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Old 07-04-2007, 00:33   #46
God Member

Re: Lie Detector tests

Come on .. be honest .. just imagine if you had to take a lie detector test on this site.... most of you would have been banged up for life!
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Old 07-04-2007, 01:43   #47
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Re: Lie Detector tests

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
This sort of attitude to depression really makes me angry.
well if depression is so bad then perhaps teh best thing is to swing off teh end of a bloody rope

oh i cant work no more because ime depressed i got into debt , oh i cant work because im feeling down a lot lately

bollox its an illness not so long ago all you had to do was tell a doctor you were fed up a bit and you got a prescription for prozac

people have genuine psycological problems that can cause them trouble but going on teh sick and disabilty because you got a bit sad that you dont like your job is not an illness its an excuse

Do you suppose for one minute anyone would choose not to 'cheer up' if they could?
yes we call them goths
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Old 07-04-2007, 06:49   #48
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Re: Lie Detector tests

We should remember one thing if the civil service can make a pigs ear of something they will. This will cost a thousand times more than it has any chance of saving.
But it doesn’t matter the faithful tax payer will foot the bill
Coming back to life
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Old 07-04-2007, 15:43   #49
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Re: Lie Detector tests

Originally Posted by chav1 View Post
not so long ago all you had to do was tell a doctor you were fed up a bit and you got a prescription for prozac
and people became addicted to prescription drugs and had to be weaned off them like other drug addicts.

Originally Posted by chav1 View Post
people have genuine psycological problems that can cause them trouble but going on teh sick and disabilty because you got a bit sad that you dont like your job is not an illness its an excuse
'got a bit sad' is nothing to do with clinical depression. It's probably the fault of the name itself - people use the term 'depressed' to mean 'feeling sad' but clinical depression is not 'feeling a bit sad' or even feeling a lot sad. It's often a total inability to interact or even to think. Someone suffering from depression often acts like a zombie and goes through the motions of existence on automatic pilot. They cannot think for themselves or react to outside stimuli. Would you like to be in a bus driven by a person who couldn't react to a sudden traffic problem? or how about a surgeon who couldn't react properly if the patient suddenly went into cardiac arrest?

Your attitude and lack of compassion for something you do not understand thoroughly disgusts me.

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Old 07-04-2007, 16:02   #50
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Re: Lie Detector tests

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post

Your attitude and lack of compassion for something you do not understand thoroughly disgusts me.
and your whining disgusts me , any moron can say they feel depressed and get a giro for it , i assume you have probably suffered clinical depression seen as you brought clinical depression to teh table where as i was only talking about the benefit fruadsters who simply get benefit by claiming depression when infact all they are is a little fed up

if you lack the mental ability to cope with life then at least have the decency to top your self quietly so as not to bother everyone else who manages to cope
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Old 07-04-2007, 20:02   #51
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Re: Lie Detector tests

Does anyone remember the topic of this thread or are we just fed-up with it now?

Ok, this thread has now been cleaned up, it’s not perfect but it will do.
Although it’s great to see a debate argued with such passions, all we ask is, could you please refrain from insulting one and other ‘difficult at times’ I know but there's no need.

Please do not reply to this post as it will be off topic and therefore deleted.

Last edited by Len; 08-04-2007 at 10:34.
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Old 07-04-2007, 20:09   #52
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Re: Lie Detector tests

I'll get back on thread.
I think the thought of having to take one will make some people think twice before claiming. There will always be those who dont care and will pass the test but surely the govt wont solely rely on the lie detector tests.
'The views expressed here are my own and are not necessarily those of the site'
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Old 08-04-2007, 10:23   #53
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Re: Lie Detector tests

I work for one branch of the DWP (what used to be DHSS or whatever you choose to call it). I can state categorically that there is no US and THEM in the decisions. (I know I make them). It is not down to race, religion, creed or whatever, it is down to whether or not you are entitled.

