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Old 31-01-2009, 19:46   #151

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Re: Living off the fat of the land.

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
If he can adequately feed himself in our most expensive city for £12.30, why the need for a £25.00 upper limit?
It is possible like Kate has been saying that people can find themselves in a hotel out of the way and be forced to use the hotel restaurant. I am well aware what that is like and that they know how to charge. I suppose you have to decide if it is cheaper to eat in the hotel or to get a the taxi to and from somewhere else to eat.

When you are away on business, especially on your own, it is often just easier after a long day to stay in the hotel. A meal, couple of drinks and off to bed. Been there done that
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Old 31-01-2009, 19:46   #152
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Re: Living off the fat of the land.

I think it's called flexibility Garinda. As you say, its a limit, so you don't need to get your knickers in a twist. An independent review came up with the figure. Perhaps its these independents that are getting things wrong.
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Old 31-01-2009, 20:04   #153
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Re: Living off the fat of the land.

Originally Posted by andrewb View Post
I think it's called flexibility Garinda. As you say, its a limit, so you don't need to get your knickers in a twist. An independent review came up with the figure. Perhaps its these independents that are getting things wrong.
I never get in a twist, even for Chubby Checker, but judging from the letters to the Observer, it's not just myself who think this massive percentage increase is unwarranted, and certainly inopportune given the very real hardships people are facing financially because of the credit crunch.

It also seems that a good number of our councillors were opposed to the increases too.
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Old 31-01-2009, 20:08   #154
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Re: Living off the fat of the land.

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
When you are away on business, especially on your own, it is often just easier after a long day to stay in the hotel. A meal, couple of drinks and off to bed. Been there done that
Same here, and similarly my employer was footing the bill, not the public purse.

Let's just hope the people of Hyndburn think the increases are worth it, when they are paying for it via their council Tax bills.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 31-01-2009, 20:13   #155
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Re: Living off the fat of the land.

Originally Posted by garinda View Post

It also seems that a good number of our councillors were opposed to the increases too.
Yeh, but only opposed in the principle of not increasing in the face of the credit crunch, etc., etc., etc., political move .. not the reality of situations.

Like all letters to the press, most are in a derogatory way against an issue, and most people who agree do not write in to them, so they probably had no choices on the 'agree' side ... in fact, none ... to be fair to the Observer, they do like to put up an opposite view ... Might write one myself for next weeks .. LOL.
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Old 31-01-2009, 20:21   #156
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Re: Living off the fat of the land.

Originally Posted by katex View Post
Yeh, but only opposed in the principle of not increasing in the face of the credit crunch, etc., etc., etc., political move .. not the reality of situations.
The reality of the situation is you'd be hard pressed to find anyone in the public, or private sector, having such massively increased allowances at the present moment.

Well you might, but you can bet your bottom dollar they'll be bust this time next year.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 31-01-2009, 20:27   #157
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Re: Living off the fat of the land.

Originally Posted by katex View Post
Like all letters to the press, most are in a derogatory way against an issue, and most people who agree do not write in to them, so they probably had no choices on the 'agree' side ... in fact, none ... to be fair to the Observer, they do like to put up an opposite view ... Might write one myself for next weeks .. LOL.
You'll have to trust me on this one, my motive in highlighting this certainly isn't political.

In all honesty I'd be just as vociferous in my condemnation if it'd been a Labour controlled council who had done this.

Like I said earlier, it was only yesterday that I branded this (Labour) government 'cretins'.

I have no political axe to grind.

I just worry when we decide to buy a brand new shiney new axe, at some considerable cost, when the one we already had worked perfectly well.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 31-01-2009, 20:38   #158
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Re: Living off the fat of the land.

Originally Posted by katex View Post
Yeh, but only opposed in the principle of not increasing in the face of the credit crunch, etc., etc., etc., political move .. not the reality of situations.
The overnight accommodation allowance rose by 49%, the food allowance more than 100%.

The reality being that if this limit was adequate last year, as it seems to be for neighbouring councils, even given inflation, these increases are huge.

That is the reality of the situation.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 31-01-2009, 21:28   #159
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Re: Living off the fat of the land.

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Same here, and similarly my employer was footing the bill, not the public purse.

Let's just hope the people of Hyndburn think the increases are worth it, when they are paying for it via their council Tax bills.
Lets deal with reality, facts, figures. If 5 councillors have been to London, even at upper limit that's £170+£35 for breakfast, lunch and evening meal. Times by 5, although I am not aware of them all going in one year, but lets be conservative with the value.

That's 0.007% of the council budget. Do you spend much time watching for your milkman slipping?

Oh yes, £35 for a days allowance in London, that's exactly the same as Unison the trade union, or at least it was a few years ago.
formerly cyfr

Last edited by andrewb; 31-01-2009 at 21:31.
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Old 31-01-2009, 21:37   #160
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Re: Living off the fat of the land.

i believe they should just be given a set wage,then we see if they really wanted to go to london....
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Old 31-01-2009, 21:41   #161
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Re: Living off the fat of the land.

Originally Posted by andrewb View Post
Lets deal with reality, facts, figures. If 5 councillors have been to London, even at upper limit that's £170+£35 for breakfast, lunch and evening meal. Times by 5, although I am not aware of them all going in one year, but lets be conservative with the value.

That's 0.007% of the council budget. Do you spend much time watching for your milkman slipping?

Oh yes, £35 for a days allowance in London, that's exactly the same as Unison the trade union, or at least it was a few years ago.
My query is as to why the allowances needed to be increased by such a massive percentage, way above the rate of inflation, when presumably no one has been out of pocket previously.

Any comment about the facts and figures the £3,000 it apparently costs Hyndburn to send three councillors to the one day Rural Conference?

Or did you miss seeing that because of your political blinkers?

It's mentioned in post 95 by the way.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 31-01-2009, 21:43   #162
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Re: Living off the fat of the land.

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
i believe they should just be given a set wage,then we see if they really wanted to go to london....
They'd hitch hike, and take butties.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 31-01-2009, 21:48   #163
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Re: Living off the fat of the land.

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
The overnight accommodation allowance rose by 49%, the food allowance more than 100%.

The reality being that if this limit was adequate last year, as it seems to be for neighbouring councils, even given inflation, these increases are huge.

That is the reality of the situation.
I think Rindi is playing catchup.....three posts on the trot when one would have done................David1 are you taking note? Bandwith etc, etc etc.?
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Old 31-01-2009, 22:02   #164
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Re: Living off the fat of the land.

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
My query is as to why the allowances needed to be increased by such a massive percentage, way above the rate of inflation, when presumably no one has been out of pocket previously.

Any comment about the facts and figures the £3,000 it apparently costs Hyndburn to send three councillors to the one day Rural Conference?

Or did you miss seeing that because of your political blinkers?

It's mentioned in post 95 by the way.
As I say, trade unions are paying that in expenses. I don't know much about the rural conference but by the sounds of it, its not exactly 100% relevant to Hyndburn. I would take Jones £3,000 figure with a pinch of salt, he tends to be quite economical with the truth when it comes to economics.
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Old 31-01-2009, 22:12   #165
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Re: Living off the fat of the land.

in todays age you would think the council and the goverment would embrace technology by having conferences over the internet and phone but no that would keep them off the gravy train is time for a new political party............
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