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Garinda is a twite in my book! You support him if you want - and you are supporting a troll who is "up himself!" you wanna go up there as well feel free!
Easily sorted.
Instead of a brain addled numpty, be a man of your word.
Recently, you publicly stated you were leaving this forum for good.
But yet....
Here you are.
I'd be so ashamed.
I've never gone back on my word.
Have you forgotton you said that? More than once actually.
Is it to do with the short-term memory loss, brought on by years of taking illegal drugs?
If I ever get in such a state, please, someone, shoot me
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
Garinda is a twite in my book! You support him if you want - and you are supporting a troll who is "up himself!" you wanna go up there as well feel free!
Tobbaco is a drug it is legal and more addictive than heroin this is a fact! Alcohol is a drug and more damaging than other drugs that are illegal. An individual should be able to take drugs it is their body and their decision! End of! Unfortunately the Government don't think so and in doing so allow criminals to sell other substances that are not what an individual may require thus putting that persons health at risk!
This argument can not be won so I put this argument to an end!
Oh dear! How sad -if anyone is up themselves I have an idea who it is!
Better to withdraw if you can't win the argument, a moment of wisdom in your daily folly?
There are 2 sides so you can't have the final word all to yourself...
I speak for myself and it seems you are a glutton for punishment - the perfect victim for a "bear baiter" in the modern sense. I imagine you would also be an easy snake to charm -just my opinion, of course.
“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.” ~ D. H. Lawrence
Kestrelx lost the argument some time ago and his more recent comments are increasingly illogical - I do wonder whether he actually believes his own arguments or is being deliberately controversial?
Not very often I jump to someones defence, I will make an exception in lousy lagers case however.
He is not up himself, he trys to be, but is too stoned to aim that high.
Dear(est) Less, as you are now "knee high to a grasshopper" - since taking on the persona of "Stewie" as your avatar. How could you, as an innocent possibly know? I appreciate your good intention but, be honest, you don't even understand the concept of "being up oneself" as a wee toddler. He's quick to bandy about such familiar sobriquets, let him at least be culpable of what he accuses others of.
“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.” ~ D. H. Lawrence
Dear(est) Less, as you are now "knee high to a grasshopper" - since taking on the persona of "Stewie" as your avatar. How could you, as an innocent possibly know? I appreciate your good intention but, be honest, you don't even understand the concept of "being up oneself" as a wee toddler. He's quick to bandy about such familiar sobriquets, let him at least be culpable of what he accuses others of.
I would love to enter into a discussion of how knowlegable and streetwise Stewie is, but FG is just starting a double dose on beeb 3, got to get my fix of Brian, I do worry though, The more I watch the more attractive Meg becomes, I think she must be addictive.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Garinda is a twite in my book! You support him if you want - and you are supporting a troll who is "up himself!" you wanna go up there as well feel free!
Tobbaco is a drug it is legal and more addictive than heroin this is a fact! Alcohol is a drug and more damaging than other drugs that are illegal. An individual should be able to take drugs it is their body and their decision! End of! Unfortunately the Government don't think so and in doing so allow criminals to sell other substances that are not what an individual may require thus putting that persons health at risk!
This argument can not be won so I put this argument to an end!
Garinda's a twit, well he certainly has more between his ears than you and it certainly hasn't been addled by experimenting with drugs
The more I watch the more attractive Meg becomes, I think she must be addictive.
Take care Less, love is a drug
“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.” ~ D. H. Lawrence
Garinda's a twit, well he certainly has more between his ears than you and it certainly hasn't been addled by experimenting with drugs
when he said twite i dont think he was aiming for twit jay lol
just think less "it" and more "at" Lol
yahoo news have brought up this subject today after areas of england are no go areas because armed drug gangs run them.I dont think legalising drugs would help the situation at all these thugs would just find some other illicit trade to shoot each other over.Mind you the bill to the nhs would sky rocket with people wnating to get clean where as now in a lot of cases a much cheaper option of them dying in a gutter through their own stupidity works fine.
__________________ All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
I can't even be bothered reading it all any more!!!
I tell you what the most dangerous thing is - PEOPLE! People are the most dangerous things on this planet more dangerous than DRUGS - illegal drugs, if they are infact that dangerous!! That is "Illegal drugs being; a drug that has been deemed too harmful for human consumption!
It's a waste of time argueing about this subject! You have your opinions which will never be changed even though you are conditioned by the "powers that be" and you don't even know why you think what you think! You are conditioned OK!
“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.” ~ D. H. Lawrence
Everybody is conditioned by their parents , school the media and so on! What you, I and others think about many things may not "reality" but just opinions that may not be actually fact! This is the situation with some drugs that are currently illegal!
Instead of a brain addled numpty, be a man of your word.
Recently, you publicly stated you were leaving this forum for good.
But yet....
Here you are.
I'd be so ashamed.
I've never gone back on my word.
Have you forgotton you said that? More than once actually.
Is it to do with the short-term memory loss, brought on by years of taking illegal drugs?
If I ever get in such a state, please, someone, shoot me
Bla bla bla! I said I was going to leave because you kept bringing up my brother and his activities some years ago! You did this obviously as a deliberate wind-up... why else did you mention my brother on at least one other occasion if not to cause a reaction. This is what Trolling is - someone who posts to antagonise; which you have done and you know you do it.
Your a pratt and I don't care how much Karma you have and how many people will back you up - you can't make decent comments so you basically are snidey to get a reaction! You have said several times cannabis leads to heroin addiction which is not correct!
professor nutt isnt the best name i would choose to have speaking on anything
not that i agree or disagree with his comments as i havnt read them yet but the first thing that entered my mind was the nutty proffessor lol
__________________ All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right