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Old 09-04-2007, 14:32   #76
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Re: Lie Detector tests

Originally Posted by Ianto.W. View Post
My sentiments entirely claytonender, you should not have to employ a 'Philadelphia Lawyer' to fill a claim form in for you. I wonder how many people have gone to their graves earlier than they should have, fighting for what they believed were their rights.
The sad thung is that 'false' claimants know what answers to give and will lie quite blatanly to get it.
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Old 09-04-2007, 14:35   #77
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Re: Lie Detector tests

the sad fact is that most people claim falsely is because they cant live off what they have already!
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Old 10-04-2007, 05:07   #78
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Re: Lie Detector tests

From a personal view claiming benifits on behalf of someone is difficulit enough.

When my mother was diagnoised with Lung Cancer she asked me to go and live with her, this I did without question and my employers helped by letting me pick shifts that meant I would be at home at nights, and she told me that it would only be for a "few months"!

She got a good care package and some extra benifits that the Social Worker in hospital told her about, when she asked about "Carer Allowence" for me she was told that as I was working during the day and that she had carers going in that she couldn't claim for me.

When I asked about a stair-lift for her so that she could go upstairs to use the bath we were told that it would take approx 6 weeks to get one fitted if granted.

Mother was happy about that but sadley she died after 5 weeks and never got to use her bath again, I informed the revelent office of the change in circumstances and on the day of her funeral a workman came to measure up for the stair-lift!! The information had not been passed between the departments and I think that sometimes that holds up or gets claims rejected is the lack on communications between offices.....
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Old 10-04-2007, 08:52   #79

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Re: Lie Detector tests

Originally Posted by panther View Post
the sad fact is that most people claim falsely is because they cant live off what they have already!
That just shows how naive I am.
I thought most people claimed falsely because they can't be bothered to get of their backsides and get a job. After all free money, housing, education, healthcare etc etc isn't enough is it, some people need to make false claims to pay for their beer and fags as well.

I have absolutely nothing against people who make genuine benefit claims, after all that is what the system is there for. I just do not like the vast number of people who think this Country owes them something. You know the ones who have never worked and think they are hard done too because they can't go out every weekend drinking with their mates.

I think that many more people should be employed to catch these cheats. I don't care if it costs more to catch the cheats than the amount of benefit money saved. It comes down to the principle of not getting something you are not entitles too.

Ok rant over.
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Old 10-04-2007, 10:40   #80
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Re: Lie Detector tests

The problem with forms is complicated and a bit of a catch 22. The forms need to be complicated because they need to absolutely prove without any doubt that the person claiming is genuine - if the forms had one question 'I need the money because....' anyone and everyone would sound like a worthy cause.

But then the problem with the forms being complicated is that the genuine complainants then struggle to fill the forms in correctly so get knocked back and the expert form fillers get the money because they know what they're doing.

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Old 10-04-2007, 11:34   #81
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Re: Lie Detector tests

Gayle, But then the problem with the forms being complicated is that the genuine complainants then struggle to fill the forms in correctly so get knocked back and the expert form fillers get the money because they know what they're doing.
That just about sums it up Gayle, with one exception, when my mum was dying, given 6 months to live we got a letter off the doctor stating the fact, she got a home visit from the 'social' this woman filled her forms in, mum read them, and we had tried to keep it from her 'that she was going to die'. suffice to say she got the ' full monty', for about 3 months.
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Old 10-04-2007, 11:41   #82
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Re: Lie Detector tests

Originally Posted by panther View Post
the sad fact is that most people claim falsely is because they cant live off what they have already!

i think people claim falsely because they get greedy and live beyond there means....i'm on benefits and have been for ages, i'm not proud of the fact that the state is keeping me but i would never ever dream of putting a false claim in, i get £93 a week income support and £17 odd child benefit, i get my council tax and housing benefit paid too, i'm not in any debt whatsoever, never have been,never will be, if i need anything i will either save up for it or do without, i manage just fine off what i have and my bills are ALWAYS paid, Reece never goes without and never will, i see myself going back to work in the near future, not because i will be made to but because i WANT to
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Old 10-04-2007, 17:29   #83
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Re: Lie Detector tests

Originally Posted by Stanaccy View Post
I said I work for a part of the DWP and part of my job is making decisions, I have to make the decision backed by THE LAW!
I have no arguement with you or the law my point is why are spongers coming here to our country and the first thing they do is apply for benefits and annoyingly most of the time get them. If I wanted to go to Australia I'm sure they would tell me where to go if I had nothing to offer them. Pregnant women and sick people are coming here and being allowed in only to drain our health service of much needed resources.

