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Old 23-02-2012, 21:33   #781
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Well said Less.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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Old 23-02-2012, 21:52   #782
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by Less View Post
So shall we add meglomania to the list of phsycological problems the long term 'social druggie' will suffer from?

I don't follow football, very often, but wonder why would someone want to ban it.

Could you please define for us what exactly you mean by a responsible person using cannabis is? Then explain to us how you would stop an irresponsible person from smoking it? Would you make it illegal for irresponsible users to use it?

I would have thought a responsible person refrains from using it because it's illegal.
No - my comment about football was sarcastic, because someone said they can't understand why someone wants to get high - I was saying I can't understand why someone follows a football team - i really can't!

Responsible is someone using it a few days a week - that said there are people in full time jobs drinking alchohol every day of the week!

I know someone who brings up two kids well and smokes cannabis regularly - he has no problems!

Paul McCartney has been smoking it for years and still does at 69 he has a full life...
Sir Paul McCartney gives up cannabis aged 69 for daughter Beatrice |

How do you stop irresponsible people driving cars, drinking alcohol, gambling and everything else?
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Old 23-02-2012, 22:01   #783
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
How do you stop irresponsible people driving cars, drinking alcohol, gambling and everything else?
You don't do it by legalising illegal drugs!
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Old 23-02-2012, 22:07   #784
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by annesingleton View Post
You don't do it by legalising illegal drugs!
Keeping cannabis illegal is maintaining criminal gang control of something and thus fuelling that street gang culture and making it more glamorous to delinquents to become part of a gang and carry out criminal acts to take drugs. Causing more crime and more problems for the Police! By legalising cannabis that whole gang culture would collapse and I think in the long term less people would smoke it because it was no longer "cool" to be part of that culture.
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Old 23-02-2012, 22:07   #785

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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Seeing if you take illegal drugs you are twice as more likely to die than from Paracetamol. I would have thought responsibility does not come into it.

I refer to my earlier post on this subject
Post 753 a few pages back
"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"

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Old 23-02-2012, 22:08   #786
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Responsible is:- seeing that using this substance can have long term health implications and deciding against using it at all. There are other, much safer ways, to get some pleasure out of life.
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Old 23-02-2012, 22:14   #787
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
Keeping cannabis illegal is maintaining criminal gang control of something and thus fuelling that street gang culture and making it more glamorous to delinquents to become part of a gang and carry out criminal acts to take drugs. Causing more crime and more problems for the Police! By legalising cannabis that whole gang culture would collapse and I think in the long term less people would smoke it because it was no longer "cool" to be part of that culture.
And legalising it would stop that, would it?

You may be of that opinion, but I am not.
Legalising it would perhaps make the government tax it, and so there would still be a black market out there for it....and you do not address the progression by some users to the harder drugs.

Anyone who sees drug taking(in whatever form)as cool needs their head isn't big, glamourous or clever.

We need to educate the youngsters who may use illegal substances, by letting them see and speak to recovering them a spell in a rehab unit or psychiatric facility....let them see the potential harm that even these so called 'harmless' drugs can cause.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)

Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 23-02-2012 at 22:17.
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Old 23-02-2012, 22:15   #788
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
Responsible is someone using it a few days a week
So, a thirteen year old child using it 3 times a week because he knows he hasn't enough pocket money for anymore would therefore be acting 'responsibly'?

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
that said there are people in full time jobs drinking alchohol every day of the week!
Yes, both having a job and drinking alchohol are legal at the moment.

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post

How do you stop irresponsible people driving cars, drinking alcohol, gambling and everything else?
With laws.
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Old 23-02-2012, 22:16   #789
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
Keeping cannabis illegal is maintaining criminal gang control of something and thus fuelling that street gang culture and making it more glamorous to delinquents to become part of a gang and carry out criminal acts to take drugs. Causing more crime and more problems for the Police! By legalising cannabis that whole gang culture would collapse and I think in the long term less people would smoke it because it was no longer "cool" to be part of that culture.
There will always be an illegal gang control just as there is with alcohol and tobacco which is legal to buy - and even DVDs. If it were to be legalised I'm sure the government would milk the tax revenue it would bring in so I doubt there would be a significant difference in crime rates. The argument does not really hold.
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Old 23-02-2012, 22:50   #790
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
And legalising it would stop that, would it?

We need to educate the youngsters who may use illegal substances, by letting them see and speak to recovering them a spell in a rehab unit or psychiatric facility....let them see the potential harm that even these so called 'harmless' drugs can cause.
I know of a group of local recovering substance users who talk to young people about their experiences - their sessions are very powerful and really make the young people think about their actions. Unfortunately there are child protection and data protection issues which prevent them being able to visit rehab or psychiatric units to look around.
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Old 24-02-2012, 00:59   #791
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Well said Less.
Thank you Margaret, although you must realise I wouldn't be able to do it if I wasn't a responsible drug user.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
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Old 24-02-2012, 09:10   #792
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Naturally Less......would expect nothing less of you.(no pun intended)
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 24-02-2012, 09:54   #793
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by annesingleton View Post
oxymoron? Responsible cannabis user?
Over use of the Oxy there Sue
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Old 24-02-2012, 09:59   #794
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
It's not an oxymoron - some people use cannabis because they find it helps them with pain control in away that prescription drugs don't! By responsible I mean not some kid running round the street in a gang smoking cannabis in the street and causing trouble.
Your not some people, you have said you used it for pure pleasure not as a pain killer or anything else
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Old 24-02-2012, 22:15   #795
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Your not some people, you have said you used it for pure pleasure not as a pain killer or anything else
I did use it like 18 years ago! and some people are in and out of prison for murder in that time - so I'm sure that society has forgiven me for it, even though I was never caught for it!

CLEAR: Cannabis Law Reform
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