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Old 13-03-2012, 13:30   #1051
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by katex View Post
Am sitting on the fence on this one.

I have no experience of the brand of drugs that have been discussed.

Heroin, Cocain etc., sound horrendous to me, but Cannabis, well, all I know is that it helped to save the life of someone I know, due to the fact that it is an appetite stimulant.
Come on Garinda, sure her friend who cannabis has helped is a total waste of time, a looser and ready to apear on Jerremy Kyle, whilst rolling one?

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
That proves your a sensible person, that thinks more about their body, than using illegal substances, join our club Kate
What cloud are you on? read what she put, and prey tell what club is this.

Here is part of it again.

but Cannabis, well, all I know is that it helped to save the life of someone I know, due to the fact that it is an appetite stimulant

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Old 13-03-2012, 14:51   #1052
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What on Earth are you trying to prove with the above post?
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Old 13-03-2012, 16:17   #1053
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

I can assure you this person is not a loser (or looser .. LOL), and not ready (or ever will be) to appear on the Jerermy Kyle show.

This may give you a clue :

Cannabis may help anorexia |
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Old 13-03-2012, 16:22   #1054
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by Less View Post
What on Earth are you trying to prove with the above post?
Previously anyone who may mention cannabis isnt all bad have been mocked by Garinda, read the thred if you want proof. I was just expecting the same reply to her.

Also Jaysay seem to be contradicing his usuall stance now Katex has mentioned her friend and the use of cannabis she is now "in his club"
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Old 13-03-2012, 16:34   #1055
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by katex View Post
I can assure you this person is not a loser (or looser .. LOL), and not ready (or ever will be) to appear on the Jerermy Kyle show.

This may give you a clue :

Cannabis may help anorexia |
I have no thoughts this person would be a loser (or looser) or ready to apear on JK.

Can I ask when you say cannabis are we talking about Illegal Street Cannabis (As I presumed) or the perscription spray stuff.
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Old 13-03-2012, 18:46   #1056
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by ***Mr D*** View Post
I have no thoughts this person would be a loser (or looser) or ready to apear on JK.

Can I ask when you say cannabis are we talking about Illegal Street Cannabis (As I presumed) or the perscription spray stuff.
Oh, I see, you were mimicing what you thought Garinda would say. Thought you had just got my name wrong..

Presume it was illegal, but if you ask me about the different grades, names, etc., haven't got a clue. Never even seen any, and wouldn't recognise the smell if it was blown straight up me nostrils.

Isn't it OK to have some for personal use now ?

To explain my sitting on the fence, I am not with regard to the other drugs and only based on reports and horrific deaths the media put forward. I cannot say I would vote for them to be legalised. The only plus is that it would reduce crime....or would it ? Might retail at similar prices ? Would still be expensive, I would think.

As for cannabis, I am sitting on the fence on this. I'm sure lots of drug users have started off smoking this, before moving on to the others, but also think many haven't; just like my drug habit of cigarettes has not enticed me to move on to cannabis.

If you speak to youngish adults these days, most admit they have had a period of smoking it in their teenage/early 20's and never smoked it since. Whereas, they're all still drinking alchohol..
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Old 13-03-2012, 18:59   #1057
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by ***Mr D*** View Post
Come on Garinda, sure her friend who cannabis has helped is a total waste of time, a looser and ready to apear on Jerremy Kyle, whilst rolling one?

What cloud are you on? read what she put, and prey tell what club is this.

Here is part of it again.

but Cannabis, well, all I know is that it helped to save the life of someone I know, due to the fact that it is an appetite stimulant

Not on a cloud, thats for Yourself and kestrelx
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Old 13-03-2012, 23:54   #1058
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by ***Mr D*** View Post
Previously anyone who may mention cannabis isnt all bad have been mocked by Garinda, read the thred if you want proof. I was just expecting the same reply to her.

Also Jaysay seem to be contradicing his usuall stance now Katex has mentioned her friend and the use of cannabis she is now "in his club"
I agree with you here Mr D! I think Garinda's OD'd on this thread now!
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Old 14-03-2012, 00:11   #1059
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by katex View Post

As for cannabis, I am sitting on the fence on this. I'm sure lots of drug users have started off smoking this, before moving on to the others, but also think many haven't; just like my drug habit of cigarettes has not enticed me to move on to cannabis.

