20-02-2008, 18:43
God Member
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Re: Licence to smoke!!
The whole anti smoking thing is crazy. Take the labels on the packages for example; one of ours says "Smoking is highly addictive." No s**t Sherlock! Damn, I always wondered why I kept buying the darned things. Anyone who is too stupid to realize that smoking is addictive or dangerous should be neutered and taken out of the gene pool. One major argument that our smoking nazis use is that smokers put a large financial burden on the health care system. Funnily enough, much of the funding for the system comes from taxes on ..... you guessed it, cigarettes.
Making silly laws against smokers, laws which marginalize a large group which is actually doing nothing illegal, is a way for government to appear to be doing something, when they are actually doing nothing. To go up against the individual smoker is easy. To confront a major corporation about it's pollution producing plants and products is not so easy. They trot out hundreds of high priced lawyers and pay a mickey mouse fine. "Hypocrisy" comes to mind.