Originally Posted by kestrelx
Clever  It's well known that sugar is highly addictive and put in many ready meals etc - the woman in question was a fitness trainer - do some research or a google search and you will see this is fact!  Or is deliberate ignorance your style. 
There was no need to make it personal, clever....

I ask you????
Seeing I don't watch The Wright Stuff, I prefer Jeremy Kyle, it's more intellectual

I am at a loss to whom this 'woman' is, you see I have a life and as such do not have the inclination or the time to look into your pro drug ramblings on here.
So no it is not deliberate ignorance, just apathy really.
Did you not grasp, the simple fact, the majority of the posters on here don't for one second believe these mind altering substances should be legalised and you are in a minority, oh hold on your so dumb you don't realise that do you
So congratulations you ...............thing ( I would be banned instantly for my very witty and scathing reply)

you are now on my ignore list, enjoy your trolling, I won't be bothered by the rubbish you post.
Have a nice life, I have no doubt you will grace me with red karma, oooooh I am so scared, or even go as far as complaining I have upset you be saying nasty words to you....... Well if your that petty, I really think you are, so be it.
Right time to enjoy the Om Song again, or should I just play Disaster Area's latest album?