If you speak to youngish adults these days, most admit they have had a period of smoking it in their teenage/early 20's and never smoked it since. Whereas, they're all still drinking alchohol..
But the first drug most people start with is alcohol! Then some may start smoking tobacco, then some may start on a bit of cannabis! Then some may try some heroin! But alcohol or tobacco may be their first drug. Recalling my first drink of alcohol - it wasn't nice and is now an aquired taste but back then you do it because it's socially expected/ and because of peer-group pressure! Likewise my first cigarettes were gut wrenching, again you get used to it!

That's a good point katex, that a lot of people do smoke cannabis in late teens early 20's then stop. But carry on drinking alcohol!
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Old 14-03-2012, 00:14   #1060
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Kestrelx's mate Prof Nutt Case was on Breakfast TV this morning seems caffeine is also very harmful now
I've been searching for a mention of this but have been unable to find anything that mentions Prof Nutt and caffeine! There was some mention on the news today though that too much red meat can lead to bowel cancer but that's another subject altogether!

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Old 14-03-2012, 09:47   #1061

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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by ***Mr D*** View Post
Would you all agree though that the current laws don't seem to be working.
I think the current laws are perfectly adequate. The problem is that we don't have enough police officers and the punishment for people caught with illegal drugs are far to lenient

Originally Posted by ***Mr D*** View Post
I never seem to get a reply when I mention Decriminalisation of cannabis, which is my thoughts as I do not agree with legalisation.
He is a reply for you - it is a stupid idea.
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Old 14-03-2012, 10:05   #1062
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
I've been searching for a mention of this but have been unable to find anything that mentions Prof Nutt and caffeine! There was some mention on the news today though that too much red meat can lead to bowel cancer but that's another subject altogether!

It was a follow on from the meat issue
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Old 14-03-2012, 12:37   #1063
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
I think the current laws are perfectly adequate. The problem is that we don't have enough police officers and the punishment for people caught with illegal drugs are far to lenient

He is a reply for you - it is a stupid idea.

When I first smoked fags I had to force myself to like it - the attitude of people around me was "be a man take your tobacco!" That was the attitude of working people back in the 20th Century! Same with alcohol - first time I drank beer I cringed! So basically these 2 drugs are acquired tastes brought on by social conditioning! However in these times we are finding the government is more concerned with changing those attitudes that drinking and smoking are cool and essential parts of being adults!

However not forgetting that New Labour gave us 24 hour drinking and sowed the seeds for the Binge drinking culture!

Last edited by kestrelx; 14-03-2012 at 12:42.
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Old 14-03-2012, 12:59   #1064
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Cigarettes and alcohol are bad for you if you exagerate but they are not illegal.

Can't imagine why anyone would carry on doing something they didn't enjoy first time around, just to be a part of the crowd, myself -but it takes all sorts, some are born weaker.

This morning my neighbours son, aged 22 called to say Goodbye, he is friends with both my boys. They hugged, wished him well and all had tears in their eyes -it has put a shadow over my day. He has had to go into a rehab community because of Heroin addiction. he is a lovely lad, artistic and wouldn't hurt a fly but he ended up being drawn into the worst kind of spiral. He is lucky to have the support of his family, friends and neighbours -lots don't have that. When you are talking of real peoples lives and the effect certain things have on all those around them, I wish those of you who speak in defence of these Illegal substances would be be less flippant, stop making out that in some way it's cool do have dabbled and come out unscathed and would basically put a sock in it!

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Old 14-03-2012, 13:22   #1065
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?

Originally Posted by katex View Post
Isn't it OK to have some for personal use now ?
No you can still be done for possession, most police see it as a waste of time for small amounts and will either make you destroy it there and then, or take it and issue a street caution.

You can be arrested for it and charged in court though.

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
I think the current laws are perfectly adequate. The problem is that we don't have enough police officers and the punishment for people caught with illegal drugs are far to lenient

He is a reply for you - it is a stupid idea.
So what punishment would you dish out for people caught with personal amounts of illegal drugs.

As I have mentioned Cannabis lets use this as an example.

Why is it a stupid idea? This would free up police time to spend tackling other crimes.

Originally Posted by mobertol View Post
I wish those of you who speak in defence of these Illegal substances would be be less flippant, stop making out that in some way it's cool do have dabbled and come out unscathed and would basically put a sock in it!
If your calling someone please put a name to it.
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