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Old 16-02-2008, 15:27   #16
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Licence to smoke!!

Excuse me while I laugh, (or should that be cough).

So if I don't have a valid permit and I'm smoking somewhere they wouldn't be able to prosecute me because without this piece of identity how would they know who I am?
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Accrington Web
Old 16-02-2008, 15:42   #17
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Re: Licence to smoke!!

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Excuse me while I laugh, (or should that be cough).

So if I don't have a valid permit and I'm smoking somewhere they wouldn't be able to prosecute me because without this piece of identity how would they know who I am?
Shuuuuuussssssssh Less they haven't thought about that yet, no doubt some one will put them on the right tracks, eventually
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Old 16-02-2008, 15:43   #18
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Licence to smoke!!

Originally Posted by keetah992000 View Post
i think its a great idea - so long as shop keepers stick to only selling ciggies when people have the permit -
but how are they going to police it have to be scanned each time they sell ciggies ......?
theres always one.
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Old 17-02-2008, 00:00   #19
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Re: Licence to smoke!!

cashman - i say that as a smoker who is trying to give up - i just know i couldnt be bothered to go and get the permit - so i would have to stop - so for me personally it would be good- whoever i guess for thoise who dont want to give up it will be a bit nasty - still it probably wont come to pass eh !!
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Old 17-02-2008, 00:28   #20
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Re: Licence to smoke!!

i also keep trying to stop keetah, but what p1sses me right off is people telling me n silly restrictions, (dont mean you) it just makes me say stuff em com i am a real awkward get.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 17-02-2008, 08:00   #21
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Re: Licence to smoke!!

As a hardened smoker myself I might support this plan if other dangerous lifestyle choices were to be similarly licensed. For example, it is well known that playing Rugby is dangerous and players often end up in hospital as a result of the game - a cost to the NHS - and some have even lost their lives as a result of such injuries. If I have to have a licence to smoke then others should also have to have a licence. In fact any activity or behaviour which can potentially result in injury, illness or death should require a licence. If only to deflect the criticism of victimizing a minority of the population.
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
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Old 17-02-2008, 15:18   #22
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Re: Licence to smoke!!

Originally Posted by Acrylic-bob View Post
As a hardened smoker myself I might support this plan if other dangerous lifestyle choices were to be similarly licensed. For example, it is well known that playing Rugby is dangerous and players often end up in hospital as a result of the game - a cost to the NHS - and some have even lost their lives as a result of such injuries. If I have to have a licence to smoke then others should also have to have a licence. In fact any activity or behaviour which can potentially result in injury, illness or death should require a licence. If only to deflect the criticism of victimizing a minority of the population.
Exactly A-B .. who knows where it could lead. Like people who are considered a little overweight ? Would they have to have a licence to buy one of those yummie calorie loaded chocolate eclairs laced with fresh double cream.

Do you think there would be any circumstances whereby people would not be granted a licence ? (besides the age thing). 'You can't afford it' or 'You ugly enough without encouraging poxy skin later in life'. Mind boggles.
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Old 20-02-2008, 18:43   #23
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Re: Licence to smoke!!

The whole anti smoking thing is crazy. Take the labels on the packages for example; one of ours says "Smoking is highly addictive." No s**t Sherlock! Damn, I always wondered why I kept buying the darned things. Anyone who is too stupid to realize that smoking is addictive or dangerous should be neutered and taken out of the gene pool. One major argument that our smoking nazis use is that smokers put a large financial burden on the health care system. Funnily enough, much of the funding for the system comes from taxes on ..... you guessed it, cigarettes.

Making silly laws against smokers, laws which marginalize a large group which is actually doing nothing illegal, is a way for government to appear to be doing something, when they are actually doing nothing. To go up against the individual smoker is easy. To confront a major corporation about it's pollution producing plants and products is not so easy. They trot out hundreds of high priced lawyers and pay a mickey mouse fine. "Hypocrisy" comes to mind.
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Old 20-02-2008, 19:06   #24
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Re: Licence to smoke!!

seems to me its like smoking in pubs and bars, everyone laughed and said it would never happen ...........Doh did . I've come to the conclusion that ALL these PC left wing 'liberals' are just totalitarian fascists in a different cloak and should be treated the same ....

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Old 23-02-2008, 17:10   #25
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Angry Re: Licence to smoke!!

Has no one noticed that practically daily some clown in government comes up with a ridiculous idea that gets us up in arms and is taking our collective eyes off the major issue?

The European Constitution and the fact that we were promised a referendum but we are not going to get one because the title of the document has changed, thus making it different, thus not making it subject to a promise.

We are being kept busy on non-issues whilst the government slowly but surely ties us up with the EU behind our backs.
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