone was introduced as plant food but never was. I have been working with a young man this week who has been using Mephedrone. His life has since spiralled out of control as a result.
It was never a plant food - they sold as that because it was illegal to sell it as for human consumption. It wasn't illegal at the time.

"organisations including the BBC and The Guardian, as well as a news section in the Annals of Botany[38] (later corrected[39]), incorrectly reported that mephedrone was commonly used as a plant fertiliser. In fact sellers of the drug described it as "plant food" because it was illegal to sell the compound for human consumption"

Quote from Wikipedia.

Last edited by kestrelx; 23-02-2012 at 21:10.
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Old 23-02-2012, 21:10   #774
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by annesingleton View Post
oxymoron? Responsible cannabis user?
It's not an oxymoron - some people use cannabis because they find it helps them with pain control in away that prescription drugs don't! By responsible I mean not some kid running round the street in a gang smoking cannabis in the street and causing trouble.
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Old 23-02-2012, 21:10   #775
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
I personally don't see the point in following a football team! Seriously - I like the world cup and european cup - but when I try and follow English football league I just can't get excited about it!

So people want and enjoy different things. I might ban football if I was in power! I just don't see the problem for a responsible person to be able to smoke cannabis? Out of principle!
I know some people who do, responsibly, but it is stress relief, and there are better ways of relieving stress.

Here I am after 4 days of nearly tearing my hair out, and nearly opening the Jack Daniels bottle I bought 2 years ago. I did a bit of reading philosophy written by a zen buddhist and now feel calm. I'm actually smiling to myself.

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Old 23-02-2012, 21:11   #776
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by annesingleton View Post

It was never a plant food - they sold as that because it was illegal to sell it as for human consuption. It wasn't illegal at the time.

"organisations including the BBC and The Guardian, as well as a news section in the Annals of Botany[38] (later corrected[39]), incorrectly reported that mephedrone was commonly used as a plant fertiliser. In fact sellers of the drug described it as "plant food" because it was illegal to sell the compound for human consumption"

Quote from Wikipedia.
It was made illegal in 2010 and is currently a class B drug.
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Old 23-02-2012, 21:13   #777
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

No-one who is responsible would want to smoke cannabis.
Responsible people take charge of their lives. And don't tell me about celebs or politicians who smoked cannabis....and ask me if I think they are responsible...the answer would have to be NO!
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Old 23-02-2012, 21:15   #778
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
It's not an oxymoron - some people use cannabis because they find it helps them with pain control in away that prescription drugs don't! By responsible I mean not some kid running round the street in a gang smoking cannabis in the street and causing trouble.
As for pain control, cannabinoids are now available on prescription(Sativex - was the one being used just before I left the NHS) for patients who need it for this is still addictive.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 23-02-2012 at 21:18.
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Old 23-02-2012, 21:26   #779
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
It's not an oxymoron - some people use cannabis because they find it helps them with pain control in away that prescription drugs don't! By responsible I mean not some kid running round the street in a gang smoking cannabis in the street and causing trouble.
I'm very sorry if you or someone you know have a complaint which means you have to use pain control. I knew a man some time ago who suffered from Multiple Sclerosis and was totally dependent until he smoked cannabis, when he could do much more, in fact it was amazing to see him.
Heroin is derived from morphine which comes from the opium poppy, and has benefits in providing pain relief. Cocaine is useful as an anaesthetic. All are beneficial for specific use but not as a mind altering recreational tool. All are legal when used for specific medicinal reasons but are controlled drugs. I do not see any valid reason to legalise any more mind altering substances for recreational purposes than we already have and I have not yet seen any argument which would persuade me otherwise based on my own professional experience.
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Old 23-02-2012, 21:27   #780
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
I might ban football if I was in power! I just don't see the problem for a responsible person to be able to smoke cannabis? Out of principle!
So shall we add meglomania to the list of phsycological problems the long term 'social druggie' will suffer from?

I don't follow football, very often, but wonder why would someone want to ban it.

Could you please define for us what exactly you mean by a responsible person using cannabis is? Then explain to us how you would stop an irresponsible person from smoking it? Would you make it illegal for irresponsible users to use it?

I would have thought a responsible person refrains from using it because it's illegal.
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Last edited by Less; 23-02-2012 at 21:34.
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