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12-02-2013, 09:15
Resting in Peace
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by Eric
Nope. Sugar is not a drug.
Quite right Eric and I haven't used it for years
12-02-2013, 09:24
Resting in Peace
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by Boeing Guy
A drug is described as:
A substance that has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body, in particular.
So while Caffeine is a drug, one I enjoy a lot in fresh coffee, I fail to see sugar as one. Even the highly refined stuff we have in our foods.
This doscussion has been going on for 95 pages now and we are still bickering, I have had enough, I will not post again on this topic.
I'm with you BG it won't be long before the usual suspects will be trying to tell us that eating cornflakes is addictive, and for heavens sake lay of the raspberry jam its the new heroine 
12-02-2013, 15:03
Resting In Peace
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by Boeing Guy
A drug is described as:
A substance that has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body, in particular.
So while Caffeine is a drug, one I enjoy a lot in fresh coffee, I fail to see sugar as one. Even the highly refined stuff we have in our foods.
Originally Posted by jaysay
I'm with you BG it won't be long before the usual suspects will be trying to tell us that eating cornflakes is addictive, and for heavens sake lay of the raspberry jam its the new heroine 
Woman in NZ dies from drinking Coke after being addicted and drinking up to 10 litres a day...
The coroner calculated that drinking 10 litres (17.5 pints) of Coke amounted to more than 1kg (2.2lb) of sugar and 970mg of caffeine, Television New Zealand (TVNZ) reports.
This is twice the recommended safe limit of caffeine and more than 11 times the recommended sugar intake.
BBC News - Coca-Cola drinking 'linked to New Zealander's death'
Let sleeping polar bears lie...
12-02-2013, 15:23
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by susie123
Woman in NZ dies from drinking Coke after being addicted and drinking up to 10 litres a day...
Hardly what I'd call a typical or scientific example though is it?
More like tabloid sensationalism that some tend to use as poor examples for their weak arguments.

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Winnie the Pooh
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12-02-2013, 18:08
Resting in Peace
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by susie123
Woman in NZ dies from drinking Coke after being addicted and drinking up to 10 litres a day...
The coroner calculated that drinking 10 litres (17.5 pints) of Coke amounted to more than 1kg (2.2lb) of sugar and 970mg of caffeine, Television New Zealand (TVNZ) reports.
This is twice the recommended safe limit of caffeine and more than 11 times the recommended sugar intake.
BBC News - Coca-Cola drinking 'linked to New Zealander's death'
And so your point is, if you drink that amount of water a day you'll end up with the same result, death
12-02-2013, 18:18
Resting In Peace
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by jaysay
And so your point is, if you drink that amount of water a day you'll end up with the same result, death
Errr no, that's your point.
I give up    
Let sleeping polar bears lie...
12-02-2013, 18:49
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by susie123
Susie, Google 'Death by water intoxication'.
One woman died after drinking 2x2litre bottles quickly.
So 10 litres of Coke- yes an excess of sugar and caffeine wouldn't help but neither would 10 litres of water.
An excess of anything can be harm full and kill but that doesn't make it a drug.
You need salt but try swallowing a packet or being shipwrecked and having to drink sea water and see where you end up.
12-02-2013, 19:04
Resting in Peace
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by susie123
Well I would, your certainly not winning any arguments by keep backing up a druggie with any clap trap that he tries to justify is predilections with
Last edited by jaysay; 12-02-2013 at 19:07.
12-02-2013, 19:08
Resting In Peace
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by Gordon Booth
Susie, Google 'Death by water intoxication'.
One woman died after drinking 2x2litre bottles quickly.
So 10 litres of Coke- yes an excess of sugar and caffeine wouldn't help but neither would 10 litres of water.
An excess of anything can be harm full and kill but that doesn't make it a drug.
You need salt but try swallowing a packet or being shipwrecked and having to drink sea water and see where you end up.
I did exactly that Gordon, that has been known about for yonks.
My frustration is with folks who don't see that things like sugar (not just sugar, note) have an effect on the body above and beyond their role (questionable in any case) in nutrition. The physiological effects can be hard to grasp from the scientific literature but yes I would go so far as to call them drugs.
Anyway as this thread is about illegal drugs I had better shut up or get back to that subject or who knows where I'll end up.
Let sleeping polar bears lie...
12-02-2013, 19:19
Resting in Peace
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by susie123
I did exactly that Gordon, that has been known about for yonks.
My frustration is with folks who don't see that things like sugar (not just sugar, note) have an effect on the body above and beyond their role (questionable in any case) in nutrition. The physiological effects can be hard to grasp from the scientific literature but yes I would go so far as to call them drugs.
Anyway as this thread is about illegal drugs I had better shut up or get back to that subject or who knows where I'll end up.
That as been the point all along, but as I said earlier, there are those who try and justify drug taking by linking other LEGAL SUBSTANCES
12-02-2013, 19:23
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by susie123
I did exactly that Gordon, that has been known about for yonks.
My frustration is with folks who don't see that things like sugar (not just sugar, note) have an effect on the body above and beyond their role (questionable in any case) in nutrition. The physiological effects can be hard to grasp from the scientific literature but yes I would go so far as to call them drugs.
Try eating 11 times your nutritional requirement of steak every day and see what that does to you. Try taking deep breaths 11 times as fast as you should and see how long before you pass out. Steak isn't a drug, neither is air.
If sugar is a drug how come people can cut it out and use sweeteners with no problems? I couldn't just stop smoking( although I could try sucking sweeteners instead?)
Originally Posted by susie123
Anyway as this thread is about illegal drugs I had better shut up or get back to that subject or who knows where I'll end up.
Last edited by Neil; 13-02-2013 at 09:44.
Reason: fix quote
12-02-2013, 19:50
Resting In Peace
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by Gordon Booth
..Try eating 11 times your nutritional requirement of steak every day and see what that does to you. Try taking deep breaths 11 times as fast as you should and see how long before you pass out. Steak isn't a drug, neither is air.
If sugar is a drug how come people can cut it out and use sweeteners with no problems?
Arrgghh!! this is getting silly. Of course I wouldn't say that steak is a drug but we're talking about effects on the body with things like sugar that go far deeper than nutrition as I said before. I'm not trying to brag or be a clever clogs but I do have a PhD in sugar chemistry so please grant me a little insight.
And we're talking here about the effects far above those seen with the recommended daily intake of such things.
BTW looking at some of the none too pretty sights wandering the streets I'm beginning to wonder if steak etc is not a drug for some folks! 
Let sleeping polar bears lie...
12-02-2013, 19:57
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by susie123
BTW looking at some of the none too pretty sights wandering the streets I'm beginning to wonder if steak etc is not a drug for some folks! 
It's not their fault, susie. They didn't know they were eating horse meat!
12-02-2013, 19:59
Resting In Peace
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by Gordon Booth
It's not their fault, susie. They didn't know they were eating horse meat!
Phew!! Thank you Gordon for that bit of light relief!
Let sleeping polar bears lie...
12-02-2013, 21:15
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Re: Legalise "Illegal" Drugs?
Originally Posted by jaysay
Well I would, your certainly not winning any arguments by keep backing up a druggie with any clap trap that he tries to justify is predilections with
Susie has her own opinions. She ain't 'backing him up' and with her background she has more sensible things to input in a stupid bull**** thread such as this than most users seem to have. (see my posts for example)
There really is no need to keep calling him a druggie. He has said he is no longer a drug user more than once.
On a lighter note. How the hell does someone drink 10 litres of coke a day? geeeeese
Last edited by Restless; 12-02-2013 at 21:23.
Reason: scrap this rubbish thread!!!
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