As for the depression Chav you have to either know someone who suffers from it or suffer from it yourself to understand it. I can understand why people have attacked you for your statements.
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Old 08-04-2007, 11:46   #54
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Re: Lie Detector tests

Originally Posted by Stanaccy View Post
I work for one branch of the DWP (what used to be DHSS or whatever you choose to call it). I can state categorically that there is no US and THEM in the decisions. (I know I make them). It is not down to race, religion, creed or whatever, it is down to whether or not you are entitled.

As for the depression Chav you have to either know someone who suffers from it or suffer from it yourself to understand it. I can understand why people have attacked you for your statements.
Was that I saw a pig that just flew past my window, please dig my yet again rejected claim out, and please ask them to review it, and if you want add arthritis and depression to it do so, as I my claim was deemed strong enough by all the medical bodies that attend to my complaint, except the DWP doctor or whoever rubber stamps these decisions in Manchester.
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Old 08-04-2007, 14:26   #55
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Re: Lie Detector tests

Originally Posted by Stanaccy View Post

As for the depression Chav you have to either know someone who suffers from it or suffer from it yourself to understand it. I can understand why people have attacked you for your statements.
As I said elsewhere, I have a friend whose husband was/is a sufferer and as a result at the deepest darkest times the whole family suffered. To an outsider it may have looked like he was swinging the lead, it didn't look like there was anything wrong with him, but you had to know the family well to know the hell they were going through. It wasn't even something the wife would share with many because it left her feeling inadequate at not being able to cope with and help her husband. It's impossible for the unqualified to judge who is or is not genuine.

If anyone had said to him "if you lack the mental ability to cope with life then at least have the decency to top your self quietly so as not to bother everyone else who manages to cope" he probably would have done it. His wife and children would not have been grateful for that - they wouldn't have felt less bothered. They would have been devastated. They'd have been heartborken because in spite of everything they love him and just wanted to get back the same old husband and father they knew.

If you are someone who is able to cope with whatever life chucks at you then by all means be thankful for that but please don't belittle others who can't. I wouldn't say to someone with a physical ailment, "Look my body can handle
that situation so why can't yours? Get control of it or end your less than perfect existence so the able bodied people around don't have to be troubled by the sight of your imperfect body" That would be an appalling thing to say and incredibly cruel and yet people can be equally cruel to those with invisible disabilities.


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Old 08-04-2007, 21:40   #56
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Re: Lie Detector tests

chav, an alcholic gets nearly twice as much as somone led at home rotting with cancer
As I sit here at home rotting with cancer your post quite amuse me chav as all your post do, you are right, I get mesel down to pub and do me best to become an alki, when I fall asleep some kind soul shoves me into cab, the morning after 2Diazapam gets shut of the dee'pression, hey presto ready to die another day.
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Old 08-04-2007, 22:01   #57
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Re: Lie Detector tests

Have one of those silly little stickers on my printer Ianto which says:-

"Depression is merely anger .. without the enthusiasm" Perhaps so. x
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Old 08-04-2007, 22:14   #58
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Re: Lie Detector tests

Originally Posted by katex View Post
Have one of those silly little stickers on my printer Ianto which says:-

"Depression is merely anger .. without the enthusiasm" Perhaps so. x
Why the frown kate it were lovely to meet you, My life is and will continue to be a bowl of cherries XXX
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Old 08-04-2007, 22:19   #59
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Re: Lie Detector tests

Originally Posted by Ianto.W. View Post
Why the frown kate it were lovely to meet you, My life is and will continue to be a bowl of cherries XXX
Not frowning at you Ianto ... the sticker has that ..
Just thought a little truth in a description of depression that's all.x
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Old 08-04-2007, 22:41   #60
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Re: Lie Detector tests

Originally Posted by Stanaccy View Post
I can state categorically that there is no US and THEM in the decisions.
Absolute drivel there IS an us and them just as there is an us and them when trying to get a job (the poles are the new asians)

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