Rant only just begun!!!

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Old 10-04-2007, 18:30   #84

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Re: Lie Detector tests

Originally Posted by Bagpuss View Post
my point is why are spongers coming here to our country and the first thing they do is apply for benefits and annoyingly most of the time get them.
I agree totally. Its this stupid EU open borders rubbish that we have. We should ditch that straight away and only let people in that meet a strict criteria. None of them should be entitled to claim benefits until they have paid into the system. I would allow them basic emergency medicine but nothing routine.
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Old 10-04-2007, 20:12   #85
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Re: Lie Detector tests

I think its Norway where you have to have been in the country for 7 years before you're entitled to claim, if you can't afford to do that you can't go there. My mate who lives there says they dont have an immigration problem!
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Old 10-04-2007, 21:16   #86
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Re: Lie Detector tests

Originally Posted by Bagpuss View Post
I have no arguement with you or the law my point is why are spongers coming here to our country and the first thing they do is apply for benefits and annoyingly most of the time get them.

The point is THEY DON'T get them most of the time. It's a fallacy. As I said earlier if you choose to believe certain elements of the press then fine. The fact is the majority of immigrants to this country actually arrive from Europe and do so to get jobs. Not to exploit our benefit system. FFS how the hell can £55 a week be an incentive for anyone to come into a country?

In fact if you arrive from Europe and you want to claim you are better off staying at home. Yes they arrive to work and in 2005 put in £126m (this figure is from a white supremacists website). They do not bleed the country dry, they do not turn up to claim benefits etc.

Oh and as for the fact they are turning up stealing our jobs? Don't make me laugh, nobody here would do half the jobs they do for the salary they are being paid. In that case its the employers fault not the people doing the job.

Most immigrants I actually make decisions on are not entitled. Oh and conversely most fraudulent claims are by people born here.
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Old 10-04-2007, 21:40   #87
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Re: Lie Detector tests

Originally Posted by Stanaccy View Post
Oh and as for the fact they are turning up stealing our jobs? Don't make me laugh
You might be in a position to know about a local firm who made 50 English workers and this includes asians redundant. As I've said in another thread these jobs have now been filled by Polish workers doing the jobs for less money. This to me is job stealing because the jobs should still be being done by English employees. Some of these Polish workers are here for 6 months but some of the workers who lost their jobs will never work again, it stinks. Has anyone tried to join an employment agency recently because if you do you will find they are not taking anybody on because their books are full of eastern europeans who will work for less than the minimum wage for a few months then off they go.
Open your eyes and see the truth.

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Old 10-04-2007, 21:42   #88
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Re: Lie Detector tests

You make some valid points, Stanaccy, but there is another side to this. European immigrants, as you rightly say, are coming here to work and will do so for low wages. They do not, generally, claim Benefits but they do claim Tax Credits because, as EEC members, they are entitled to them despite never having contributed to the Exchequer before their arrival. They are not cheating and they are not given any preference but their low wages are, often, being supplemented by the State.
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Old 10-04-2007, 21:49   #89
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Re: Lie Detector tests

As I said in the post above blame the employers in that case not the people doing the work.

If they are doing work for less than the minimum wage and you know the employer, report them to HMRC. Don't sit there moaning do something about it.

If they are doing the work for minimum wage which previously was a lot higher, then blame the employer not the person doing the work, they are the one being exploited. Get their support and start a campaign, get the unions and the press involved, name and shame. Whingeing on here will not solve anything.

For all the rhetoric I have yet to see any facts.
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Old 10-04-2007, 21:56   #90
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Re: Lie Detector tests

No-one should be working for less than the minimum wage.

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